The Beloved and Pampered Girl - Chapter 513: So Unbelievable

Chapter 513: So Unbelievable

Chapter 513: So Unbelievable

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

The rich woman regarded Jian Dan with derision

Your thinking is so naive.

Youre not marrying a person, but a family. Which family do you think will accept a woman like you? Youre a joke!

Family?? My husbands family loves me to the core too, okay? They love me even more than they love my husband. Jian Dan declared proudly.

Im not spouting nonsense. Grandma and Grandpa really loves me to the core.

Hmph! Now that theyre not here, of course you can say whatever you want.

No one will refute you. The rich woman did not believe Jian Dan at all.

Their conversation had already drawn a crowd

They all knew the rich woman, but had never seen the young lady before, so they were almost all on the rich womans side. After all, the young lady had nothing on the rich womans background at all.

Jian Jian! A voice called out

A smile spread on Jian Dans face as she turned to look at the man who was slowly walking towards her

Chu Liyuan walked over to Jian Dan as everyone watched in surprise.

Although Chu Liyuan rarely accepted interviews and the outside world did not know much about him, the guests in attendance today knew who Chu Liyuan was as they were all reputable figures in the business world.

Today was Chu Zhiyuans wedding, but he had retired a long time ago. The inc.u.mbent head honcho of Qin Corporation was Chu Liyuan, so most people were here for him.

Hence, everyone who wanted to speak kept their mouth shut the moment they saw Chu Liyuan. They did not want to offend this man.


They heard the girl call Chu Liyuan affectionately and even hook her arm around his, but he not feel any disgust at all. Instead, he looked at her dotingly.

Those who were going to speak but did not do so heaved a deep sigh of relief.

Why is your mouth so dirty? Chu Liyuan used his hand to wipe off the cream at the corner of Jian Dans mouth as though there was no one else around

What happened next made everyone wonder if this man was still the devil of the corporate world, Grim Yama Chu Liyuan.

That was because Chu Liyuan popped the finger with the cream into his mouth

Everyone was instantly overwhelmed by the public display of affection.

This man actually has such a side to him?

Holy cr*p! If we havent seen it with our own eyes, we wouldnt have believed its real.

What kind of spell did this girl put on Chu Liyuan to make a man like him become like this?

The person most in shock should be that rich woman.

She had just said that Jian Dan was putting up a facade and did not expect to eat her own words in the next moment

What she did not expect the most was that this girl was actually Chu Liyuans woman

She was completely dumbfounded

She could even envision what would happen to the Feng family.

They knew very well what kind of person Chu Liyuan washe would definitely not give anyone a chance. That was why no one dared to cross him.

Because once they crossed him, it would definitely be a calamity.

Seeing the dumbfounded rich woman, the corners of Jian Dans mouth curled up into a wicked smile.

Jian Dan had never been a good person, so she had no sympathy for people who crossed her for no reason.

Uncle, I ate a lot of cakes just now, but theyre all sweet. Im craving for something savory now. Jian Dan said in a coy and cutesy voice.

What do you want to eat? Ill get someone to make it. Chu Liyuan looked at Jian Dan, unable to hide the doting look in his eyes.

But I want to eat something that you make.

Oh, you Chu Liyuan scratched the bridge of her nose lightly. Ill make it for you tonight.

But, wont that be very late?

As long as you want to eat it, Ill make it for you no matter how late it is.

Upon hearing Chu Liyuans words, surprise and bewilderment was written on everyones faces

Chu Liyuan isnt angry at all at the girls request. Instead, he accepts everything?

Who exactly is this girl?

This is so unbelievable!