[170] _Lettre a M. Morley._
[171] Bochart, _op. cit._ p. 23.
[172] _Discours sur la Souverainete_, p. 117.
[173] [Greek: Eikon Basilike], _ou Portrait Royal de sa Majeste de la Grande Bretagne dans ses souffrances et sa solitude_, La Haye, 1649.
[174] [Greek: Eikon Basilike], _Le Portrait du Roy de la Grande Bretagne durant sa solitude et ses souffrances_, Orange, 1650.
[175] _Prediction ou se voit comme le Roy Charles II. doit estre remis aux royaumes d'Angleterre, Ecosse, et Irlande apres la mort de son pere_, Rouen, 1650.
[176] Aymon, _Actes_, ii. p. 723.
[177] _Ibid._ p. 734.
[178] Written 1574, published 1579. Under the pseudonym of Stepha.n.u.s Junius Brutus, the author argues that the royal t.i.tle coming from the people, the king who is idolatrous or defies his subjects' rights must be deposed.
[179] _Lettres choisies_, i. p. 420.
[180] _The Conformity of the Discipline and Government of the Independents to that of the Ancient Primitive Christians_, London, 1680.
[181] Schickler, _Eglises du refuge_, ii. pp. 110 _ssq._
[182] Bochart, _op. cit._ p. 115.
[183] _Shibboleth ou reformation de quelques pa.s.sages de la Bible_, dedie au Protecteur, 1653.
[184] Schickler, _op. cit._ ii. p. 93.
[185] See Chapter VIII.
[186] Schickler, _Eglises du refuge_, ii. p. 318 n.
[187] The foreign letters addressed to the Synods are commanded to be given up, with unbroken seals, to the King's commissioner. Aymon, _Actes_, ii. 5, 571, 636, 719, 740, etc.
[188] Bochart, _op. cit._ p. 2.
[189] He married the daughter of Cyrus du Moulin, sometime French pastor in Canterbury, and thus retained family ties in England. So much it is necessary to know to understand the minute knowledge of English affairs displayed in his polemical works.
[190] Saint-Evremond, _Oeuvres_, i. p. 87 (1753).
[191] _Ibid._ iv. p. 323.
[192] _Ibid._ iv. p. 146.
[193] Saint-Evremond, _Oeuvres_, iii. p. 272.
[194] _Ibid._ iii. p. 265.
[195] _Diary_, 13th March 1691.
[196] His only published work is the _Bibliotheque de Droit canonique_, edited by Guillaume Voet in 1661. See Ancillon, _Mem. hist. et crit._, Amst. 1709. P. 221.
[197] Saint-Evremond, _Oeuvres_, iv. p. 309.
[198] For details on this affair, so singularly suggestive of the arrogance in the seventeenth century of the most important Consistory in France, see Ancillon, _op. cit._ 223.
[199] _Smith MSS._, viii. f. 25-27.
[200] Saint-Evremond, _Oeuvres_, iii. pp. 266-267.
[201] _Ibid._ iv. pp. 319-320.
[202] _Diary_, 1st November 1685.
[203] Such is _An Abstract of the Present State of the Protestants in France_, Oxford, 1682.
[204] Schickler, _op cit._ ii. p. 356.
[205] _A Letter to a Dissenter in England by his friend at the Hague_, 1688.
[206] _Diary_, 14th March 1686.
[207] _Toleration proved Impracticable_, 1685.
[208] _Some Expostulations with the Clergy of the Church of England_, 1688.
[209] _Lettres et Memoires de Marie_, pp. 84, 89.
[210] _A Letter of Several French ministers fled into Germany upon the Account of the Persecution in France, to such of their Brethren in England as approved the King's Declaration touching Liberty of Conscience_, 1689.
[211] _Diary_, April 1700.
[212] Writing to M. de Beaumont, 21st March 1604.
[213] He was printing at the same time: _Cruelties at Montauban_, and _The Present Misery of the French Nation compared with that of the Romans under Domitian_.
[214] _Inquisition francoise ou histoire de la Bastille_, Amst. 1715, 2 vols.
[215] _Narrative of the Frenzy of Mr. John Dennis._
[216] _Letter to Thieriot_, 24th February 1733.
[217] _Jacobites' Hopes Frustrated_, 1690.
[218] King, _Life of Locke_, p. 261.
[219] See Chap. XI.