The Beloved and Pampered Girl - Chapter 397: The Only Way!

Chapter 397: The Only Way!

Chapter 397: The Only Way!

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

Looking at how Jian Dan had become thinner day by day, Xiaoyang really hated himself for not being a donor match for Xiaoxin.

w.a.n.gxin, there must be a way! For the sake of Xiaoxin, you must not fall apart.

Xiaoyang, Im really scared. Im really scared that Xiaoxin would leave me like this. Im really scared!

Jian Dan had already forgotten how long it had been since she cried. She had thought that she would not cry anymore. She did not expect

Xiaoyang knew that all the comforting words now were empty words. The only way to make Jian Dan happy was to find a donor match for Xiaoxin.

Therefore, in the few days after he left, he went to look for a donor match for Xiaoxin

After Xiaoyang left, Jian Dan went to the doctors office again.

Doctor Zhao, is there no other way? She really could not imagine losing Xiaoxin.

Actually, theres another way.

What is it? Jian Dans eyes shone with hope again.

Its cord blood.

Cord blood?

Thats right.

But I dont think we collected the cord blood when I gave birth to them back then.

Yes, I know. But there are other ways.

What do you mean?

If you have another child with the same father as them, the babys cord blood can also be used for Xiaoxin.


Same parents? What should I do?

I didnt tell you about this method before because I knew that you Doctor Zhao hesitated.

He had not seen the childs father in the past few days, so he had gathered a little about the situation and did not say anything.

Doctor Zhao, is this the only way now?

If we cant find a donor match, this is the only way.

Doctor Zhao, can Xiaoxins condition last that long?

Based on her current condition, she should have at least a year or so.

I understand, Dr. Zhao.

It seemed that this was G.o.ds will for her to return there.

Jian Dan knew that if Xiaoyang knew about this, he would definitely object. Therefore, Jian Dan brought Xiaokai and Xiaoxin back to S Citya city that she was once so familiar with while Xiaoyang was away.

Because the doctor said that time was running out for Xiaoxin, she brought Xiaoxin back with her. This way, they could do the procedure for Xiaoxin immediately.

After returning to S City, she took the transfer notice that the doctor had given her and went to Yunji Hospital. Yunji Hospitals expert in this discipline happened to be Doctor Zhaos cla.s.smate, so Doctor Zhao had already informed his cla.s.smate in advance.

Jian Dan admitted Xiaoxin directly to Yunji Hospital.

Doctor Fang, Ill leave my daughter in your care from now on.

Dont worry.

Doctor Zhao told Jian Dan that Doctor Fang was an expert in this field, so if he operated on Xiaoxin, the chances of success would be much higher.

Everything was ready except for one last crucial item.

I have to find him as soon as possible

But if Igo and look for him so rashly, will he

After all, Im already dead to him.

Hes probably already forgotten about me and has kids with Wei Qianyi.

Would I cause trouble for them if Igo?

Everything was unknown. It was not just his reaction that Jian Dan was apprehensive about; she did not know what it would be like for her to see him again..