The Alchemist Of Harry Potter - Chapter 921

Chapter 921

"I have to go Hagrid."

Albert took out his pocket watch from his robe pocket to check the time, got up and said to Hagrid, who was sitting at the table plucking his chicken feathers, "I will see you next time."

"Don't stay for dinner?"

"No." Albert didn't want to fish out strange things from the dinner plate. "Don't be too serious about the previous things. Those things are not worth worrying about."

"Do you think I'm stupid." Hagrid threw down the half-plucked rooster, looked up at Albert who was about to leave, and said: If I had listened to you and didn't talk nonsense, I would not meet him. It's these things.

"Suggesting this stuff, I never expected others to listen carefully and consider it carefully." Albert stopped at the door of the hunting lodge, looking at Hagrid and said calmly, "To be honest, I'm not surprised that you will stab the basket. , Just like Porter does something every year."

"You guessed it a long time ago, didn't you? Or Maxim is smart, she said she has a big bone." Hagrid was a little bored when she said this.

"I thought you would call her Olim." Albert leaned over and rubbed his teeth. "Don't worry about this too much. Believe me, you and Mrs. Maxim will get together soon." "

"Why?" Hagrid asked stupidly.

"Because you have a common language, as long as you don't be stupid, at least it's okay to be friends." Albert greeted Hagrid and left.

At dinner, Hermione took the initiative to talk to him about Sparkling the house elf. Albert wasn't interested in Hermione's proposal at all.

After all, he is going to send off Jr. Barty Crouch next time. Although it was not his hand, Albert is not too serious to adopt a house elf who may be hostile to him.

"Hermione, some things are not as simple as you think." Albert looked at Hermione who was looking forward to her face, and shook his head, "Shiny's question can only be up to her, if she can't pass the hurdle in her heart, No matter how much other people can help."

"Is there really no way?"

"If Shining can't forget Crouch, then time can only help her forget." Albert looked at the dejected Hermione and comforted: "There are very few things in this world that can be perfect, just do what we can. , Not to mention that you are only a student now and there is not much you can do."

"Oh, you're right." Hermione looked absent-minded.

"If I were you, I would pay attention to Potter's preparation progress. There is only less than a month left before the second project." Albert reminded kindly, "If you can't make preparations before launching, Potter may be in trouble."

He actually liked Hermione's kindness, but sometimes the powerless kindness was useless except to satisfy and comfort herself, and Hermione obviously didn't understand this.

Albert did not intend to tell Hermione that it might be too cruel for her, because a lot of what she is doing now is not helping house elves at all.

"I think Hermione's proposal is good. If you can have a house elf, we can relax after we open the shop." George said with a smile.

"I have hired Dobby." Albert said quietly, peeling the citrus peel, "Dobby will help you prepare three meals, clean up the store, and put out the merchandise at that time."

"Dobby, I seem to have heard this name somewhere."

"The house elves of the Malfoys are free now," Albert explained.

"This is really wonderful."

The Weasley brothers like to see Malfoy unlucky.

"You actually spend money to hire a house elf?" Fred interrupted.

"Dumbledore does this too."

"No, I'm actually even more curious about how much you give a month." Fred wasn't too surprised, after all, it was Albert, so he wouldn't be surprised even if he did something amazing.

"One gallon a week." Albert said to the twins while eating citrus, "I will be deducted from my share of the proceeds. Anyway, I definitely can't go to the shop often."

"If you want to settle in a shop, renting a house may cost a lot of money."

"No, I'll help you figure it out and live in the box." Albert said calmly, "If it is troublesome to come to the door, Dobby will run away with the box as soon as possible, and your safety will be guaranteed at that time. Don't worry about being murdered in bed."

"That's a good idea," George murmured. "Even if the Ministry of Magic wants to conduct surprise inspections, it can't help it."

"I have thought about the posters of the store for you."

With that, Albert took out his notebook, tore off a page and handed it to them.

Fred and George leaned forward and looked at the passage on the paper:

Why are you worried about mysterious people?

You should care

Constipation kernel

The feeling of constipation afflicts Chinese people!

youknowwho (mysterious person)

unopoo (constipation kernel)


Both of them couldn't help but laugh out loud.

"Constipation," they whispered softly, "I didn't expect you to be quite humorous."

Fred suddenly understood why Albert had arranged that way.

"What are you laughing at?" Shanna asked suspiciously.


Fred stuffed the note into his pocket.

"You must be discussing something bad. Oh, yes, Professor Dumbledore asked me to give this to you." Lee Jordan walked over and handed Albert a folded note.

Albert opened the note, looked at the contents, and put it away.

At eight o'clock in the evening, Albert sounded the headmaster's office on time. After entering, he found Moody's also here, and could not help narrowing his eyes slightly.

"Professor Dumbledore, what can you do with me."

Albert reduced the expression on his face, ignored Moody's gaze, and asked.

"I hope you can help divination the whereabouts of Peter Pettigrew and Barty Crouch Jr." Dumbledore said with a smile.

"Divination is not omnipotent." Albert declined gently.

Of course, if Dumbledore's benefits were great enough, he wouldn't mind picking up Barty Crouch Jr's vest on the spot.

"Try it."

Dumbledore handed over a note, and Albert scanned the content on it and found it was a distorted note.

Moody watched the private transaction with interest.

Albert hesitated for a moment, and finally decided to predict Peter's position.

As for Batty, it doesn't work yet. After this incident, Little Batty should not dare to rush into action, but... he still needs to take some risks.

However, Albert did want Dumbledore's deformation notes.

He took out his crystal ball and put his hand on it. A red, white and blue flag appeared on the crystal ball, followed by a tulip wood signboard, and finally settled in the dimly lit house. Peter was holding a...package. UU reading

"Peter Pettigrew is hiding in Holland..." Moody looked at Albert in surprise, the murderousness in his eyes flashing away.

"It seems that Peter helped Voldemort regain his body." Dumbledore looked at the package in Peter's arms and said, "This is really bad news."

"This matter is very troublesome." Professor Moody said.

"Where is Barty Crouch Jr.?" Dumbledore glanced at Moody and told Albert to continue his second prediction.

"Well, don't count on..."

Albert touched the crystal ball, and soon a new surprise appeared on it. This time it was a stone sculpture of a wild boar with wings, no doubt referring to Hogwarts.

However, the following scenes silenced Dumbledore and Moody.

In the crystal ball, two dementors are dragging a person.

Barty Crouch Jr. was arrested by the Ministry of Magic?