The Alchemist Of Harry Potter - Chapter 825

Chapter 825

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"George, George, where are you? Come and watch today's "Daily Prophet" headlines." Fred's yelling sounded in the kitchen.

"Early in the morning, don't roar and scream over there." Mrs. Weasley, who feeds the chickens in the courtyard, glared at her frizzy son with her arms folded.

"Mom, look at today's "Daily Prophet" headlines." Fred excitedly handed the newspaper to his mother, and said excitedly: "Albert actually got the excellent curse of Banabs Finkley. Technique award, do you know what award it is?"

"It would be great if you can also make people worry like Albert." Mrs. Weasley took the newspaper, looking like she hates iron and steel.

"You should compare your baby son Percy with Albert." Fred curled his lips and said, "George and I were only those you picked up from the flower garden."

"You dare to talk back, do you want to **** me off!"

Mrs. Weasley looked at Fred, who had disappeared, and her eyes fell on the newspaper in her hand, which read: The youngest Barnabus Finkley winner of the Gold Medal for Outstanding Spellcasting Technique was born.

The headline news is accompanied by a photo of Albert holding a trophy in both hands, a medal around his neck, and a confident smile on his face.

"Mom, did you see today's newspaper?" Percy's voice came from the kitchen.

"Where is it? Fred took it out just now." Mrs. Weasley went to the kitchen window and stuffed the newspaper in.

Percy took the newspaper, glared at George who was snickering next to him, and caught sight of Fred who had just turned a corner into the kitchen.

"Oh, you should mention Albert less in front of your mother. She always likes to compare us with him." George gloatly reminded his twin brothers, "Always talk about other people's children."

"I knew I should study hard." Fred regretted it a bit. Since their .LS grades were sent home, the two had a bad summer vacation. .

Albert once reminded them that if Ls's grades are not good, the summer vacation may not be better.

Alas, next time I must block the guy's mouth before he speaks, and every time I say those bad things, what to say, what's in it, it's really unlucky.

"I don't know how much prize money this championship has?"

George walked behind Percy, stared at the newspaper for a long time and said, "Actually, I am more curious about how much he made this time."

"It shouldn't be much, at most one or two thousand gallons." Fred heard Albert talk about bonuses. Most international champions can get a good bonus.

"No, you definitely didn't pay attention just now. The newspaper stated that the Spanish "Bullfighting Daily" lost tens of thousands of Gallons due to gambling." Georges read it carefully several times and said: "Do you think it was based on Albert's Character, will he give up this opportunity? I dare say he will definitely bet to win the championship by himself. God knows how many Gallons he won."

Percy's eyes fell on the front-page news again and found the record of interviewing the reporter. For example, some people are preparing to file a formal complaint with the International Wizarding Federation. They even lied that someone used a blessing potion during the competition, all in an attempt to prevent young British wizards from winning.

Perhaps what attracted the most attention of British wizards was Albert's lace news. Those shameless reporters reprocessed Albert's answers and even distort the meaning directly.

Percy put down the newspaper. He felt that the most correct thing Fred and George did in their lives was to get to know Albert. Albert, who had always been generous to his friends, reached out to them. At least the future of the two It would be too bad.

In fact, from Fred's sentence at most one or two thousand gallons, it is not difficult to see their attitudes and changes towards money, unlike poor Ron, who is still struggling with that point.

"This is an international award with a lot of weight. It is said that it is easy to win the championship, but it is difficult to win the gold award. And any wizard who wins the gold award will eventually become a great wizard." Percy recalled, " It is said that Dumbledore once won this award."

"It's really Albert." George couldn't help but said with emotion: "I always feel that winning is as simple as drinking water for him."

"He's not going to participate in the International Alchemy Conference, maybe he can get another prize back then." Fred was very confident in Albert.

"What's wrong with Hermione?" Mrs. Granger found her daughter frowning while looking at the newspaper.

"Albert won the prize." Hermione spread the newspaper on the table, and Mr. Granger and Mrs. Granger turned their heads to read the headlines.

The Grangers still remember that their daughter once said that the handsome young man in the photo was the senior who took good care of her at school, and was also the first friend Hermione made in the school in a meaningful way.

"You should be happy for him." Mr. Granger was a little confused, not understanding why his daughter frowned.

"The newspapers are reporting indiscriminately again," Hermione pointed out Albert's lace news: "I remember the last time he won the international wizard chess championship, the group of reporters also wrote lace news indiscriminately on the article."

For some reason, Hermione gets angry every time she sees that group of reporters cover Albert's lace news in the newspaper.

The whole school knew that Albert had a girlfriend and that they were close.

"You have to know that in order to sell newspapers, those newspapers dare to write anything, because many people like to read these gossip news." Mr. Granger looked at his daughter, blinked his eyes and said: "That is indeed a Very good boy."

"Excellent, no, I think it's better to use genius." Hermione corrected.

"I remember this Mr. Anderson often gives you gifts." Mrs. Granger smiled. She thought Hermione might like that handsome boy.

Genius, handsome, rich, and gentle, who doesn't like such a boyfriend?

Hermione suddenly noticed that her family was looking at her, and asked suspiciously, "What are you staring at me for?"

"I remember that you are going to buy gowns this semester. It should be a dance party. He might invite you to dance." Mrs. Granger reminded with a smile, "Seize the opportunity."

"What are you thinking? Albert already has a girlfriend." Hermione looked at the handsome boy in the newspaper without knowing what she was thinking.

"See what I do?"

Isabel found that his sister was staring at him with a weird look.

"How do you dress up?" Katrina looked at the beautiful Isobel, and she didn't understand how she was dressed up. "Are you going to go on a date with Albert?"

"No, I didn't sleep last night, so I just dressed up a bit." Isabel asked, "Would you like to pick up Albert with me?"

"What do you do to pick him up?" Katrina asked suspiciously.

"Did you not read today's newspaper? He just returned from Spain." Isabel said.

Katrina picked up the "Daily Prophet" on the table, saw the guy holding the championship trophy at a glance, then quickly glanced at the content of the headlines, and asked, "Aren't you angry? That guy clearly has You are, you are still hooking up with other women outside."

"That's just what the reporter deliberately fabricated like that for newspaper sales." Isabel said indifferently. "I've been chatting with him last night."

"I'm not going." Katrina wasn't interested in asking herself to be boring. .

"I'm leaving."

Katrina looked at the back of Isabel's departure, and then picked up the newspaper on the table and began to study, "Intentionally? Not necessarily, if there is nothing wrong, the group of reporters will definitely not write like this."

Albert had no idea that he had been choreographed by reporters again.

As soon as he walked out of the fireplace of the International Floo Network, he only felt that the food in his stomach was rolling, and he hadn't slept all night, which made Albert feel very uncomfortable, like a motion sickness.

"are you OK?"

Bud noticed that Albert's face was slightly pale, and asked worriedly.

"It's okay. I stayed up late last night, and now I use this stuff again. I feel a little uncomfortable." Albert waved his hand to indicate that he was okay, and he said to Bud, "I have to go to the Broken Cauldron bar first. Isobel is over there. wait for me."

"You can use the fireplace here to go directly to the Broken Cauldron Bar!" Bud said to Albert with a smile. "There is no need to waste time walking."

"Then I'll go back first. See you tomorrow, Mr. Bud, and thank you this time." Albert once again expressed his gratitude like Bud, took out the Floo powder from the jar and sprinkled it into the fireplace, directly Go to the broken cauldron bar.

When Albert came out of the rotating fireplace again, the spinning dizziness almost made him fall.

In a daze, it seemed that someone stretched out his hand to support Albert, and when he recovered, he found that the person was Isabel.

"I didn't make you wait long!" Albert asked.

"No, I've only been five minutes." Isobel reached out and hugged him. "Welcome back."

"You put on makeup?" Albert asked in surprise.

"Does it look good?" Isabel asked.

"It looks better than before," Albert said honestly.

"Should I go to Hogsmeade now?" Isabel asked, holding Albert's hand.

"Well, it's faster to go back from there. The sequelae of using the International Floo Network are a bit big. I have to lie down and rest for a while."

"Don't make noise, let me sleep a little longer?"

Albert opened his eyes tiredly and found that Nia was sitting next to his bed holding Tom, and from time to time she swept his face with the cat's tail.

"Get up for dinner." Niya asked suspiciously: "Did you not sleep last night?"

"Um, talked with Isabel for one night." Albert covered his yawn again, got up lazily from the bed, glanced at the trophies and medals on the table, and said to his sister: "I will bring you A gift, did you see it?"

"Are you talking about records?" Niya asked rhetorically.

"Well, it is said that she is a very famous singer in the European magic circle." Albert pointed to the door of the room and motioned for Nia to go out. He was about to change clothes.

"The singer is okay, and the voice is very good, but the song is not good." After Niya left the bedroom, she leaned back on the wall next to the door and talked to Albert, "I feel that the aesthetics of the magic world are relatively average."

She has not forgotten the last time Albert gave her a record. It is said to be a very famous song in the magic world. It seems to be called "You stole my pot, but you can't get my heart." Since that time, Niya has been I don't have much expectations for the songs of the Ministry of Magic.

"This is the shortcoming of a small number of people. With a large number of people, excellent works will emerge." Albert said with a smile: "If there are no favorite songs, I will give them to others."

"Well, I will keep one, and you can give the rest to others!" When Niya followed Albert to the restaurant, she suddenly asked: "What is your relationship with that Miss Yanila? Why does the newspaper say..."

Before Niya finished speaking, Albert interrupted her.

"Newspapers need to sell themselves, so that group of reporters always like to make up all kinds of news that attract people's eyes." Albert looked at his sister and said, "I remember telling you about this before. Read the newspaper. Be smart, or you will easily become a fool."

"I remember you once said that if a lie can deceive others, there must be some truth in it." Niya stared at Albert and asked: "I'm more curious, those in this newspaper are the truth? And , Aren't you afraid that Isabel is angry and jealous?"

"Isabel is a smart girl, and smart girls are usually very good at their own judgments and don't easily believe these rumors." Albert said hello to Luke and Sansa, and began to sit down and eat. "That Miss Yanila is actually the daughter of a bar owner, and the game was played in that bar."

"Why does the game take place in a bar?" Niya was puzzled, obviously unable to understand what the operation was.

"It's a bar rather than a hotel." Albert said again: "The owner of that bar, Ms. Diana, donated money to the game. They sponsored the gold medal, and the bar owner's daughter happened to be a A very famous singer, so as a special guest to award the champion."

"Advertising?" Niya understood. "But what does this have to do with your marriage to him?"

"This is related to some rumors in the bar, um, it is said that it was a bar run by a vampire."

"Wait, you mean that Miss Yanila is a vampire?" Niya was surprised.

"There should be vampire blood, but it should be very weak." Albert continued while eating. "Rumors say that the descendants of that bar are basically women. They like to find gold medal winners as partners, so they There is that news in the newspaper."

"Really?" Niya asked curiously.

"Really." Albert said, "However, I refused. After all, I have a fiance."

"Does Isobel know about this?" Niya felt that these vampire girls were really special. Most of the wizards who were able to win awards should be very old. People like Albert are definitely endangered species.

"She knows." Albert said quietly.

After dinner, everyone sat in the living room, playing cats, watching TV, and chatting about what happened in Spain. Until late at night, everyone went back to their rooms and rested.

Albert asked Shera to send gifts to Fred and George. He actually bought a set of songs, and he gave Isabel the signed album from the champion.

Others each gave away a record.

After watching the owl fly away, Albert walked into the vanishing cabinet to the house in Hogsmeade, and then took out the time converter to go back a few hours ago.

When he came to the hall, he found that Isobel in his nightdress was listening to music while flipping through the latest issue of the Daily Prophet, waiting for him to come over.

"You still look sleepy."

"It's not because I talked with you all night last night, and I picked you up again today. I lay down for a while in the afternoon and basically didn't sleep much." Isobel covered a yawn and put his head on Albert's Shoulders.

"Then go to bed early!" Albert felt that he was also infected by Isobel's drowsiness, and couldn't help yawning.

"That Miss Yanila is really a beautiful girl." Isabel whispered.

"She has some Veeva descent, and it's normal to be beautiful." Albert picked up Princess Isabel.

"However, Miss Yanila's charm is not as big as she imagined." Isabel said softly, "Still, she herself actually resists doing that. After all, she is a stranger who has only known her for a few days."

"why would you say so."

"Because if she doesn't hesitate, she must be the best one!" Izabel put his arms around Albert's neck and put his mouth to his ears, "I will definitely not give you any chance to refuse. I will give you first. Let's talk about it when you push it down. After all, her family does this, how can there be no way to get you in your own place?"

"You are right." Albert suddenly felt that Isobel's words made sense.

"She actually prefers you to take the initiative. After all, there are fewer daring girls. If you take the initiative, half-push half and you agree." Isobel said, "However, I'm actually more curious about your reasons for rejecting her."

"Why do you want to know this?" Albert asked.

"Pure curiosity, after all, it's been delivered. Normal men should be hard to resist." Isabel is really curious. When Albert told her about it, she was really surprised.

"You are not angry."

"In fact, quite angry." Isabel asked with his arm still around Albert's neck, "Why?"

"Do you want to hear the truth or is it fake?" Albert asked after putting Isobel down. UU reading www. uukanshu. com

"It's a lie." Isabel said.

"Because I think of you and don't want to make you sad."

"I like this answer." Isobel kissed his cheek and giggled. "What's the truth?"

"The truth is that I don't think it's worth it." Albert was silent for a moment and said, "If something happens to him, maybe his fiance will be gone, and people may meet a satisfactory one in their lifetime."

"Besides, you are so smart. I think even if you can hide it for a while, it is impossible to hide it from you forever. In the future, we will live together. There is no need to mess up with this thing. Moreover, you are also very beautiful. I think I am There is really no need to take this risk, although Yanila is really beautiful, and it makes me feel a little moved."

"Really like what you would say, rational, and like to measure gains and losses." Isobel shrank into Albert's arms like a kitten and fell asleep.