The Beloved and Pampered Girl - Chapter 434: Oh, Sh*t! How Can I Have Forgotten About Him?

Chapter 434: Oh, Sh*t! How Can I Have Forgotten About Him?

Chapter 434: Oh, Sh*t! How Can I Have Forgotten About Him?

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

Seeing Jian Dian rush to the restroom, Chu Liyuan immediately followed after. You guys eat first. Ill go see whats wrong with Mom. He went after Jian Dan. Jian Dan threw up the moment she hit the stall She vomited for a full three minutes before the nausea subsided a little

What the h *11? Why do I suddenly

Staring at her reflection in the mirror, it suddenly hit her

Oh! A hand unconsciously crept up to her abdomen.

Oh, sh*t! Because ofXiaoxin, I actually forgot about him!

Im pregnant!

And counting the days, its indeed time for morning sickness.

She washed her face simply, wiped the water off her face with tissue paper, and left the restroom

To her surprise, she found Chu Liyuan standing outside the door the moment she opened the door.

The moment she saw him, she said guiltily, What are you doing here?

Jian Jian, whats wrong? Are you alright? Are you feeling unwell?

Oh, Im fine.

How can you be fine? Youve been in there for so long.

Im really fine. Seeing that Chu Liyuan was about to touch her forehead, Jian

Dan repeated as she took a step back.

Are you really alright? Chu Liyuan still looked unconvinced.

Im really fine. She turned to return to the dining table.

Mom, whats wrong? Are you feeling unwell? Xiaokai asked when he saw her.

Im fine. I just ate something bad.

Ate something bad? How is that possible? Havent we been eating the same food for the past few days? Xiaokai keenly sensed that something was amiss. Chu Liyuan walked in on Xiaokais words.

Thats true. Jian Jian, you ate the same food as us. How can you be the only one who has an upset stomach?

Xiaokai, oh, Xiaokai! Why do you have to be so d*mn smart? Seriously!

My stomach has been a little sensitive recently.

Are you worn out from taking care of me? Xiaoxin poked her head over and asked with some self-blame.

Of course not! Im really fine. Ill be okay in a few days.

Jian Jian!

Im really fine.

Although Jian Dan kept insisting that she was fine, Chu Liyuan seriously doubted her words. Jian Jian doesnt look fine at all.

But since Jian Jian doesnt want to say it, I wont probe then.

After the meal

Go on home. Were going home too.

Go home? Where are you going?

Oh, right! Back to where?

After leaving the hospital, she did not even know where to go.

Looks like well have to find a hotel for tonight.

Jian Jian, come back to Li Garden with me.

Li Garden My former home. She had fond memories of the place.

Its not my home anymore.

Jian Jian still wont accept me now. So, if I want to get her back, I mustnt push her too hard.

Where are you going then?

Well find a place for tonight. Were leaving soon.

Leave? Jian Jian says shes leaving soon?

How can I let her leave me again?


Jian Jian, let me send you there.

At the thought that there was no accommodation in the vicinity and that

Xiaoxin was still rather weak, Jian Dan took Chu Liyuan up on his offer

However, she did not expect Chu Liyuan to bring them home directly.

Of course, this home was not Li Garden, but her own home.

Why did you bring us here?

Grandma misses you.

Grandma! How could I not miss her? But I couldnt contact her, let alone come back to visit her. If not for Xiaoxin, I might not have been able to set foot here for the rest of my life..