The Beloved and Pampered Girl - Chapter 181: A Lifetime Is a Long Time, Can You Really Do It?

Chapter 181: A Lifetime Is a Long Time, Can You Really Do It?

Chapter 181: A Lifetime Is a Long Time, Can You Really Do It?

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

Chu Liyuan, are you going to follow in Jihaos footsteps? Sizhe looked disgusted.

Everyone knew that Ling Jihao was an absolute slave to his wife!

In the past, the two of them would show off their affection in front of them all day long.

As they got older, it got better now

But what was going on with Chu Liyuan now? He was clearly trying to surpa.s.s Jihao!

He had finally escaped from Ling Jihao. Was he going to have to witness Chu Liyuans turn now?


Chu Liyuans no made Sizhe heave a sigh of relief but in the next second

Would I lose out to him?

Everyone at the dining table could no longer hold it in

Just what did Jian Dan do to Grim Yama to turn him into this?

You! Eat up and pack up This sentence was directed at Sizhe.

Ting, think over my suggestion!

Chu Liyuan held Jian Dans hand and walked upstairs

At night, the two of them sat on the balcony in a warm embrace, looking at the stars in the sky.

Uncle, I feel so blessed now!

Jian Danwho was nestled in Chu Liyuans armssaid slowly.


After getting to know Jian Jian, he had experienced what bliss was very thoroughly.

He felt that nothing in this world could compare to a frown or smile of Jian Dans.

He seemed to only have eyes for Jian Dan only now.

Uncle, a lifetime is a very long time. Will you really always be so good to me?


He tightened his arms around Jian Dan

Although he would do it, but

According to scientific research, women generally lived longer than men, and he was already so much older than Jian Dan. If that day came, how could he feel at ease knowing that Jian Dan would be all alone?

It seemed like he had to build up Jian Dans body as soon as possible and give birth to a little one. This way, if anything really happened in the future, there would be someone to take care of this silly la.s.s in his place.

Ting? What did Chu Liyuan mean just now? What did he ask you to think over? Sizhe and Jian Dan were both very curious Geminis. They could not stand having a question gnawing at them.

Im not telling you!

Just tell me! Otherwise, 1 wont be able to sleep tonight.

On the way back together, Sizhe sat in the front pa.s.senger seat and wheedled to Lu Ting

Imagine a man wheedling That scene was definitely disgusting!

How could a straight man like Lu Ting stand it?

And it was precisely because Sizhe knew Lu Tings weakness that he used this move every time!

Stop! Ill tell you!

Seeing that he had succeeded again, Sizhe gave a triumphant look.

Liyuan asked me to celebrate Lunar New Year with them!

Lu Ting could not remember how many years it had been since he last celebrated Lunar New Year with others. He spent every Lunar New Year alone

d.a.m.n! Chu Liyuan is so biased! Ive known him for so many years, but he never asked me to celebrate Lunar New Year with him.

Sizhe gave a look of jealousy

You dont have a home either?

Lu Ting rolled his eyes at Sizhe as he gave a retort that rendered Sizhe speechless.

Then whats there to think about? Go! Its so boring to be alone at home during Lunar New Year!

Sizhe and Lu Ting had met at a medical conference many years ago, so Sizhe knew about it.

Lu Tings parents had pa.s.sed away early and he had grown up with his grandfather. His grandfather was a very famous TCM pract.i.tioner. But no matter how highly-skilled a doctor was, he was no match for the Grim Reaper

After his grandfather pa.s.sed away, he was the only one left in the world. So he sought refuge in the military.

Well see!