The Alchemist Of Harry Potter - Chapter 561

Chapter 561

After separating from Hertok, Albert and Isobel went to three broomsticks. Now that they are all in Hogsmeade, how can they miss a drink at the Three Broomsticks bar?

The bar was noisy and crowded, but it was also warm, with flames burning in the fireplace.

Albert accidentally caught a glimpse of Fred, George, and Lee Jordan sitting in the corner drinking. They were whispering together, seeming not to notice him and Isobel.

Albert found an empty seat and went to the counter to ask Ms. Rosemerta for two glasses of Butterbeer. Although it is a bar, it does not provide minors with alcoholic beverages other than butter beer.

Albert thinks that low-alcohol liqueurs can actually be sold in bars, and they will definitely be popular with girls. As we all know, girls' garon is much better than boys'.

However, most of the sweet wines in Europe are wine, and Ms. Rosemerta obviously does not sell wine to students.

Speaking of sweet wine, Albert remembered the glutinous rice wine of his previous life. It was one of his favorite wines. It tasted like a drink, but it was not easy to store.

"What are you thinking about?"

Isobel noticed that Albert was distracted while chatting with himself, so he raised his eyebrows and asked.

"There is a very good liqueur in Muggles, and maybe the house elves can try to make some." Albert said suddenly.

Anyway, the house elf stays in the manor, and there is actually nothing to do. Finding something to do can better mobilize its enthusiasm, and he also believes that the house elf will definitely be happy to master another skill.

"Sweet wine, is it good?" Isabel is very interested in what Albert said.

"Well, it's a bit like a drink, you will like it." Albert has already figured out how to make glutinous rice, and I believe Mondungus will probably be willing to help him get things.

The two of them finished drinking, strolled around Hogsmeade and bought a birthday present for Nia before returning to Hogwarts Castle.

Before leaving, Albert never forgot to tell, "There may be an accident in the castle today, remember not to run around."

"Understood, be careful yourself."

Isobel felt very strange, but he didn't intend to run around. Albert said that, there must be some reason, maybe he predicted something again.

If it is a student of Gryffindor, listening to him say this, it is estimated that he would have been ready to die.

As soon as he returned to the common room, Fred, George, and Lee Jordan appeared without warning.


Fred opened the door and said: "However, Mr. Joko is very interested in the wizard card and seems to be interested in cooperating with us."

"That's a shame." Albert was not interested in this asymmetric cooperation.

"You seem to have guessed it early?" George raised his eyebrows and looked at Albert a little depressed.

When they went to find Joko, they were completely ignored, the guy was extremely arrogant in some ways.

At least, all three of them think so.

"No money, who will help you." Albert gave Li Jordan a blank look and did not shy away from this point.

Most people are profit-seeking, not to mention that Joko is a businessman himself. If he asks him for advice, but does not give him any benefits, he will care about a few strangers.

"Okay, don't care." Albert said with a smile, "Zoko wouldn't want a similar store to compete with him, so it is normal to have a bad impression of you. If your store becomes popular in the future, maybe His shop is going to close down."

"It turned out to be so."

The three of them were still a little depressed, thinking that things would be better if Albert had gone.

"Okay, be happy. I'm going to attend the Halloween banquet later, isn't there a skeleton dance group?" Albert took out the candy from his pocket and stuffed it into the hands of several people.

The Halloween dinner started at seven, and Albert planned to take the time to write a letter to the thief Mondungus.

Of course, Albert did not expect Mondungus to find things right at once, but with enough Gallon, he believed that Mr. Thief would be willing to help.

After all, if you have money, you can make things worse, let alone get someone to help you find something?

So, before seven o'clock, Albert and his roommate went directly to the auditorium and met the Harry Potter trio on the road. They left the crowd and walked towards the underground classroom.

"Where are they going?"

Lee Jordan looked at the back of the three people leaving, and asked suspiciously.

"Of course it's going to the ghost party." Albert ignored the three of Harry and walked straight to the crowded auditorium.

There are huge pumpkin lanterns in the corner of the auditorium, and a large group of bats fly around the enchanted ceiling. The most eye-catching thing is probably the stage in front, where a large area is vacated, with a floor. The hazy fog blocked everyone's sight,

Many people looked over there. They knew that the Skeleton Dance Company was behind the fog.

Soon after, the banquet was hosted by Dumbledore and opened with the performance of the Skull Dance Company. The audience burst into thunderous applause.

Albert looked up to the stage and saw a bunch of musical instruments placed on the stage. Wizards dressed in heavy metal style costumes began to speak to adjust the atmosphere. A large group of students were surrounded by a group of fanatical star fans.

It was really heavy metal style music, and the sound reverberated in Albert's ears. It is a pity that he just doesn't have any appreciation ability. When everyone is screaming, UU reads www.uuknshu. Com cut the steak slowly and stuffed it tightly.

"I really don't know why they are so famous." Shanna murmured. She was one of the few students in Gryffin who hadn't come forward to watch.

"Probably the charm of music!" Albert glanced at the parchment in his hand. Ginny Weasley had disappeared from the map and had apparently entered the secret room.

"You believe this?" Shanna looked at Albert with a weird expression.

The performance lasted for more than a quarter of an hour, and the Skull Dance Troupe sang three songs for the students before leaving the stage with dismayed eyes.

Everyone else returned to their places to enjoy this exquisite banquet.

Probably it was the Skeleton Dance Company that attracted everyone's attention, but no one noticed that the savior Potter was missing.

The food at the dinner was exquisite. After Albert was full, he began to think about a question.

The Basilisk incident just didn't kill people from beginning to end. Was it an accident or was it intentional?

Does Tom Riddle really not know?

A lot of things really can't bear scrutiny!

With so many coincidences together, it can't be regarded as a coincidence.

Moreover, Albert suspected that Tom Riddle would definitely be a maniac, otherwise how could the other party accurately attack the target without being noticed by others?

"Damn it."

Thinking of this, Albert's whole person is not good. He feels that he needs to master the advanced shielding spell as soon as possible, so that he can directly disappear from the map of the mantra, only in this way can he ensure that he will not be targeted specifically.

If you use a high-level shielding spell to block your own existence, it will be difficult for Owl to find him, and he has a lot of Owl letters, it is impossible for him to give up contact with other people, and must think of something else.


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