The Beloved and Pampered Girl - Chapter 518: Opening Ceremony

Chapter 518: Opening Ceremony

Chapter 518: Opening Ceremony

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

Xiaoyang, youre here? Mo Mo rushed over the moment she saw Xiaoyang

The corners of Xiaoyangs mouth twitched when he saw Mo Mo and smiled. Then, he walked past her and walked straight over to Jian Dan. Little Jian Dan, Im sorry for being late. Something came up at the last minute.

Dont worry about it. I understand the nature of your job.

Whats his job? Mo Mo asked as she suddenly poked her head over.

Because Xiaoyangs job needed to be kept a secret, so Hehe, since everyone is here, lets begin. Jian Dan changed the topic.

On the other hand, Xiaoyang was at a loss as to how to respond to Mo Mos forwardness, so he could only hide.

Jian Dan was also very surprised that an artist like Mo Mo would express herself so pa.s.sionately when facing the person she liked.

Its precisely because Mo Mo is too enthusiastic and forward that Xiaoyang doesnt knowhow to respond for a moment.

However, it 11 be a good thing if the two of them can be together in the future.

Since everyone had arrived, the ribbon-cutting ceremony began

The guests today were so important, so there were many people who came to watch the ceremony

As the scissors cut the red cloth, Jian Xia Mo Studio officially opened.

They had just opened for business when they received a few big orders

Of course, one of them was New E Media. There were also a few other companies that probably chose them because of Chu Liyuan and Chu Zhiyuan.

Otherwise, how could a small studio like theirs have such big orders?

However, that was not the main point. The main point was that they had finally taken the first step of starting a business

As Jian Dans current condition did not allow it, many things in the studio were run by Mengjiao and Mo Mo. Jian Dan was only in charge of some paperwork now.

Although Jian Dans pregnancy had become more stable at five months, her belly was bigger than average as she was pregnant with twins. Hence, she needed to be more careful than others.

If not for Jian Dans insistence, Chu Liyuan would not have let her go to the studio.

The reason why Chu Liyuan agreed was because the doctor said that there was presence of nuchal cord with Jian Dans pregnancy and she needed to walk more. That was why he reluctantly agreed.

Of course, he was the one who personally escorted her to and from work.

He was especially careful every time

One day, Chu Liyuan came to pick her up from work again. Jian Jian, your belly is getting increasingly bigger, so you have to be careful when you walk. You mustnt force yourself. This was what Chu Liyuan said to her the most every day.

She felt that Chu Liyuan had suddenly become a long-winded old granny who repeated the same thing to her every day.

However, Jian Dan did not find it annoying at all. This proved that Chu Liyuan loved her and was afraid that she would get hurt. That was why he was so careful.

Uncle, dont worry. This is not my first rodeo. Jian Dan threw Chu Liyuan a smug look.

I can only be at ease if Im by your side personally, Chu Liyuans tone brooked no opposition.

Jian Dan and the babies in her belly were the people he cared about the most now. He would never allow anything to happen to them.

As he spoke, he fastened Jian Dans seatbelt. What do you want to eat today?

Ever since Jian Dans morning sickness subsided, her appet.i.te had become very good.

Hence, Chu Liyuan would bring Jian Dan to eat all sorts of food every day.

As long as Jian Dan wanted to eat something, he would make sure she got to whet her appet.i.te no matter what..