The Beloved and Pampered Girl - Chapter 462: I'm Letting You Go

Chapter 462: I'm Letting You Go

Chapter 462: Im Letting You Go

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

Jian Dan returned home to find Xiaoyang standing at the door.

Xiaoyang, when did you get back? Why didnt you call me?

How long have you been waiting here?

Xiaoyang gazed at Jian Dan without a word

Whats wrong? Did you wait too long and become stupid? After Jian Dan opened the door, she ushed Xiaoyang into the house.

Xiaoyang, whats wrong? Did you want me for something?

Jian Dan felt that something was amiss with Xiaoyang today.

Xiaoyang just continued gazing intently into her eyes. She had never seen Xiaoyang so serious.

Xiaoyang, dont scare me. Did something happen?

w.a.n.gxin, you and Chu Liyuan

Me and him? Theres nothing between us.

A self-deprecating smile appeared on Xiaoyangs face

w.a.n.gxin, do you know? I once thought that the reason I lost to Uncle Chu was time, so I was very grateful to G.o.d for giving me a chance.

But I realized that it was never time that I lost to; it was him.


Let me finish

Youve only been with him for one short year, but Ive been by your side for five years.

I spent five times more time than him, but I still couldnt win your heart.

Ive been lying to myself before, thinking that as long as Im by your side, youll be able to see my love one day.

But from the moment you returned, I knew that I wouldnt be able to wait for that day.

Although Ive tried my best, I knew that the moment he appears, everything will be a moot point.

He and I dont

w.a.n.gxin, dont say anything against your conscience to me. You never have to say anything against your conscience with me.

Stop torturing him, and stop torturing yourself.

Actually, you know very well that only he can give you the happiness you want.

Xiaoyang pulled Jian Dan into his arms. Dont move. Let me hug you one last time. Let me hug you as a man who loves you deeply. Because when I let go of you, I wont be stand before you as a man who loves you anymore; Ill be your best friend.

Xiaoyang! Jian Dan felt her eyes moisten.

Im letting you go.

Xiaoyang held Jian Dan close, wanting to etch this moment firmly in his memory

The moment Xiaoyang let go of Jian Dan, a big smile appeared on his face. Little Jian Dan, if Uncle Chu dares to bully you in the future, tell me. Ill help you teach him a lesson.

You cant let him think that theres no one in your corner, understand?

For some reason, when Jian Dan saw Xiaoyangs smiling face, she felt exceptionally upset.

Alright, dont cry. I dont want to be the person who makes you cry. Be good. Xiaoyang patted the top of her head.

Alright, I still have something on, so Ill make a move first. Remember what I said.

G.o.d, please let Xiaoyang have more happiness than the average person. Hes really an extremely wonderful person. He deserves better.

Xiaoyang was really miserable. After all, he had let go of a woman whom he had loved deeply for six years. He had thought it through these few days. As long as she could be happy, he was willing to do anything, including letting her go-

Let her go so that she can embrace her happiness without any worries

At the thought of this, a big smile appeared on Xiaoyangs face.. It was a smile from the bottom of his heart