The Beloved and Pampered Girl - Chapter 106: It Doesn't Matter If The Kitchen Is Destroyed, But My Heart Will Ache If You1 re Hurt!

Chapter 106: It Doesn't Matter If The Kitchen Is Destroyed, But My Heart Will Ache If You1 re Hurt!

Chapter 106: It Doesnt Matter If The Kitchen Is Destroyed, But My Heart Will Ache If You1 re Hurt!

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

When Jian Dan was sleeping soundly in his arms

Then, he moved gently to change the screensaver on his cell phone to the photograph from before. Only then did he hug Jian Dan and fall asleep in satisfaction

In the morning

J ian Dan opened her eyes How could there be such a good-looking person?

Chu Liyuans facethat was like a piece of beautiful artworkwas only a breath away from her

This was the first time she had seen Chu Liyuan at such a close distance. She used her right index finger to gently brush his eyelashes. How could anyones eyelashes be so long?!

Jian Dan saw that Chu Liyuan frowned slightly because of her action.

Jian Dan quickly withdrew her hand and looked at Chu Liyuans sleeping face. She smiled sweetly

She carefully moved Chu Liyuans arm from her body and tiptoed out of the bedroom to go downstairs

Today was the first day of the new year. Chu Liyuan had made breakfast for her yesterday, so Jian Dan wanted to prepare a sumptuous breakfast for him today.

Jian Dan went to the kitchen and stood there for a long time

Eh Where was the induction cooker that was here previously?

The induction cooker that disappeared into thin air immediately put Jian Dan in a tight spot. What should she do now?

Is this a gas stove?

Jian Dan came to the gas stove and carefully explored the thing before her. It took her a long time to figure out how to use it.

Due to her limited talent, she could only choose the simplest sunny side up!

After making up her mind, she took two eggs from the refrigerator.

She poured oil into the pan and held the spatula in her hand

Under such circ.u.mstances, if Uncle quietly appeared behind her and hugged her from behind

This was definitely a cla.s.sic scene from an idol drama!

This romantic image flashed in Jian Dans mind, and pink bubbles appeared all around her

Jian Dan was still absorbed in that beautiful scene and did not notice that smoke was coming from the pan on the stove.

Oh my G.o.d! By the time she discovered it, it had already spontaneously combusted.

The oil got too hot and burned. Jian Dan had never encountered such a situation before and was dumbstruck.

A figure flashed from behind her to the stove, nimbly turned off the stove and covered the pan with a lid.


Wasnt Uncle still asleep? Why did he suddenly appear in the kitchen?

Fortunately, Uncle came. Otherwise, the kitchen might have made the ultimate sacrifice today

Jian Dan finally recovered Uncle, I was wrong. Like a child who had made a mistake, she lowered her head.

Are you hurt?

Not only did Chu Liyuan not scold her, the first thing he did was to check if she was hurt.

Seeing the worried expression on Chu Liyuans face, Jian Dans heart warmed up. No, not at all. Jian Dan made a 360 turn.

Uncle, dont you blame me for almost burning down the kitchen? Jian Dan asked cautiously.

It doesnt matter if the kitchen is destroyed, but my heart will ache if youre hurt.

Chu Liyuan looked at Jian Dan reproachfully, but his eyes brimmed with worry.

Uncle, I promise that Ill be more careful in the future. I definitely wont let myself get hurt.

Jian Dan raised her right hand and promised solemnly.

Youre not allowed in the kitchen anymore!

What?Not allowed in the kitchen anymore? Uncle, I wanted to make breakfast for you

He did not expect this la.s.s to be in the kitchen early in the morning, not because she was hungry, but because she wanted to make breakfast for him.

Although he was overjoyed, he put on a poker face. What happened today was really too dangerous. If he had not come in time, whatever would have happened to her?! Hence, he definitely must not be soft-hearted.

No! Chu Liyuan put on the face he had when facing his subordinates in the office and ordered domineeringly.


Jian Dan was about to say something when she caught the look from Chu Liyuan. She instantly swallowed the words that were about to come out of her mouth

Judging from Chu Liyuans expression, he seemed really angry. It was better for her to acquiesce..