The Alchemist Of Harry Potter - Chapter 822

Chapter 822

Genius remembers this site address in one second: []https://fastest update! No ads!

After the results of the second round of the Barnabus Finkley's excellent spelling game were released, there were not many people in the Barnabus Bar soon. In order to redeem the winning gold coins, some people continued to bet because they heard that player No. 17 had an overwhelming score in the game just now.

Maybe player No. 17 can win the championship or even the gold medal. Many wizards who are optimistic about the dark horse of Albert have chosen to bet that he can win the final championship.

As for winning the gold medal, it is a bit difficult.

The Bullfighting Daily had to lower Albert's odds again. The odds for the gold medal were only one-third of the original, and the odds for the championship were only one-fifth of the original. Many wizards who hadn't made a bet in advance have beaten their chests and feet.

"What do you think?"

Bud put down the newspaper and looked at Albert who was eating ice cream.

"This game is different from what I thought." Albert has a skill panel, and his understanding of spelling techniques is naturally far better than other wizards.

However, after several rounds of competition, Albert has doubts about the excellent spelling skills of Banabs Finkley.

What is the spellcasting technique?

To put it bluntly, it is the experience and skills of using magic.


Well, the first two rounds of competition did give Albert a lot of doubts.

After hearing Albert's doubts, Bud smiled and put a book in front of Albert.

""Banabus Finkley's Cursing Technique"?"

Albert scanned the title of the book and found that it was actually in Spanish.

"I got this specifically for you. It's only available in Spanish, but I don't think you have any problems with reading!"

"This thickness...I used to see a reduced version?"

"Yes, all published outside are cut-off versions. This is a reward for the gold medal winner."

Albert quickly wiped out the ice cream in his hand, took out a handkerchief and wiped his palm, and began to flip through the book in front of him.

In just two hours, Albert simply scanned the book.

What should I say?

This book is actually useful, but it is also useless.

Albert used Voldemort's spelling technique. The spelling technique recorded in "Barnabus Finkley's Spelling Technique" is useless to him, but the ideas provided in the book are useful. Combining his knowledge, Albert got the answer he wanted.

However, Albert disliked it very much.

If you apply this book, it's like putting a shell on yourself.

I was originally free, but now I have to put a shell to restrain myself. It feels ridiculous to think about it, but...maybe this is the idea of Banabs Finkley's excellent spell-casting game!

A clever wizard can use the opponent's wielding posture and the name of the spell to see the spell that the opponent wants to use, and make countermeasures in advance.

Therefore, the silent spell and the wandless magic are important parts of the spelling technique of the master wizard.

Albert's high score in previous performances was not because of how wonderful his performance was, but because the five referees all saw that he was able to use silent spells and wandless magic skillfully.

For most adult wizards, this is almost impossible.

And why did the middle-aged wizard and other wizards who are suspected of Aurors get good scores?

In fact, it comes from another aspect, the optimization of the opponent's law.

Each spell swing gesture is fixed, but it doesn't mean that you can't fine-tune it to make your spelling more smooth and natural.

There is a big difference between using a spell in a panic and using it calmly, and there is also a big difference in the power of the spell.

The movements and arcs of some wizards who wield their wands are exaggerated, but in fact they are just to make their spells smoother.

However, Albert doubted that they would dislocate their arms first.

That night, Albert carefully studied the knowledge of Voldemort's spelling techniques in his head. He just mastered many of the skills and had not studied in depth.

No way, sometimes even the inventor of magic doesn't know how it works. Sometimes it's just fine to know how to use it. It doesn't make much sense to entangle so much.

However, if Albert wants to win the championship and the gold medal, he has to be willing to spend time on it. The result of the divination only represents the final result, and does not mean that he can lie down and win, because the future has not happened yet.

While Albert was working hard for the gold medal, the Bullfight Daily was holding a secret meeting.

The sudden dark horse caused the gang of people who started the gambling game to be overwhelmed.

"You mean, we have already lost more than 5,000?" A wizard hiding in the shadow couldn't help but question.

It's no wonder he was so shocked that basically there has been no loss of money since they started the gambling game.

The one who loses will always be the one who made the bet. This is the truth of the gambling game.

"Yes, if the 17th wins the final championship, we will lose 17,000, and this amount continues to rise. If the 17th wins the gold medal, we will lose 45,000." A wizard in charge of statistics Several people at the meeting reported.

"How can it be!"

The wizards in the room were very surprised, knowing that they are the organizers and rarely lose money.

"A lot of wizards are betting that he can win the championship. As for the gold award, in the early days of our gambling game, many people were optimistic about the number 17 and pressured him to win the gold award. At that time, the odds were very high, and we lowered the loss three times as a result. Rate. More and more people will win the gold medal on the 17th."

There was a strange silence in the conference room.

"At present, who is the best for us to win the championship?" someone asked.

"Number 53."

The wizard in charge of the report put a photo on the table. It was a decadent male Noe who had just graduated from Boothbaton School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

"If we only win the championship, we can benefit 21,000."

"I see, you continue to count, we need the latest data." The wizard presiding over this secret meeting waved his hand, indicating that the other party can leave.

"Are you too nervous, that's just a sixteen-year-old kid, don't you think he can really win the gold medal?" Finally someone couldn't stand the depressed atmosphere in the conference room and said.

This is actually true. The championship of Banabs Finkley's excellent spell-casting game is easy to win, and winning the first place is the championship. However, to win the gold medal, you need to be recognized by several referees. This requires not only talent, but also a lot of experience.

There are very few wizards who can win the Gold Medal of Barnabus Finkley's excellent spelling technique before the age of 30, and those winners are all renowned geniuses in the magical world.

However, they did not forget that Mr. Anderson was actually a genius with a reputation in the magical world. After all, the champions of the international wizard chess tournament and the Magic School Potions Championship are of very high standards.

"Now that there are very dangerous signs, we have to consider the worst outcome." Someone reminded.

"Can you start from the referee's side." Someone suggested.

"This is definitely the stupidest way I've ever heard." An older wizard sneered.

"Then what do you say?"

"Perhaps, we can talk to that Mr. 17, after all, the champion and the gold medal are only a little bit of money, we can..."

"That's impossible. You probably don't know how many Galleons the British guy who brought the 17th to the game bet him." Someone shook his head and denied the bad idea. "Only there is a 550 plus. Long, and there may be more. You must know that they started betting when we opened. I even suspect that the initial bet money is related to the British guy."

"The first batch of bets were friends of that person." The person in charge had to remind others, "and they are all ugly guys."

"I'm curious, where is his confidence."

"Just because his name is Bud Brod, the former Barnabus Finkley Gold Medal winner for outstanding spells, and he was only twenty-five years old when he won the prize. I think you should know what this means. "

"The seventeenth is his student."

After a short silence, someone said, "So, did he take us wrong?"

Everyone knows this is just an excuse.

"Maybe, we can make him miss the last game." Someone suggested, "It's actually not difficult, isn't it?"

There have been no similar cases in the past, and most of the time, "Bullfight Daily" will not lose money.

However, this time a ruthless person came and directly stunned them.

"Everyone, I must remind you that if this kind of thing fails, the consequences will be serious." The representative from the Ministry of Magic finally couldn't help but speak, "At that time, it will be more than just a matter of money."

"A little money, you tell me this is a little money?" someone screamed extremely corruptly.

"Yes, it's a little money for the entire "Bullfighting Daily". You have to know that once exposed, it's really finished, it's really finished, do you know what I mean? Do this stupid thing, don't expect it The Ministry of Magic will help you find out."

Kidnapping players, that is absolutely stupid.

If you want to manipulate the outcome of the game, you should usually buy off referees to solve the problem.

But the referees of most major tournaments are actually fairly fair, especially those who are a lot of age, it is basically impossible to buy them.

As for the acquisition of No. 17, it is even more impossible.

He is only 16 years old, at the age of youth and vigor and fear of nothing.

Once the talk collapses and the other party stabs the matter out, the problem will be big.

A young man can't bear any grievance, let alone an arrogant genius.

There was a strange dead silence in the room again.

Ihus Knowlton thinks he is not a good person. He has no serious work. He has to rely on small thefts to make a living. Breaking through doors and reselling smuggled supplies are what he does most often.

For this reason, Ihus did not go to jail for less.

However, he found that the latest one was particularly short. He originally thought he would squat for a month, but he did not expect to be released in a week.

Before Ixius had time to be happy, he was called for.

For the sake of gold coins.

Ihus drank a bottle of compound medicine and sneaked into the Barnabus Bar, pretending to be a foreigner. His task was to disqualify an underage wizard from tomorrow's game.

Well, even if you don't have to think about it, you know who is looking for yourself.

Moreover, the weirdest part of this task is to have one of the contestants drink a small bottle of blessing potion.

Yes, give the contestants a blessing potion.

In any competition, the use of Fu Ling agent is prohibited, once found, the competition will be disqualified directly.

I have to say that the guy who came up with this method is really a ghost.

Even if the last 17th really won the championship and the gold medal, it was exposed that he was suspected of using the elixir, and then it was detected that the opponent did use the elixir, the championship and the gold medal naturally had nothing to do with him. "

As for Albert Anderson's reputation, what does it have to do with them?

They even comforted themselves by saying: This is revenge for Bud Brod's fleeing their wool.

However, the plan was good, but the wrong object was picked.

Ihus has not yet figured out what happened. He remembers sneaking into the room of Mr. Anderson before dawn, releasing some hypnotic gas into it, and preparing to give that Mr. Anderson to take Fuling. Agent.

However, when he covered his mouth and nose with a handkerchief soaked with potion and opened the door, Ihus found his memory became blurred. When he woke up in a daze, he found himself tied to a chair. Go, and his target is yawning, looking at him with a very strange expression.

Last night, when Albert was about to go to bed, the panel suddenly triggered a new task.

Well, now he already knows the reason for triggering the mission, and the guy in front of him is the passenger he met when he came out of Bud's room.

"I think the guy who came up with this method is just a ghost." Albert was not angry. He fiddled with the blessing potion seized by the other party just now. Ji will have obvious symptoms of arrogance, and it also proves incidentally that I actually passed the previous two rounds by relying on Fu Ling Ji."

"You can honestly explain it yourself, let me forcefully use the recitation spell on you, you know, that overuse of that spell may turn you into an idiot. When I think about it, no one cares about your life or death." Bud looked darkly. He stayed up all night with the guy in front of him, and now he is in a bad mood. I didn't expect that the gambling side actually planned to play a black hand and directly disqualified Albert from the game. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

Ihus couldn't understand how he exposed, but he knew that he had better explain it clearly, lest he became a victim and died of unclearness.

"What do you think we do with him?"

"Why don't you if you have money." Albert said with a smile after using the Stunning Curse to faint him. "

With that, Albert threw his wand to Bud.

"I'm not used to this stuff." Bud waved his wand twice and shook his head.

"Then pick one from here and use it smoothly." Albert took out a box with a bunch of new wands in it.

"I think they must be furious." Bud drew his wand and waved it twice, pointing it at the hapless Mr. Isius' head.

"The soul is out of the body."