The Beloved and Pampered Girl - Chapter 382: News of Jian Jian!

Chapter 382: News of Jian Jian!

Chapter 382: News of Jian Jian!

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

Ever since Chu Liyuan chose to save Wei Qianyi, he had not received any news about Jian Dan.

He did not know how Jian Dan was doing now.

He wondered if Jian Dan was injured.

He did not know where Jian Dan was.

He did not even know if Jian Dan was still

He did not dare to think about it

He had never been so terrified before. Although he tried his best to suppress his fear, Wei Qianyi could still see his trembling hands clearly.

Upon seeing this, she knew that Jian Dan had to die. Otherwise, she would never be able to be with Chu Liyuan for the rest of her life.

Liyuan, dont worry. Jian Dan will be fine. She placed her hand on Chu Liyuans shoulder and comforted him gently.

However, she was sneering in her heart From nowon, youre mine. You only belong to me. No one can take you away from me.

Right now, Chu Liyuan couldnt take in anything at all. His mind was filled with Jian Dan only.

Mr. Chu, weve found Young Madam! Li Jing jogged over and said to Chu Liyuan.

Where is she?

Upon hearing this news, Chu Liyuan bolted up immediately and grabbed Li Jings shoulders tightly. His grip was so strong that even a man like Li Jing found it painful.

However, he was very understanding. Because of Jian Dan, Mr. Chu had been like a deflated balloon without any vitality these past few days.

For the past two days, not only had he not eaten a single grain of rice, but he had also not drunk a single drop of water. His entire mind was in an extremely tense state.

Li Jing gave him an address. Chu Liyuan did not think twice and ran like the wind to the car before speeding like a racecar to the address Li Jing gave him

Wei Qianyi wanted to go with him, but Chu Liyuan did not give her the chance. By the time she chased after him, the car was already out of the gate like a bat out of h.e.l.l.

She quickly got into another car and followed after him

Of course, Li Jing and the others followed immediately

Chu Liyuan could no longer care about anything else. He only wanted to rush to Jian Dan as soon as possible. He put the pedal to the metal and drove over quick as a flash

Seeing Chu Liyuan drive the car like a rocket, Li Jing couldnt help but frown. He had never seen him lose control like this.

In fact, Chu Liyuan was not the only one; Mengjiao was extremely worried as well. That was why Li Jing did not tell her about Jian Dans kidnapping.

After Jian Dan fainted, she met a Good Samaritan who sent her to a nearby clinic

When Chu Liyuan arrived, he saw that Jian Dans eyes were tightly shut. He wondered if she had fallen asleep or fainted.

How is she? He reached Jian Dans bed in two strides and held her hand.

Shes fine, just a little prostrated.

Hearing that Jian Dan was fine, Chu Liyuans tense heart relaxed a little.

However, when he saw that Jian Dans fair arms were covered in purplish-red strangulation marks, his heart constricted again.

Thankfully, Jian Jians still alive. That person didnt hurt her. Looks like our Qianyi and meplan had deceived him, so he let Jian Jian go.

The truth was, before he received news of Jian Dan, he had been wondering if they had managed to pull the wool over his eyes. If we hadnt, would Jian Jian be in danger?

Thankfully Thankfully, Jian Jian is fine.

Chu Liyuan lowered his head and planted a kiss on Jian Dans forehead

Wei Qianyi walked in on this and a trace of coldness flashed across her eyes.

Jian Dan, youre really lucky. Youre actually not dead?

Fortunately, she was unconscious now and probably would not have the chance to say anything to Chu Liyuan. Hence, she definitely could not let Jian Dan talk to Chu Liyuan.

It had to be said that Wei Qianyi was really a natural actress. It was a pity that she was not in s...o...b..z.

One second, her face was cold, and the next second, she looked worried.

Wei Qianyi reached Jian Dans bed and smiled. I knew Jian Dan would be okay.

She placed her hand on Chu Liyuans shoulder and comforted him gently