The Alchemist Of Harry Potter - Chapter 629

Chapter 629

After learning from Tom Riddle's diary that Hagrid might be related to the attack, Harry was determined not to ask about Hagrid's Secret Chamber unless another attack occurred.

In fact, he didn't know how to ask Hagrid about this, and simply pretended that he didn't know anything.

Unlike Harry, Hermione still persisted in searching for the truth. She finally found the opportunity to tell Albert the secret Harry had discovered in Tom Riddle's diary.

In Hermione's eyes, the kind and handsome Albert was undoubtedly a very reliable predecessor, and even gave her the illusion that if anyone could uncover the secret of the secret room, I am afraid that it would be Albert.

This may be related to Albert's handsome appearance. The most suitable boyfriend in the eyes of the girls is not a joke.

At this moment, Albert and Hermione were in the foyer, looking at the wizard card game going on inside. After there was no one around, Hermione lowered her voice and asked, "Did you know that Hagrid was because of fifty years? Was expelled from school in the previous incident?"

"Hagrid told you?" Albert directly rejected this possibility after he finished speaking. "Hagrid shouldn't tell you these things unless his mind is flooded."

"We learned this from Tom Riddle's diary." Hermione stared at Albert's face and said quietly.

"Oh, Tom?"

Albert repeated the name softly, seeming to recall something, and a slight smile appeared at the corner of his mouth. "My cat is also called Tom. I remember you seem to like cats very much. You can raise one by yourself. Cats are usually very smart."

Hermione agreed with Albert that Mr. Caretaker's cat was very smart.

"But, can't you just divert the subject." Hermione looked into Albert's eyes, and she felt that Albert didn't seem to want to talk about it.

"By the way, the diary from fifty years ago can be kept till now. Do you know where that diary is stored now? I mean Tom Riddle's diary." Albert said his purpose: " Maybe I can find some useful clues in that diary."

"Tom Riddle's diary may be different from what you think." Hermione met Albert's eyes, and quickly avoided, explaining to Albert the magic of Tom Riddle's diary.

"According to your statement, that diary should be a very precious magical item!" Albert fumbled lightly and said his own analysis: "To be honest, I can hardly imagine that he was actually a wizard at school. The effects of the magic items created can last as long as fifty years."

"I heard you say that, that diary seems to be great?" Hermione was surprised, he didn't expect Albert to give such a high evaluation.

"You don't know how to make magical items. Normally, magical items can be restored to their original state if they are kept for a few months at most." Albert analyzed his guess with Hermione a little bit, "Furthermore, Tom's diary Ben can automatically restore Harry, which shows that the diary is very intelligent. Well, you may not understand what intelligence means, but the diary has its own consciousness, it is like having a friend with you. To give an example, it is the Sorting Hat."

"Tom Riddle seems to be a great wizard." Hermione could not help but admire the stranger (the Dark Lord) who had never been masked when Albert said this.

"It's really amazing,"

Albert is not stingy with his own words of praise, "There is also the kind of practice that can be brought into the memory of others. I have seen similar records in some documents."

Without waiting for Hermione to ask any more, Albert gave the answer directly: Pensieve.

As far as I know, sorcerers can use the help of "meditation basin" to let themselves into other people's memories.


Albert wants such technology.

"However, you are right. Tom Riddle's diary is very unusual. I suspect that the person who threw it away knows the purpose of the diary, but why does he do it?"

"I can try to persuade Harry to let you study Riddle's diary." Hermione felt that the diary was far more useful in Albert's hands than Harry's.

"That's great. After the Wizards card game is over, we will go to Harry to borrow that diary." Albert smiled and made an agreement with Hermione.

In fact, Albert knew Tom's diary a long time ago, and was snatched by Miss Ginny not long ago.

"Harry must also want to find out the culprit of the attack as soon as possible." Hermione followed Albert into the lively hall.

In the end, Truman won the championship.

After the awards, everyone raised their glasses to celebrate the successful conclusion of the wizard card competition.

Albert followed Hermione to Harry and told him about Albert's plan to borrow Tom Riddle's diary.

At first, Harry hesitated a little, but finally he agreed to give the things to Albert to study. Harry also knew that Albert was better than himself, and might be able to find something useful in the diary.

After the brief celebration, Albert and Harry went back to the dorm to take Riddle's notes. Harry, who had just opened the door to enter the dormitory, opened his mouth in surprise!

There was a thief in the dormitory, things were thrown everywhere, boxes were opened, clothes were randomly thrown on the ground, the drawers of the bedside tables were opened, and the contents were scattered on the mattress.

When Ron entered the room, he saw the mess of the dormitory and asked, "What's the matter, Harry?"

Harry bent down and picked up the "Walk with Trolls" that fell on the ground, and opened his mouth as he watched the messy dormitory. After a long time, he held out a few words: "I don't know, I just came back."

"Someone is looking for something, and that person definitely doesn't know where the thing he is looking for is placed, so he rummaged around. I'm sure he is definitely a student of Gryffindor!" Albert looked at the thief Analysis of the dormitory.

"How did you know that a student in Gryffindor did it?" Ron couldn't help asking.

"Ron, the other students don't know our password and can't enter the Gryffindor common room at all." Hermione felt that Ron should use his brain, don't ask these pure questions all day.

Albert knowingly replied, "You tidy up the dormitory first and see what is missing."

Harry nodded and began to pick up all his things. UU Reading threw them back into the boxes and drawers one by one. After the things were sorted out, Harry's face was a little weird, and he lowered his voice to Ai. Burt said, "Riddle's diary is gone."

"There is a problem with this matter, that diary is suspicious, otherwise why would the other party steal the diary?" Albert began to insulate the thoughts and focus of several people.

"Who do you think will steal that diary?" Hermione asked.

"The original owner of that diary." Albert said.

"Tom Riddle?" Ron said.

"Of course not, there should be someone else!" Albert shook his head and exclaimed, "If you find the diary again, you'd better be wary of the person holding the diary, or bring it to me, or Give it to Professor Dumbledore."

"You suspect there is something wrong with Riddle's diary." Hermione turned to look at Harry nervously.

"He should be fine. If he has any questions, he would have been sent to the school hospital."

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