The Beloved and Pampered Girl - Chapter 312: Warm Birthday

Chapter 312: Warm Birthday

Chapter 312: Warm Birthday

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

Youre so kind! You finished everything? She was very happy when she saw the empty bowl.

Thank you!

No worries! I also baked you a cake! Gimme a sec! She opened the refrigerator and took out the cake she had made earlier.

She put a candle on the cakelit it with a lighterand brought it to him. Master Spirit, make a wish and blow out the candle!

This girl was the first person to celebrate his birthday. He did not know how to describe this feeling.

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Close your eyes and make a wish. You cant say your wish out loud. It wont come true if you say it out loud!

Master Spirit, hurry up. Ive already carried it for so long. I dont want to do weight training today!

He took the cake from Jian Dan and accidentally touched her fingers.


This hiss made him sense that something was amiss! He pulled Jian Dans hand to his eyes and saw her red fingers from the burn. His heart felt as if it had been stabbed by something. It was very uncomfortable!

I accidentally burned myself when I lit the fire just now. Its fine. Ill go home and apply some medicine.

Come here. He held the cake in one hand and led Jian Dan into the house with the other

He took the first aid kit on the table and began to treat Jian Dans wound.

When he was treating it, he felt inexplicably frustrated. Why was this girl so stubborn?She did not even tell him that she was injured.

Just as the cotton swab touched her fingers, she subconsciously wanted to pull her hand back because it really hurt!

Dont move!

Why was he so serious?! It seemed like she had to improve the atmosphere.

Master Spirit, youve always said that you know first aid. I didnt have the chance to see it before, but Ive finally seen it today. Youre really awesome! She had wanted to improve the atmosphere, but for some reason, the atmosphere seemed to have become even worse

Then do you want to break your legs too? That way, you can see it even better! His cold tone brimmed with anger.

What was wrong with him? Why was he suddenly angry?

Master, no thanks. I still need my legs for the training.

Let me know the moment you get injured in the future!

Okay! Seeing that he seemed to be really angry, she stopped joking and answered in all seriousness.

After he was done, he carefully bandaged the wound.

Master, you did such a beautiful job with the bandage!

After she said this, his face was still very long. Hence, she tactfully changed the topic. Master, you havent made a wish yet.

His gaze returned to the cake again and he whispered a wish in his heart. Then, he blew out the candle. The moment he blew out the candle, Jian Dan used her uninjured hand to get a piece of cake and smeared it on his face.

The moment she smeared it on his face, his expression was so cold that Jian Dan felt a little awkward. She did not know if he was angry again. He got angry for the strangest reason.

However, a smile appeared on that cold face half a minute later.

She had known him for about three months, but she had never seen a second expression on his face. She actually saw him smile today??

Master Spirit, has anyone told you that you look very handsome when you smile?

Although he was really handsome, he always had a glacial face that gave people the feeling of being distant.

But she saw another side of him today.

The smile on his face disappeared. No!

Master, are you shy?

No! Its getting late. You should go back!

Okay! I think its time for me to go.


Ill send you off.

Thank you!

Malicious Spirit sent Jian Dan to the spot that he always sent her to every time and left