The Alchemist Of Harry Potter - Chapter 687

Chapter 687

"From the analysis of the content taught by Professor Lu Ping in class, it is not difficult to hear that his next plan is to focus on the content of the book, as far as possible, so that everyone can get high scores in the owLs exam, instead of teaching us some more practical magic. ."

After leaving the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom, Lee Jordan briefly talked about his analysis. In fact, he knew that several of his roommates understood it, but he still couldn't help but sighed: I am indeed a competent professor. It seems that Professor Ping's clothes don't seem to be doing very well?"

"I probably guessed the reason," Albert said mysteriously.

"What's the reason?" the three asked, turning their heads together.

"No evidence has been found. However, if I am right, it is better not to let other people know about this, otherwise Professor Lupin should resign." Albert did not intend to say "Professor Lupin is "Werewolf" told the three roommates.

"Cut, it's such an appetite again."

"so serious?"

"Couldn't it be Blake's disguise?"

The three of them were very curious about what secret Albert had discovered again.

Why everyone's eyes are on their heads and they are all in the same classroom, so he can discover so many secrets that others don't know.

"Yeah." Albert said noncommittal.

Professor Lu Ping's experience is sympathetic, but creatures like werewolves should still be vigilant.

"However, I now probably know why so many wizards who work at the Ministry of Magic can't pronounce a decent iron armor curse..." Fred was interrupted by George before he could finish talking.

"I remember you vomited a similar slot before." George continued Fred's unfinished slot. "Do you want to say that this kind of teaching mode, if you don't spend a lot of time on self-study , Only a ghost can achieve good results in the defense against the dark magic"

"The two of you are really boring." Lee Jordan looked at the twins who were complaining to each other, and couldn't help rolling his eyes.

If the three of them had not received Albert's training, they would not be much better than the others in defense against the dark arts.

"Don't say that, if the magic world is not like this, how can we enter the field of Defense Against the Dark Arts in the future and rely on this cash cow to make money?"

Affected by the Black Prison Escape incident, the atmosphere in the entire magical world is very tense. If a few years later, the magical world is really messed up as Albert predicted, then the protective items with the black magic defense effect can really make the four people rich.

As for it, it is immoral to expect a mess in the magic world to make money.

It can only be said that this is the case in the future. It is still students who cannot and cannot change the result.

After getting along with each other over the years, they have also been influenced by Albert, and their mentality has matured a lot. At the same time, they believe in Albert, who can help them realize their dream of a joke shop.

Albert is really good and knows many things.

Just like those omniscient prophets.

No, in the hearts of the three, Albert is more powerful than those guys.

When a few people went to the hall for dinner, they passed by the long Slytherin table and saw a group of Slytherin students huddled together. They didn't know what they were talking about.

Lee Jordan glanced at the crowd a few more times. As soon as he sat down, he couldn't suppress the curiosity in his heart. He mumbled: I went to ask someone to ask, then got up and left.

After a while, Lee Jordan came back with a heavy news:

Draco Malfoy was scratched by an eagle-headed horse-winged beast when he was taking a class to protect magical creatures, and he is still lying in the school hospital.

"Hawk head horse with wings?"

George, with his mouth full of fried eggs, said vaguely: "Hagrid didn't get the eight-eyed giant spider into the classroom, but first brought a eagle-headed horse-winged beast into the classroom."

"The next lesson on protecting magical creatures will definitely be very interesting. I also heard that Harry rode a eagle-headed horse with a winged beast into the sky." Lee Jordan said anticipatingly, "I don't know if we have any. The opportunity to ride a eagle-headed horse with a winged beast into the sky is definitely different from riding a broomstick."

"There is no saddle or rein on the eagle-headed horse-winged beast. You will only feel panic in your butt, and you will also worry about whether you will fall from the sky." Albert unceremoniously splashed Lee Jordan. Pen Lengshui asked, "What stupid Malfoy did to get attacked by the eagle-headed horse-winged beast?"

"I heard that it was an insult to a eagle-headed horse-winged beast, so I was scratched by the angry eagle-headed horse-winged beast." Lee Jordan recalled the news he had inquired.

"Calling that guy a idiot, I really didn't slander him, and only those who are spoiled by the family can do such stupid things brainlessly." George said contemptuously. Will a winged beast be killed by one claw?"

"Hagrid must have stopped it." Fred looked very regretful. "It would be nice to let the little idiot lose his arm."

"It seems that the wizard hasn't researched the potion to regenerate the severed limbs, right?" Albert thought of Professor Kettlebo, who resigned last semester.

If there is such a magical potion, Professor Kettlebo's friendship with Professor Dumbledore will definitely not break his hands and feet.

"It shouldn't be." Fred shook his head. "At least, I've never heard of such a magical potion. I really hope Malfoy's injury is more serious."

"I think Mrs. Pomfrey can cure him in a short time." Lee Jordan frowned slightly when he said about it. "But Malfoy is still in the school hospital, so he refuses to be discharged."

"The little idiot is pretending to be hurt. He must want to take this opportunity to trouble Hagrid. This is a trick used by the Malfoys." Fred said contemptuously.

"Albert, what do you think?" George asked.

Albert noticed the three of them looking at their eyes, and said helplessly: "Last semester, I told Hagrid not to bring dangerous magical creatures into class."

"You expected it to be like this a long time ago?" George raised his eyebrows slightly.

"I just didn't expect Hagrid to cause trouble on the first day of school, which is considered a record breaking." Albert's tone was a little helpless.

When he said those things to Hagrid last semester, he guessed it might be the result.

"Did you predict that this kind of thing would happen?" Lee Jordan asked curiously.

"Some things can be guessed without prediction." Albert said calmly.

"I thought you would stop him." Fred looked surprised.

"How do you think I should stop him?" Albert looked at the three roommates and asked back, "Do you think I should use Hagrid's reasons to ask him to do this like a child? Do that, can't do this, do that?"

"No, I didn't mean that." Fred apologized in shame.

"Hagrid is an adult, has his own ideas and needs to be responsible for what he does." Albert calmly told a fact, "and I, just a person, not a god, all I can do is to give him some kindness in advance. advice."

"However, the little idiot's luck is good. It's just a little hurt." George quickly turned off the subject. "Actually, Hagrid's luck is also good. If the little idiot loses an arm, the Malfoys will never let it go."

"No, you think too much. With Malfoy's character, he will definitely pressure the school board to expel Hagrid." Fred is very clear about Malfoy's character. This thing will never leave it alone.

"No, Malfoy has gotten out of the board of directors. They no longer have that kind of influence." Albert shook his head. "Moreover, Professor Dumbledore will also come forward to guarantee Hagrid, with the principal. For his status and authority, Britain and even the European magic world need to give him face."

"As for the Ministry of Magic, there is no need to worry. Some time ago, Hagrid was imprisoned in Azkaban Prison for no reason. If it happens again, the group of gossip reporters from the Daily Prophet will not let this big news go." Albert said meaningfully: "After all, what's the matter with the Ministry of Magic's control of the hunting grounds at Hogwarts?"

Once this kind of thing was exposed, it was regarded as throwing the face of the Ministry of Magic on the ground and smashing it back and forth with his feet.

In fact, if it was not Malfoy who was injured, but other students, things might calm down quickly.

After all, Malfoy was self-inflicted, and only slightly injured. UU reading

"However, the Protecting Magical Creatures class is ruined." Albert sighed helplessly. "Perhaps Hagrid will let us contact, observe or raise some harmless creatures, such as..."

"Flobber caterpillar?" Fred said casually.

"Yes, maybe we will learn how to raise Flobber caterpillars in the next class." As he said, Albert put down the fork he had just raised to his mouth, and suddenly felt that he had no appetite.

"Are you going to eat?" George asked curiously.

It's rare to see other leftover food on Albert's plate.

Albert took a handkerchief out of his pocket, wiped the corners of his mouth and said, "I really shouldn't talk about disgusting things while eating. It's disgusting."

"Oh, a good class."

Hearing what Albert said, the three of them had no expectations for Hagrid's magical creatures lesson.

"Fortunately, we won't have to waste time on this class if we take the class of protecting magical creatures for another year."

"Anyway, I don't plan to continue to study the protection of magical creatures. I am going to give up a few courses next semester." Albert estimated in his mind, "Probably keep the main five courses, plus mathematics divination and ancient magic writing."

"Next year, we may only have two to three courses." Fred said with a smile, "Herbs, defense against the dark arts and spells, I doubt my transformation class can meet the requirements of Professor McGonagall. "

"As long as you can achieve good results, you should be able to meet the requirements of Professor McGonagall." Albert told the three of the information he knew, "If you want to continue to study in the sixth grade, you need to achieve at least good grades."

"That's not easy," Fred muttered. "Not everyone can test out a bunch of excellent exams as easily as you."

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