The Beloved and Pampered Girl - Chapter 458: It's Time to Put an End ot It!

Chapter 458: It's Time to Put an End ot It!

Chapter 458: Its Time to Put an End ot It!

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

Seeing Wei Qianqing attack Jian Dan, how could Chu Liyuan still hold back?

Although Jian Dan seemed to be doing very well now, he did not dare to take any risks when it came to her, so he struck

Moreover, he would not show any mercy to anyone who hurt Jian Dan.

Dont hit women?


Therere no men or women here. Therere only people who hurt Jian Jian!

In particular, he found out that the person in front of him was not only not the comrade who had fought alongside him in the past, but she had also murdered that very same comrade. He would give no quarter.

Jian Jian, are you alright? Are you injured anywhere? After Chu Liyuan kicked Wei Qianqing away, his first concern was Jian Dan.

Im fine. Despite Jian Dans a.s.surance, Chu Liyuan was still worried. After he checked Jian Dan carefully and confirmed that she was fine, he turned his eyes to Wei Qianqing, who was lying on the ground.

So youre the one who caused all this?

When Chu Liyuan thought about how the culprit behind his separation from Jian Dan for so many years was her, he wished he could tear her apart.

If everything that happened just now was true, it meant that she had already executed her plan from the moment she returned.

Hence, he had been keeping someone who wanted to hurt Jian Dan by his side. At the thought of this, Chu Liyuan wished he could take his own eyes out. How could he not have seen it? Although he had his doubts in the past, he chose to trust in his comrade.

It was precisely because of this that he almost lost Jian Dan, his life.

Liyuan, listen to me. Its not like that. The video just now isnt real at all. Its a fake video she made to frame me! Wei Qianyi dragged her injured body to Chu Liyuans feet and grabbed his hand with both hands.

Chu Liyuan felt his stomach churn at her touch.

He resisted the urge to shake Wei Qianqings hand off.

How could Chu Liyuan still believe her at a time like this?

By now, Chu Liyuan was well aware that everything that happened today was deliberately arranged by Jian Dan so that he could witness everything with his own eyes.

Jian Dan allowed herself to be caught by her on purpose today. Mengjiao had also barged into his office on purpose. They had lured him here on purpose.

Despite knowing all of this, Chu Liyuan did not blame Jian Dan at all. Instead, he felt even guiltier and blamed himself for not discovering all of this earlier and causing Jian Dan to suffer so much.

Hence, he decided that in the future, he would compensate Jian Dan for all the hards.h.i.+ps she had suffered over the years. He would give all the love in the world to Jian Dan. He would protect Jian Dan with everything he had forever and never let her be unhappy again.

I feel disgusted just looking at you now! Chu Liyuan said in disgust. He did not even deign to cast a glance at her for even a second.

Chu Liyuan, you cant do this to me. Cant you see that Ive been by your side all these years? Is everything Ive done for you worthless in your eyes?

Yes! Its worthless! Chu Liyuan said without any warmth.

Seeing Chu Liyuans resolute expression and words, Wei Qianqing suddenly laughed out loud like a maniac


All of you All of you Everything that Ive done is what you owe me. All of you owe me!


Wei Qianqing was close to losing her sanity

Wei Qianyi deserved to die, and her parents deserved to die even more! If it werent for them, how would I have become like this?

They turned me into this. What right do they have to live happily?!

Thats why all of them had to die Hahaha And you two The two of you owe me too, so you both deserve to die too

Hmph! Dont use such dignified words to beautify your sins. Dont use your sad plight to milk others sympathy for you, because youre not worthy! Jian Dan, who had been silent all this while, finally spoke.

You keep saying that you became like this because of others, but I want to tell you today that you became like this because of yourself.

The moment you took over Wei Qianyis life, you could have chosen to start afresh. However, you still chose Wei Qianqings path, so you can only be Wei Qianqing forever! Youre the one who caused all of this, Wei Qianqing!

Jian Dans words shattered all of Wei Qianqings pretense. She finally sat on the ground as if she had lost her soul.. There was no l.u.s.ter in her eyes