The Beloved and Pampered Girl - Chapter 103: Ordinary Happiness

Chapter 103: Ordinary Happiness

Chapter 103: Ordinary Happiness

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

Chu Liyuan carried Jian Dan downstairs. Uncle Zhang and Aunt Jin were downstairs

Hurry up and get down. Arent you afraid that Uncle Zhang will laugh at you?

Although it was a reprimand, anyone who heard it would feel it was an act of doting.

Oh! Its alright! They will get used to it sooner or later!

Did this la.s.s mean that she would do this often in the future? I lowever he was actually looking forward to it.

Uncle, put me down over there!

Jian Dan said as she pointed at the chair at the dining table.

Sigh! There was nothing he could do about it. He could only gently place her on the chair as she said.

He went to the kitchen and brought the breakfast he prepared for Jian Jian.

Tuck in!

Jian Dan picked up the fork and was about to put a piece of ham into her mouth But when it was about to reach her mouth, she placed the ham on Chu Liyuans plate instead.

Whats wrong? Dont you like it?

Looking at Jian Dans actions, Chu Liyuan was puzzled. Usually, this la.s.s would eat immediately when she saw food. What was going on today? Was she not feeling well?

Im on a diet!

What? Why did she suddenly want to go on a diet?

Oh right, last night, when this la.s.s was drunk, she kept saying that she was fat.

I cant let those vixens steal you away.

Jian Dan said as if she had made up her mind.

What was going on in this la.s.s mind? What was she talking about? Where did the vixens come from??

Chu Liyuan forked up the ham and brought it to Jian Dans mouth. Youre not fat. Why do you need to go on a diet?

So what if she was fat? He did not want to see Jian Dan not eating to lose weight. His heart would ache.

Besides, Jian Dan was not fat at all. He even felt that she was too thin!

Really? Uncle, youre not patronizing me?

Chu Liyuan smiled and shook his head. Open your mouth.

Mmm! Meat is still the best! Hehe!

Jian Dan was a carnivore.

I saw so much delicious food at the annual dinner yesterday, but I didnt dare to eat any. I was so hungry that I fainted in the end.

Fainted from hunger? This la.s.s thought that she fainted from hunger yesterday?

Uncle? Why are you grinning?

I didnt! Hurry up and eat!

Since she thought that was what happened, so be it then! There was no harm in it.

Jian Dan did not wear shoes because Chu Liyuan had carried her downstairs. Hence, Jian Dan quietly stretched her little feet towards Chu Liyuans feet

Chu Liyuan felt something cold on the dorsal surface of his feet. Only then did he notice that not only was this la.s.s not wearing shoes or socks, but her feet were also cold.

Ill get your shoes!

Seeing that Chu Liyuan was about to get up, Jian Dan stepped on his feet slightly harder. Its quite warm like this.

Chu Liyuan had no choice but to take off his slippers and step on them. This way, Jian Dans feet could step on the dorsal surface of his feet.

Your feet are so warm! There must be a lot of people who dote on you! I used to hear some old folks say that people whose hands and feet are cold thats because they have no one to dote on them!

Then your hands and feet wont be cold in the future Because Ill dote on you!

The two of them gazed affectionately at each other

Under the dining table, two pairs of feet were stacked together. Above the dining table, they were exchanging loving gazes This was definitely a fatal poison for single people.

This was a breakfast where the sugar content was off the charts!

As Jian Dan was not wearing shoes, Chu Liyuan had no choice but to carry her back to the room.

Uncle, do you still have to work overtime tonight?

Not tonight!

Then Ill come back early tonight and celebrate New Years Eve together.

Ill pick you up tonight!


She had to accompany Yujin to the Golden Lion Awards ceremony today; she had to go for the styling session in advance. Hence, although the awards ceremony was at night, she had to go over early to prepare.

Jian Dan got changed and was about to head out