The Alchemist Of Harry Potter - Chapter 691

Chapter 691

In the first week after the semester, no matter which course the professor teaches, they are desperately assigning homework to everyone, constantly emphasizing the importance of the .LS exam.

To describe it in Fred's words: like the .Ls test is smashed, the sky will fall down.

However, Fred soon regretted that he had said this, because his naivety had fallen.

As soon as the weekend came, they found that they had to spend a lot of time in the library, faced with a pile of homework that could never be done, and even the mind of making Malfoy troublesome.

At this moment, Fred was flipping through the book, and he kept chanting some unclear words: ".Ls is like a grinding wheel, press the examinee's head into the book hard, and after a little bit of patience, it will drive people crazy!"

George looked away from the parchment, looked at the guy who was nagging over there, and reminded him angrily: "Don't be crazy, you probably haven't practiced the Vanishing Curse, you will be spot-checked in the next class, be careful of being caught Confinement."

"Oh, at least better than Albert. I would rather stay here to do my homework than Snape to make up for two hours of class." Fred muttered comfortingly and continued to do his homework. .

In the Potions classroom, Albert and Isobel were listening to Snape talking about the Potions Championship.

"The magic garden is the most well-preserved garden with the most types of potions in the world. Although it is called the magic garden, it is actually a forest with an area no smaller than the forbidden forest, and there are more potions in it than you think."

As a potion master, Snape naturally knew about the magic garden.

"Students participating in the potion tournament need to enter the magic garden to collect raw materials, save it and bring it back, and make it into a potion. The champion and you enter the garden to collect raw materials, how to process raw materials, and make magic The result of the medicine is related."

Seeing that neither of them had spoken, Snape continued: "What you have to learn now is how to distinguish the raw materials, and use the correct and safe way to obtain and store them. The raw materials are not limited to plants, but the same goes for animals, such as the brains of frogs. , There is no ready-made one, you need to get it from the forest yourself."

The two still didn't speak, and listened quietly to Snape, and asked the potions professor to raise his eyebrows slightly, and suddenly asked: "Mr. Anderson, do you know where your weakness is?"

"Age?" Albert knew it was Snape who was making trouble for himself.

"Yes, you have learned far fewer potions formulas than other wizards, which means there are fewer choices. This game is very unfavorable to you. I really don't know why Mr. Dagworth recommends you." Snee When Pu said this, he obviously meant to belittle Albert.

"Oh, professor, I don't think you need to worry about it. I have read the contents of "Advanced Potions Making", and I have written down all the formulas in it. I don't think my reserve of potions is better than others. Less. Time is precious. I think we'd better start and just focus on the main points." Albert's tone was calm, but he slapped Snape's face like a whip.

Snape looked at Albert coldly, his eyes as if he wanted to eat people.

However, facing Snape's sight, Albert was indifferent.

In the next few hours, Snape had seen what a real genius was.

The learning progress of the two was very fast, almost listening and remembering. After Snape finished speaking, they probably all learned.

"Very good." Snape's face twitched, and he lowered his voice. "You learned faster than I thought. Next week we can move on to the next link."

"Handle the raw materials?"

"Yes, handle the ingredients." Snape said blankly. "Well, you can leave now."

After leaving the potions classroom, Isabel suddenly said, "Snape doesn't like you?"

Just now, Snape seemed to embarrass Albert by deliberately making a surprise question, but it was a pity that Albert didn't bother him.

"Slytherin's prejudice against Gryffindor."


In the last few hours, Snape not only told them the key content in "A Thousand Wonders of Herbs and Mushrooms", but also the acquisition and precautions of other required raw materials.

There are still few potions made purely with herbs. Most potions require one or two ingredients obtained from magical animals or other creatures. This is the most difficult part of the potions tournament.

The two talked while walking on the way to the House of Request.

"Is seventh grade really busy?"

"The exam is very important, no one wants to fail the exam."

"You have too much to learn, and the pressure is naturally not small." Albert is not worried about Isabel's test scores. "However, for you, all excellent things should not be too difficult."

"I'm not you, I can get excellent results in any test."

"Okay! Don't blow each other."

The two looked at each other and smiled.

After Isobel returned the time converter and added most of her energy from the seventh grade exam, the two of them began to spend a lot of time alone when they were alone, and they both cherish such a relaxing time together.

"By the way, have you discovered the secret of the new professor Lupin?" Isobel asked softly.

"You mean a maniac?"

The so-called wolves patients actually refer to werewolves, but this is Hogwarts, and Albert feels that he should not speak so bluntly so as not to be heard by other students. That would be bad.

He believed that most wizards knew what werewolves were, but he certainly didn't know what it meant to be suffering from the magical disease rabies.

"It seems that you have also noticed. I really don't understand why Professor Dumbledore invited the other person to the school." Isabel is obviously worried about Professor Lupin, or the werewolf.

No way, monsters like werewolves are too dangerous for students.

"Most of the professors in the school should know about this. They have no objection. Professor Dumbledore obviously persuaded them." Albert comforted, "I think they will prepare Professor Lupin's wolf poison potion."

Of course Isobel also knew about this, but he was still not at ease. In Albert's words: not afraid of ten thousand, just in case.

God knows what will become of Hogwarts when Professor Lupin forgot to take the medicine.

"Well, let me teach you to restore the humanoid spell. If you master this spell, you can easily subdue the werewolf." Albert had actually thought about how to deal with the werewolf.

"Restore the humanoid curse?"

Isabel also knew that Albert had studied the spells that appeared in Lockhart's book, but he did not expect it to be successful.

"Easy to learn?"

"It's almost the same as the Patronus Charm, but I think for a genius like you, it shouldn't take much time. I just haven't practiced it before, and I don't know how effective it is." Albert has actually planned to use Professor Lupin as a test subject. Up.

After the two walked into the responsive house together, Albert asked the house elves to bring dinner, so that they could have more time to chat together.

It can only be said that men and women in love are like this, and they want to stick together all day.

"You actually left us for a date and didn't come back until midnight?"

The next morning, the trio who was busy doing homework all looked at Albert with a grimace.

"You haven't finished your homework yet?" Albert asked.

"Of course it's done... that's weird." Fred said discouragedly: "That pile of homework seems to be endless forever. I feel like I'm going crazy."

"You are not the only one who is going crazy." George said grimly, "Don't forget, Albert has to do twelve homework, and he also has to go to Snape for tutoring to prepare for the Potions Championship."

"Shit, don't you forget, Albert doesn't have to do most of his homework?"

Lee Jordan gave Fred a fierce look and complained, "I'm eating."

"How did you avoid doing homework?" Ron was very interested in this question. After entering the third grade, the heavy homework made him breathless.

"To deal with the professors, the premise is that you are good enough in this subject." Albert put jam on his slices of bread, "This method is not for you."

"Stupid Ron, don't think about it. Obediently do your homework with us." Fred didn't forget to sarcasm Ron so that he could accept this cruel fact.

"I'm just asking for Hermione. She is also going to take twelve courses. She has been very busy recently and her temper has become bad."

Hermione didn't know when to appear next to Ron, gave him a bad look, and said grumpily, "My temper has gotten worse, I'm so sorry!"

Harry and Ron closed their mouths quickly.

Hermione has been very busy and can't wait to spend the whole day in the library.

To do homework for twelve courses, it feels terrible to think about it.

"You should share your experience with Percy. My side is not for you." Albert took a bite of the bread and said to Hermione. "At first, the pressure will indeed be a lot more stressful. Just get used to it. If you don't deliberately To pursue the twelve outstanding words, UU Reading is a good choice to give up some unnecessary courses."

"I don't think grades mean anything." Fred disapproved of this and did not forget to belittle Percy. "Even if Percy enters the Ministry of Magic after graduation, he will not become a senior official of the Ministry within a few decades."

"If you want to enter the Ministry of Magic, a beautiful resume is... very important."

Albert reached out to catch the letter thrown by the owl. After looking at the sender, he opened the envelope. There were only a few photos inside. There was a string of numbers at the back of the photos: 2000.

"This price..."

Albert doesn't know what the price of the house on the wizard's side is, but he thinks the price should be considered very cheap.

It's less than ten thousand pounds, can it be cheaper?

However, considering the wizard's style and style, it seems that the low housing prices are not incomprehensible.

As long as the wizard is willing, he can always easily buy a very cheap house from Muggles, or build a house himself.
