The Beloved and Pampered Girl - Chapter 497: Long Time No See

Chapter 497: Long Time No See

Chapter 497: Long Time No See

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

Chu Liyuan was smart this time. After the prenatal checkup, he brought Jian Dan directly back to Li Garden.

Lets see who can disturb our private time this way then.

Chu Liyuan had already thought of how to enjoy his alone time with Jian Dan. However, he did not expect that when he returned to Li Garden

Jian! Just as they stepped into Li Garden, a figure rushed up to Jian Dan and hugged her tightly.

Zi Yan? Jian Dan was completely taken aback by Zi Yans actions.

When did Zi Yan become so enthusiastic? In the past, I had always taken the initiative to hug her. Whats wrong with Zi Yan today? She actually took the initiative to hug me?

After Zi Yan let go, she saw tears in Zi Yans eyes

Zi Yan, what are you doing? Zi Yan had never been so emotional before. Jian Dan had never encountered such a situation before. How should I coax her?

Like coaxing Mengjiao and the rest?

How dare you ask me? Youre clearly fine, but you made us think that youre dead. You bad girl.

Do you know how much tears youve conned me of?

In Zi Yans heart, Jian Dan was her first true friend.

When she found out that Jian Dan had died, she simply could not accept it. During that period of time, she had almost shed all her quota of tears for this lifetime.

Jian Dan did not expect Zi Yan to have such an emotional side.

Upon seeing Zi Yans sudden appearance, Chu Liyuan knew that his plan was a moot point again

Ting, you guys really know how to pick the right time! Chu Liyuan walked over to Lu Ting and patted his shoulder as he gritted his teeth

Lu Ting naturally understood the meaning behind Chu Liyuans words, but he only returned with a smile and did not say anything.

Lu Ting knew very well what Jian Dan meant to Zi Yan.

When Zi Yan heard that Jian Dan was not dead, she immediately booked a flight back.

Lu Ting walked straight to the sofa and sat down

Upon seeing this, Chu Liyuan did the same

Seeing that the two men had left, Jian Dan whispered, Zi Yan, you and Lu Ting? The two of you Jian Dan placed the index fingers of both hands together.

Zi Yan did not say anything and just nodded.

Zi Yan chose Lu Ting? What about Sizhe?

Jian Dan had seen Sizhes feelings for Zi Yan back then.

Now that Zi Yan had chosen Lu Ting, Sizhe must be feeling terrible.

She had not been around for five years and did not know what had happened between them to make Zi Yan choose Lu Ting in the end.

Seeing that Zi Yan did not seem keen to talk about it, Jian Dan did not probe further

As expected, Zi Yan led Jian Dan into her room after dinner and warned the two men not to disturb them.

The two of them lay on the bed and put on a facial mask.

Jian, have you been well for the past five years?

Not bad.

Youre a mother of two now?


Huh? No? But she had clearly heard that Jian Dan had given birth to two very cute children.

Its four! Jian Dan said as she pointed at her belly.

What? You mean Zi Yan was shocked speechless.

Jian Dan looked at her and nodded. Yes, twins again!

Holy cr*p! You and Liyuan are too efficient. Impressive! Zi Yan gave her two thumbs up.

The two of them spent the entire night chatting about their life.

Zi Yan did not take the initiative to tell Jian Dan about her, Lu Ting, and Sizhe. Jian Dan was also very tactful and did not ask.

Since Zi Yan did not bring it up, there must be a reason. Thus, Jian Dan naturally would not take the initiative to bring it up either.

The next day at breakfast

Ting, I have a favor to ask of you.

What is it? Lu Ting did not expect Jian Dan to have favor to ask of him.

With a formidable man like Chu Liyuan by her side, what could he do to help?

You know that Uncle has severe gastrointestinal problems, right?

Yes. How could he not know? He had tried to persuade Chu Liyuan countless times, but Chu Liyuan refused to listen and declined to let him nurse him back to health.

Theres only so much Western medicine can do to treat his gastrointestinal problems. We can only rely on TCM for his recuperation. Thus, I hope you can help Uncle with his recuperation.

Lu Ting looked straight at Chu Liyuan

What? Hes agreed to let me help him?

When Jian Dan saw Lu Tings gaze, she immediately understood. Dont worry about him. I have the final say on this.

As soon as Jian Dan said this, Lu Tings lips curled into a smile.

Thats right! How can I forget that Chu Liyuan can only be obedient in front of Jian Dan?

Got it. Dont worry.

I will definitely nurse him back to health, like he was before.

Thank you!