The Alchemist Of Harry Potter - Chapter 559

Chapter 559

Hagrid's desire to become a professor of protection of magical animals did not depress Fred, George, and Lee Jordan for too long. As for the wound on the back of Fred's hand, it has completely recovered under Madam Pomfrey's treatment.

The end of October came quietly, and Hogwarts students in third grade and above were talking about going to Hogsmeade.

Fred and George wanted to go to Joko's joke shop to replenish stinky bombs, and by the way, see if they can ask the manager about some experience in opening a shop.

However, will the store manager Joko be willing to share the experience of opening a store with the twins? Albert doubted this, but not everyone was as generous as he was.

On the morning of Halloween, Albert woke up with everyone. When he went downstairs for breakfast, he could smell the sweet and alluring smell of roasted pumpkin in the air in the corridor on the first floor.

"Today is another beautiful day." George happily put the pumpkin pie into his mouth.

"You can go to Hogsmeade and have fun." Fred swallowed the grilled sausages and drank a sip of pumpkin juice. "In the evening, I can also participate in the Halloween dinner and have a good dinner. "

"You can also go to Nico's 500-year-old death party, who is almost headless." Albert looked up from the newspaper and glanced at Hermione who was domineering not far away to remind Harry to keep the promise.

"What is the death party?" Lee Jordan asked inexplicably.

"It's a gathering of ghosts." Albert retracted his gaze, continued to read the headlines in the Daily Prophet, and casually explained.

"Ghost party?" George asked suspiciously. "How did you know?"

"Harry Potter mentioned it just now, but you didn't pay attention." Albert motioned to the three of them to look sideways. Harry, Ron, and Hermione were sitting two tables away from them. They also looked sideways over here.

"Sounds interesting." Fred was very interested.

"Don't be silly, ghost food is not to human appetite." Albert looked at Fred with a foolish gaze, and said angrily. "If you can swallow the moldy and rotten food at the party, just When I said nothing."

Harry looked ugly after hearing Albert's words, and he didn't want to go to the death party at all now. However, in the end he gave in in Hermione's gaze. Ron originally didn't want to go after listening to Albert's words, but Hermione glared at him severely, and he couldn't help but bowed his neck with a guilty conscience. Who told them to have agreed to accompany him. Harry going to Nick's death party?

"By the way, will you not plan to go to Hogsmeade with us later?" Lee Jordan tentatively looked at Albert who was reading the newspaper seriously.

"Well, I have an appointment with someone." Albert said without looking up.

"You can just go on a date." Fred gave Albert a blank look. This guy hasn't gone to Hogsmeade with them since he had a girlfriend.

"What are you reading? Is there any major news in the newspaper?" Lee Jordan asked curiously.

"Well, the wolf poison potion has been completed, and Mr. Damocles disclosed the formula of the potion and received the Merlin Medal for it." Albert introduced briefly.

"Welcome poison potion, what is that?" The three asked in a puzzled manner. The Merlin Medal can be obtained with a single potion. The wolf poison potion is undoubtedly a great invention.

"A potion that can be drunk to keep the werewolf safe and harmless while transforming."

Albert quickly took a look at the above formula and the mixing process, and raised his eyebrows, his expression was very strange.

In fact, Damocles invented the wolf poison potion very early, but the configuration of this potion is very difficult, and the raw materials are very expensive, which is not something that werewolves can afford.

Later, Hertok Dagworth also invited Albert to participate in the improvement of the werewolf potion. Not only them, but also many famous potion masters participated, although the configuration difficulty of the potion and the price of the raw materials used All have been reduced a lot, but for poor werewolves, there is actually no difference between a hundred gallons and a thousand gallons, and they can't be used anyway.

Of course, the wolf poison potion is not as expensive, but the price is not affordable by the werewolves.

Albert couldn't help shaking his head after reading.

"What's wrong?" Fred noticed Albert's head shaking.

"The price is too expensive."

"The price is too expensive?"

"As we all know, werewolves have always been discriminated against by wizards, and it is difficult to find a job in the magical world. They are basically a group of poor ghosts and can't afford this stuff at all." Albert said angrily, "You must take the wolf before the full moon Poison potions need to consume at least dozens of gallons each month, not counting the waste caused by failure in potion preparation, and what is worse is that there are very few wizards capable of preparing wolf poison potions."

The three of them already understood what Albert meant. The Wolf Poison Potion is indeed a great invention, but the werewolves can't afford it!

"By the way, if you are free, follow us to Joko's joke Maybe you can get some useful experience from Joko's mouth." Fred turned off the topic. They did not pay particular attention to the potion of wolf poison.

"You can talk about the wizard card." Albert casually found an excuse for the three of them. "Tell Joko that you want to open a shop selling wizard cards. Remember not to tell Joko too much about the wizard card. It's a matter, lest the other party foolishly say everything without talking.

"We know what to do." After looking at each other with George, Fred took out his notebook and made a note, lest he forget it later.

"See you at the dinner." Albert accompanied the three of them to the front hall and sent them away under Filch's gaze. Then he took out his pocket watch from his pocket and looked at the time, then returned to the hall of the auditorium. , While reading the newspaper, continue to wait for the appointment time.

"I hope I didn't make you wait too long."

Before long, Albert heard Isabel's voice coming from his side.

"Let's go."

Albert stood up and left the auditorium hall under the gaze of the girls. Before leaving, he looked more at Mrs. Loris at the feet of Filch who was checking the list in the hall.

"what happened?"

On the way to the school gate, Isobel asked. She apparently also noticed what Albert had just done.

"The prediction I made before has never been fulfilled." Albert said softly, "However, I feel that something might happen to the party today."

"Why do you have such an idea?" Isobel felt a little strange.

"An intuition." Albert stretched out his hand to hold the girl's soft palm, and said with a smile, "Okay, let's not talk about this, where shall we go later, or go to Mrs. Paddy's Teahouse?"


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