The Alchemist Of Harry Potter - Chapter 802

Chapter 802

On weekends and holidays, the atmosphere of the exams at Hogwarts Castle has become even stronger. Except for students in the fifth and seventh grades, students in other grades are also beginning to face final exams.

Everyone is seizing the last two days and working hard to review the key points of the exam mentioned in the class.

However, there are always exceptions.

After Fred, George, and Lee Jordan took the first few classes, they all looked lazy, and didn't even pay attention to the Potions exam next Monday. The meaning of their words was: It is impossible to review.

The three obviously didn't plan to go to Snape's potions class anymore.

In fact, it would be difficult for them to go to Snape's potions class again next semester.

Only in the .ls exam, students who get "excellent" are eligible to take Snape's potion improvement class, and there are only a handful of students who can reach this level in the four colleges.

Fred, George, and Lee Jordan were very happy not to see Snape's stinky face in class. The three obviously knew that they would not be able to achieve excellent results in the .ls exam.

Albert is not worried about this. He just won the Potions Award, and his knowledge in potions far exceeds that of other students in the same class. The potions made in the practical exams are selected from the potions book. Need to worry.

As for the content of the written test, he had read the test papers of previous years in advance, and he had also recited the so-called key points. He didn't think the potion written test would cause him trouble.

Well, in fact, the .ls exam is too simple, which gave him a lot of confidence.

"If I were you, I would definitely give Snape a big surprise." Albert was sitting by the window drinking butter beer and chatting with the three of them who were playing the wizard card.

"Forget it. It's basically impossible to get good in the potions exam. If you can get good results, it will surprise us first."

"Kenneth left the black market to us."

George poured himself a glass of butter beer, sat opposite him, and casually mentioned what happened after Albert ran for a date last night.

black market?

The black market of Hogwarts is not a black market in its meaning, but refers to a list of the names of some people in the four colleges who frequently conduct black market transactions, and the locations of several channels that are often used for private transactions.

Everyone actually knows some people, but there is no detailed list given by Kenneth.

"Kenneth didn't ask you for money?" Albert asked suddenly.

"That guy wants five gallons, but we only give him one gallon." Fred threw away the wizard card in his hand and lay down on the armchair. "To be honest, I have a kind of being given by him. Feeling cheated."

"You don't know what that guy is."

Albert doesn't know much about the so-called black market. Normally, if you want to buy something in the black market, you have to go to a certain person and ask for the price. Gryffindor is Kenneth.

"Actually, you can try to directly write the things you want to trade on the bulletin board. Next year, you can also start to try to sell joke props in school to build a reputation for leaving school. After the .ls exam is finished, you can post it. It's an advertisement. Albert gave the three of them a trick. As for the black market, you can also find a secret passage that Filch doesn't know about, and make a bulletin board over there, so that everyone can leave a message on the bulletin board. Things to trade, provide everyone with a place to trade."

"It's a good idea, but it's not easy to find a hidden passage that Filch doesn't know." Lee Jordan said and looked at Fred and George. If anyone knows the secret passage in the school better than Filch, That's probably the two of them.

George proposed to take out the secret passage behind the big mirror on the fifth floor as a trading place for the black market. Anyway, the secret passage leading to the outside has collapsed.

Then they started discussing the name of the shop.

Because of the relationship of the four, the name of the store cannot be added with the last name.

Magic joke shop?

This is the name currently prepared.

Albert doesn't bother to care about it. His level of naming is actually quite average, as you can tell from the fat cat named Tom beside him.

The gentle summer breeze blew in from the window and brought a little sleepiness to Albert. He couldn't help but stretched out his hand to cover the yawn, and looked out the window. He inadvertently caught a glimpse of Hagrid at the edge of the forbidden forest with his hands in his hands. It seems... carrying a suitcase with Buckbeak.

"I'm going to find Hagrid, will you go together?" Albert asked, looking at the four people who were discussing the name of the store.

"Go by yourself!" George said.

Well, unexpected answer.

The relationship between the three and Hagrid can only be said to be average.

Albert returned his gaze out of the window and found that Hagrid had disappeared.

After leaving the common room, Albert took out the map from his pocket. Hagrid was not in his hunting lodge. He probably guessed what Hagrid wanted to do.

"Is this to send Buckbeak back to the colony of eagle-headed horse-winged beasts?"

Albert could understand Hagrid's thoughts that he couldn't bear to lock up Buckbeak, but he still felt that Hagrid was too risky to do that. At least he should discuss it with himself first.

"These guys, all of them are unreliable!"

Albert babbled and complained as he walked into the boys' bathroom on the eighth floor.

An hour ago, Albert came out of the boys' bathroom and was about to go to Hagrid's hut. He suddenly thought of something and gradually slowed down.

"Could it be that I changed Hagrid's thinking that led him to send Buckbeak back to the eagle-headed horse-winged beast colony?" Albert stopped, hesitated for a moment, and finally decided to wait. Secretly follow to see what Hagrid wants to do.

"Then what should I do now?"

Albert suddenly felt a little depressed, and finally decided to go to the responsive room to read a book, as it was to review the potions exam.

Where did he meet Katrina, who was also reviewing for the potion exam, and the two chatted casually about the key points of the potion exam.

The chatting time passed quickly. Albert took out his pocket watch to see that the time was almost up, and then used the Illusion Charm to hide himself, and went to the outside of the Forbidden Forest to wait for Hagrid to appear.

After a while, after seeing Hagrid entering the forest with a suitcase, Albert walked out from behind the tree trunk.

"Why are you here?" Hagrid was very surprised.

"You should discuss with me first." Albert said with a slight reproach, "At least I can give you some advice."

"Sorry, I don't want to disturb you. I know that the .ls exam is very important to you." Hagrid looked at Albert and couldn't help but glanced at the suitcase. "But it's stayed inside for too long, it seems The mood is very depressed."

Hagrid obviously felt very sorry for Buckbeak, and the life in the box was not so good, so he planned to secretly send Buckbeak away without telling Albert.

"Can you find the tribe of eagles with wings?" Albert asked.

"Of course." Hagrid snapped his chest and said, "I know they are in every nest in the Forbidden Forest."

"Aren't you afraid of someone following you?" Albert said grimly, and he took a badge from his pocket and threw it to Hagrid.

The work has to be done cleanly, he doesn't want to be pitted for some reason.

"What is this?" Hagrid glanced at the badge on his palm and asked suspiciously.

"Blocker. With this thing, others can't lock you through spells. Of course, the owl can't find you."


Hagrid smiled and stuffed the badge into his pocket, and greeted Albert, "I think you are definitely planning to go here too."

"Is it far from here?" Albert asked.

"About half an hour away." Hagrid briefly estimated the time.

"It shouldn't pass through the hunting range of the group of eight-eyed giant spiders." Albert asked again.

"Don't worry, I think those eight-eyed giant spiders should have forgotten you." Hagrid knew why Albert was wary of the eight-eyed giant spider.

"Who knows." Albert took out his broomstick from his pocket and sat on it, and said as he flew, "I won't make fun of my life."

With that, Albert took another thing out of his pocket.

"Always see you pull out some weird things."

Hagrid looked at something similar to a pocket watch in Albert's hand and asked curiously, "What is this again?"

"The wizard radar can detect whether there are other wizards within a radius of one kilometer." Albert said casually, "The principle is a bit like a sight glass, and it also uses the mantra. Well, you can't understand these 80% of them. ."

Of course, this thing is still a semi-finished product, and the things Albert brought out are mostly semi-finished products.

"So, do you plan to use this thing to see if anyone around us is watching?" Hagrid guessed the usage of this thing.

"Yes." Albert lifted his wand and tapped it on the suitcase, directly using the phantom spell to hide it, lest Hagrid held a suitcase to attract people's attention, despite the possibility of encountering people. It's small, but it's always a precaution.

At this moment, the wizard radar reacted, and Albert saw several red dots approaching here quickly.

"Hagrid, someone is here." Albert wanted to take out an invisible cloth from the deformed lizard skin bag to cover the two of them, but the movement of the red dots on the radar was too fast.

"What's the matter?" Hagrid asked.

"I don't know." Albert frowned slightly. He felt that he should stop Hagrid from coming to take the risk.

Above their heads, a few wizards on broomsticks passed by.

"What's wrong, Hagrid." Albert confirmed that the group had gone away, and looked at Hagrid, who was frowning on his side.

"It should be a poacher." Hagrid said with a sullen face. Few poachers would rush into the forbidden forest. This place is more dangerous than imagined.

"Today is really not a good day to go out." Albert murmured, "Are you planning to put Buckbeak back into its community?"

Hagrid hesitated for a moment, and finally nodded, even if he wanted to do something, they couldn't do it, they couldn't fly.

"By the way, you released the eagle-headed horse-winged beasts in the Forbidden Forest?" Albert deliberately changed the subject.

"No, eagle-headed horse-winged beasts are very common in Europe. I met them while staying at Hogwarts as a hunting field guard." Hagrid was really distracted by Albert. "It is said that the eagle-headed horse body The appearance of the winged beast is related to the wizard. It was originally the product of the cross between the lion-body eagle-headed beast and the horse."

In fact, the strange and weird creatures in the magical world are all made by wizards. For example, the snails that will appear in the next semester are one of them, which are obtained from the hybridization of a lion-headed heliconia and a fire crab.

What's more terrible is that they are not like donkeys and can reproduce, so a whole new kind of creature appeared in the magical world.

"They usually start laying eggs in mid-July."


"Yes, a large and fragile egg can usually hatch within 24 hours." Hagerkop said, "During the spawning period, the eagle-headed horse-winged beast's nest will become very dangerous. Attack any creature that tries to approach the lair."

Suddenly Albert didn't know what to say, but the thing was born egg?

"The eagle-headed horse-winged beasts usually start test flights in seven days, and they can fly long distances in a few months. They usually fly to the south with their parents in winter for food." Hagrid introduced.

"To be honest, you should tell the students about this, they need to understand this knowledge." Albert proposed.

"It's a good idea. I'll have a similar class next semester." Hagrid said seriously. "I already have a good idea. I'll try it out in the summer."

Albert could not help but mourn for the others.

As he followed Hagrid forward, he instinctively glanced at the wizard radar in his hand, and couldn't help squinting his eyes.


He handed the Wizard Radar to Hagrid and made a false gesture. After reading it, Hagrid was taken aback, but Albert stopped him when he wanted to turn his head.

"I went ahead to find the way, you may be lost." Albert finished speaking and let the broom fly forward.

After a while, he hung up and turned back, and soon found the four wizards following them.

These four guys actually floated in the air about a hundred feet away from them, silently following Hagrid without speaking.

Albert drew out his wand and used a wide range of coma spells in the approximate direction of the four people. When the red light exploded into the void, the four poachers reacted and drove their broomsticks to fly out of the area of the coma spell, but It was too late, and the four people who were affected by the coma spell began to blur their consciousness. They had no time to react, and they were knocked down from the air by the coma spell.

Of course, due to the spell, none of the four were thrown to death, but they have all fallen asleep.

Hagrid stared at the four people who were thrown together and asked, "How did you do it."

"Of course it was a sneak attack. They were just caught off guard by me." Albert said naturally.

"What are you going to do?" Hagrid asked.

"Look at what their purpose is, and then deal with it." Albert tied them with a rope, awakened one of the wizards, and directly used the idea of

The memory of the wizard flashed before Albert's eyes. He saw four young people meeting in the pig's head bar. He heard that there was an eight-eyed giant spider breeding base in the Forbidden Forest. So he wanted to come and try his luck. I found the Eight-Eyed Giant Spider, but I met them on the way and recognized Hagrid. He wanted to try his luck with Hagrid secretly, and maybe he could find something valuable.

It is a group of poor ghosts who try their luck in the forbidden forest and try to make a fortune.

"What are you going to do?" Hagrid frowned and asked Albert. This kind of guy who runs to the forbidden forest to try his luck every year, but there are very few who can really make a fortune.

"Confiscate their tools of committing crimes and erase their memories. When they wake up, they will naturally leave by themselves."

In fact, if they didn't follow him and Hagrid, Albert wouldn't bother to control them.

"Well, just do it." Hagrid agreed.

After a few people woke up, they found themselves lying on the ground for some reason. The magic wand on UU Reading was still missing and flew away in a hurry. Albert and Hagrid watched this scene. inside.

"You said they will come again." Hagrid lowered his head and asked Albert.

"I don't know." Albert said, passing the wand to Hagrid. "Do you want to try it?"

"When I was expelled, I was deprived of the qualifications of a wizard by the Ministry of Magic and was forbidden to carry and use magic wands." Hagrid smiled bitterly.

"I can make you a telescopic cane or a telescopic umbrella, and you can take it with you." Albert smiled and comforted, "You don't have to worry about these problems, as long as no one finds it, it's not illegal."

"Can you do this?" Hagrid asked in surprise.

"There are always loopholes in the law." Albert said contemptuously. "Moreover, most of the laws are actually used to restrain ordinary people. After that, you must have a deep understanding."

Hagrid was surprised at what Albert said, but he had to admit that it was right. When facing Lucius Malfoy, the law of the Ministry of Magic was so ridiculous.

In the end, Hagrid still didn't ask Albert to help with that kind of thing, and the two did not go to the eagle-headed horse-winged beast's lair, but released Buckbeak near the lair.

"Go back and live with your companions." Hagrid touched Buckbeak's head sadly, unchained it and said to Albert, "I shouldn't have let them show up in class."

"It's not your fault." Albert softly comforted, "Let's go back."

"Come on, I'll visit you in the future." Hagrid waved goodbye to Buckbeak, who was looking back as he walked, "I really don't want him to leave."

"It won't do you any good to stay. Buckbeak is natural." Albert said as he watched Buckbeak fly away. "At least, you can come back and visit him occasionally."