The Beloved and Pampered Girl - Chapter 550: Too Much

Chapter 550: Too Much

Chapter 550: Too Much

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

Mo Mos words made Chu Liyuan very happy.

That was because in his heart, Xiaoyang had always been someone who worried him.

That man had been with his girl for five yearsa treatment that even he had never received before.

When Chu Liyuan thought about how Jian Dan had been with Xiaoyang for the past five years, his heart felt like it was being hit by a wooden club.

If this young lady could woo Xiaoyang, he could be rest easy then.

Otherwise, this man who had been thinking about his girl would always been a threat to him.

Jian, you have to help me! Ive been asking him out recently, but he keeps saying that hes very busy. Its been almost a year since we met at Grandma and Grandpa Chus wedding.


Oh, right! Because Jian Dan was about to give birth, she had no time to care about Mo Mo.

Mo Mo, you havent seen Xiaoyang for almost a year. You still havent given up on him?

Give up? Why should I give up? It wasnt easy for me to meet a guy that Ive taken a fancy to. I wont give up so easily!

I believe that as long as I dont give up, he will be moved by my enthusiasm one day.

Looks Mo Mo is really serious about Xiaoyang. Since thats the case, how can I stand by and do nothing?

Since thats the case, Lil lend a helping hand then. Whether they would come together in the end is up to them.

Dont worry, Ill take care of that rascal Xiaoyang for you.

Okay. Jian, youre the best! Mo Mo rushed over and hugged Jian Dan.

Ahem! I think thats enough. Chu Liyuan said.

How could he let someone else hug his girl? Not even a girl!

Only he could hug his girl.

Chu Liyuan, do you have to be so petty?! Im not a man. Do you have to do this? Mo Mo retorted.

Of everyone in the restaurant today, only Mo Mo dared to call Chu Liyuan by his name.


Pfft! Uncle, why are you so cute? Jian Dan looked at Chu Liyuan and pinched his cheeks.

Xia Zijie and Li Jing gasped

She dares to do this to Mr. Chu?

However, Chu Liyuan was not angry at all.

Since Im cute, you can only hug me in the future.

Wait a minute, did we just mishear?

Mr. Chu is actually wheedling Jian Dan?

This is unbelievable!

That wont do! Jian Dan released her grip and crossed her arms in front of her chest. She raised her chin and looked at Chu Liyuan. I want to hug Xiaoxin, Xiaokai, Chu Jian and Chu Dan too.

Upon hearing Jian Dans words, his frown finally relaxed.

Only them!


Enough, you two. I thought its about my brother and sister-in-law today. Why are you two always showing off your affection? Mengjiao said jokingly.

Is this considered public display of affection? This is just my daily life with Uncle, okay? If you guys cant stand it, then theres nothing I can do. Jian Dan said proudly.

Oh my G.o.d! Thats too much. Li Jing echoed.

Since its too much, well leave first then. Chu Liyuan stood up.

Thats right! Uncle and I will leave first. I still have to go back and feed my babies.

Alright. Be careful on the way home.

Okay, dont worry.

By the way, you guys are responsible for sending Mo Mo home safely.

Just go back and feed your babies. Leave Mo Mo to us.
