The Beloved and Pampered Girl - Chapter 384: Heartbreaking ‘Truth'

Chapter 384: Heartbreaking ‘Truth'

Chapter 384: Heartbreaking Truth

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

After handing the letter to her Madam, you must be hungry after sleeping for so long, right? Ill go get you something to eat.

After she left, Jian Dan opened the envelope

Jian Jian,

I have some things to deal with recently, so I sent you to Switzerland for the time being. I know youll be mad at me because I made the decision without asking you. You should know that I dont want you to be hurt in any way, so I must try to minimize the damage. So, please forgive me.

A short letter

There was no explanation in the letter. He did not explain anything about him and Wei Qianyi, nor did he say what he wanted to do. He just wanted her to forgive him

She was about to call Chu Liyuan to clear the air, but she could not find her cell phone after searching high and low. Only then did she remember that her cell phone had been confiscated by Wei Qianyi when she was captured by them

Just then, Xiaoyou walked in with the food. Madam, have something to eat.

Xiaoyou, do you have a cell phone? I want to make a call.

Oh, sure.

She took out her cell phone from her pocket and handed it to Jian Dan.

Thank you.

Jian Dan punched in the string of numbers that had long been etched in her heart.

The call rang for a long time, but there was no answer. She tried a few more times later, but still, there was no answer. Helpless, she could only give up for the time being

Recent events had made Jian Dan lose her appet.i.te. She barely took a few bites and left the rest of food untouched.

Before Xiaoyou carried the tray out, she said, By the way, Madam, when you came, you held this necklace tightly in your hand. It must be very important to you, right?

Looking at the necklace that Xiaoyou handed over, tears welled up in her eyes

Madam, whats wrong?

Nothing. You can go out first. I want to be alone.

After Xiaoyou left

Howl wish that everything that happened these few days was just a dream! But the necklace in her hand reminded her that everything was real. Master Spirit.. No! Its Bing Li Hes really really gone!

She clutched the necklace tightly to her chest.

I caused his death. He wouldnt have died if it werent for me. Its all my fault. Its all my fault

For the next few days, Jian Dan did not have much of an appet.i.te and barely touched her food every day. How was this still that little foodie?

She often called Chu Liyuan, but he did not answer

Three days pa.s.sed just like that

Jian Dan sat on the swing in the courtyard as usual. She had been spending her time on this swing alone for the past few days, staring into the distant scenery in a daze

Madam, theres a call for you. Xiaoyou ran to Jian Dan with her cell phone.

When Jian Dan heard that there was a call for her, she perked up a little. When she saw the number on the cell phone, a long-lost smile appeared on her face

Uncle! She took the cell phone and placed it by her ear.

Liyuan wont call you again.

Initially, she had a look of antic.i.p.ation on her face. But the moment Wei Qianyis voice came through the phone, she was completely shattered.

How come its you?

Why isnt it me? Didnt you see clearly who Liyuan loves most the other time? Dont tell me youre still shamelessly thinking that Liyuan still has loves you?

In that case, Ill tell you frankly nowyoure nothing to Liyuan at all. The reason why he kept you by his side is all for me!

Malicious Spirit You should be very familiar with him, right?

Because Liyuan is afraid that Malicious Spirit would hurt me, he deliberately let you stay by his side so that Malicious Spirit would think that Liyuan holds you dear to his heart. That way, it would protect me.

Now you understandIm the most important person to Liyuan!

Wei Qianyis words were like someone whipping her heart with a barbed whip; it hurt so much.

Was everything that Uncle did for me before all a pretense? He treated me so well and doted on me so that I can become Wei Qianyis patsy.

The cell phone in her hand slipped and fell to the gra.s.s

Jian Dan sat on the swing with glazed eyes