The Beloved and Pampered Girl - Chapter 356:100% Trust

Chapter 356:100% Trust

Chapter 356:100% Trust

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

Finally, they managed to rescue the professor with everyones cooperation

Just then, Big Di arrived to get them

Because the exfil point that she had planned for them happened to be on the roof of the building, Big Dis helicopter slowly approached the roof and they boarded it with the professor

The helicopter took off again

The mission was completed. Now, she had to leave this place as soon as possible. However, just as she was about to leave, she turned around and saw a pistol pointing at her.

She was scared out of her wits and stood rooted to the ground.

Look at your companions. They abandoned you and left. To think that you helped them so much. Without you, how could they have saved him? The man who was pointing a gun at her said sarcastically.

What? You didnt think theyd come back to save you, did you?

Cover your head and squat down. Fang Qings voice came from the comms in Jian Dans ear.

She immediately followed Fang Qings instructions. In the next second, the mans head exploded and he fell in front of her Watching the blood flowing out of the wound on his forehead, she felt very conflicted and did not know how to describe her current feelings. To see a person die before her eyes This feeling was really

Lets go! Fang Qing quickly joined her.

Fang Qing ushered her along and ran like the wind as the people behind them chased after them relentlessly.

Unfortunately, they ran into a dead-endit was a cliff they were running towards

Am I really going to die here today?

Dont stop, keep running! Another voice came from the comms. This time, it was Bai Yans voice.

But theres a cliff in front!

Run! She had to run off the cliff without hesitation. This required what kind of courage?

However, a sentence suddenly popped up in her mind: You have to trust each and every one of us 100%.

Because she trusted him, she and Fang Qing did not stop and ran off the cliff

The moment they fell, Big Di piloted the helicopter and turned sideways to catch them perfectly

Holy c.r.a.p! Those whove never experienced staring death in the face cant understand that feeling at all

Are you all right?

I was scared sh*tless! Ive never experienced such a heart-stopping moment in my life! I really feel that the Grim Reaper has brushed past me a few times today.

Were all used to such situations of staring death in the face.

Just how many times have they experienced it to be able to say such words so casually?

Every time they went on a mission, they were really putting their lives on the line.

Big Dis piloting skills are really amazing! The topic just now was really heavy, so she changed the topic.

Thats for sure. Otherwise, how could he have made the selection for Special Team?

Everyone here is a G.o.d! Jian Dan praised.

Talk about tooting your own horn. Xiao Ran said.

Yeah! Am I not?

The size of your ego

I want to keep a low profile too but my talent doesnt allow it. Jian Dan said arrogantly.

I didnt know that you are such a narcissistic person.

Thats normal. If you dont even love yourself, how can you love others? Dont you think so?

Your twisted logic seems to make sense, huh?

How is this twisted logic? Its clearly the truth!

Alright, alright, alright. I wont argue with you anymore. I dont care if its twisted logic or the truth as long as its reasonable.

I like this answer.

To be able to build such trust in such a short period of time, it was really something that could only be achieved through experiencing life and death together. Although she had only interacted with them for a short period of time, she felt that she had known them for many years. That feeling was more like family. Is this the so-called camaraderie?

It turns out to be so precious!