The Beloved and Pampered Girl - Chapter 308: No Longer the Same Person!

Chapter 308: No Longer the Same Person!

Chapter 308: No Longer the Same Person!

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

When Chu Liyuan came back, Jian Dan was already asleep. Looking at Jian Dans sleeping face, a ripple appeared in his heart, and the corners of his lips curled up slightly

After taking a shower, he gently lifted the blanket and lay down. He was afraid of waking Jian Dan up because he knew that her sleep quality had never been good. Once she woke up, it was hard for her to fall asleep again.

However, what he did not know was that Jian Dan was so wiped out today that she would not wake up even if there was thunder.

That night, Jian Dan kept having the same dream. In the dream, she kept training

When Jian Dan woke up in the morning, she felt as if her body had fallen apart. There was no part of her body that did not hurt.

Master Spirit is a big liar. He said that the pain would stop the next day after stretching. Its so painful, okay?

When she saw that the bed was empty, she looked at the time and knew that Chu Liyuan had gone to work.

She dragged her tired body into the bathroom to wash up

Just as she was about to squeeze the toothpaste and brush her teeth, she realized that she did not even have the strength to squeeze the toothpaste.

It took twice as long to wash up and get changed than usual. After getting ready, she went downstairs for breakfast with a tired expression

Madam, why are you so late today? You look very tired!

Yeah! Theres been a lot of training recently, so Im very tired!

Mrs. Jin thought Jian Dan was referring to her training in school.

Then you have to nourish yourself more. Ill make you some chicken soup tonight!

Thank you, Mrs. Jin. Youre the best! She said to Mrs. Jin with a sweet smile.

After breakfast, she took a look at the time and saw that it was 8:45 a.m

Oh my G.o.d! Ifs already so late. Her coach had said that he was picking her up at 9 a.m, so she picked up her backpack and left.

When she arrived, she realized that her coach was already waiting there

Hehe! Good morning, Master Spirit!

Youre late!

Late? Im not late. Look at my phone Theres still one minute before its 9 a.m. I cant always let you have the upper hand! So, Pm making the first move this time. Master Spirit, you big liar. Didnt you say that if I do the stretching, it wont hurt today? Theres no part of my body that doesnt hurt now!

I only said that you could get out of bed. I didnt say that it wouldnt hurt!

Uh She recalled that he had indeed not say that it would not hurt!

I cant do anything today in my current condition!

He cast a look at her. Dont worry, nothing will be delayed!

Just like that, a month pa.s.sed under the supervision of this stubborn and harsh coach

She had been doing physical training for a month, and her strength was improving day by day. Hard work would always yield rewards. After a month of h.e.l.lish training, her stamina had improved by leaps and bounds. Running five kilometers with weights was no longer a problem for her.

A month ago, she never dreamed that she could become like this one day! She felt that she could even make it to sports school with her stamina and endurance. It had been a really hard month; it felt even worse than basic military training. She did not even know how she persevered. At the thought of this, she couldnt help but give herself a thumbs up.

The power of love was so great!

After a month of physical training, she finally began to learn skills.

The first thing she learned today was shooting

In the past month, she had been practicing holding a gun. Now, she could stand for an hour with an AK-47, let alone a small pistol.

Holding the gun, the coach stood beside her. Three points and a line. Imagine a long ruler between your eye, the gun and the target. Shoot straight along this ruler.

She looked at the target and tilted her head slightly to the side. She placed her finger on the triggertook a deep breathand pulled the trigger

As the gunshot rang out, a bullet shot out from the gun and flew straight towards the target. When she saw the bullet land on the target, she could not believe her eyes. Not only was it on the target, but it was also on the ring.

She looked at her coach proudly, but he maintained the cold expression on his face.

This was the first time she had completed the shot by herself. Wasnt such a result enough? It was fine if he didnt encourage her, but he didnt even give her a smile?

It had already been a month, so they should be very familiar with each other! Why did he still look like the whole world owed him money?

The past month had been very tiring, so she did not have much energy. Now, it was different. Watch howl take you down. I even managed to win over people like Uncle and Zi Yan. Cant I handle you? She secretly made up her mind..