The Alchemist Of Harry Potter - Chapter 507

Chapter 507

The German Ministry of Magic is located under the capital of Berlin. Wizards in many countries like to hide the Ministry of Magic underground, especially under famous buildings. This can save them a lot of trouble, otherwise Muggles will open it someday. Using an excavator, when digging a subway tunnel underground, accidentally digging into the Ministry of Magic where the wizards were hiding, it would be really embarrassing to say.

At this moment, Serra and Albert are on their way to the German Ministry of Magic.

"Is it really okay to have the entrance in such a place?"

The entrance of the German Ministry of Magic was actually in a crowded place like Linden Square, which surprised Albert quite a bit.

"Of course not in such a conspicuous place."

Serra pointed to a humble shop on the corner and said, "The entrance is there."

"It smells like a broken cauldron bar." Albert looked at the store and commented.

When I first arrived in Germany, I encountered a similar situation, so I didn't feel too surprised.

When the two entered, they saw a middle-aged man looking up from behind the counter and looking towards this side. The other person seemed to be a machine that had been slow for a few seconds before he said hello to Serra.

"Old man, what brought you to Germany."

"Passing by, by the way, a friend asked me to bring some specialties."

Serra walked to the counter and handed a badge to the man, "Excuse me, please send the things to France. An old friend of mine needs those things."

"Don't go through the process?"

"This time there are a lot of things, and the process is very troublesome."


The middle-aged man did not refuse, but was in a good mood, and a large amount of Kanon was accounted for.

Albert probably understood it. Feeling that they got off the car in Germany, not to meet old friends, but to buy things. Who wants the things?

Most likely it was Nico Lemay, whose purpose is self-evident, making elixir of life.

Naturally, it is not easy for Nicole Lemay to come forward on his own, but he knows many old friends. Different people help to buy things assortment, and finally gather at Nicole Lemay. No one knows what the ingredients of the elixir are Even though it is useless if you know it.

However, Albert still had to sigh that Serra's network of connections with the group of people is gone.

The two chatted for a few words, and Serra took Albert to the backyard, where there was an artistic statue of a double-headed eagle made of steel and gear.

When the two walked to the statue, the double-headed eagle seemed to come alive, and looked up at the two amid the noise of gears, as if they were confirming the identity of the visitor.

After a few seconds, the surrounding area began to descend like an elevator.

"Welcome to the Ministry of Magic."

Behind the counter at the entrance, a witch greeted them politely.

The two used the VIP channel.

Serra stepped forward, preparing to give her name. When she said her intention, there was a sound of footsteps not far away. A young wizard hurried over and stopped in front of them panting, looking at Serra. With Albert, tentatively asked: "Mr. Harrisis?"

"Yes, I am!"

"Mr. Frank mentioned you to me, please come with me!" After the young wizard greeted the witch behind the counter, he was about to take the two to the International Floo Network waiting room.

"Hans, this is not in accordance with the rules." The witch behind the counter frowned and reminded.

"Anna, you will find that they are already on the visitor list." Hans kindly reminded: "Well, two people, come here, don't be late, otherwise you can only postpone it by two hours."

The young Hans led the two from the door on the right side of the Hall of the Ministry of Magic and came to a round room with many fireplaces. The fireplaces were marked with the names of various countries, and a timetable stood beside them. An employee He was cleaning up the ashes with a vacuum cleaner.

"Mr. Frank, I brought people."

Hans said to the old bald wizard on the counter in the center of the round office.

"Oh, Serra, my old buddy, it's been a long time."

"It's been a long time, Frank." Serra stepped forward and gave the other a simple hug. "I thought you were retired."

"You're right, I'm almost at the age to retire. Before that, I have to take care of the rest." Frank looked at Albert curiously and asked, "Is your grandson?"

"No. This is Albert Anderson." Serra blinked at his old friend and reminded him: "He is going to France to participate in the international wizard chess tournament. I just want to go to France again, so I just drop him in. ."

"Welcome to Germany, Mr. Anderson." Frank knew Serra's character. This Mr. Anderson was obviously unique, otherwise he would not get so close to Serra.

"This is an interesting trip." Albert said.

He found that whether it was Mr. Frank or Mr. Hans, both spoke very fluent English. As a wizard working in the International Floo Network, he probably needs to be proficient in multiple languages.

"The Floo network to France has been arranged, please follow me." Hans said.

In fact, there are not many wizards who can use the International Floo Network. After all, there are not many wizards. Most of them stay in their own country instead of running around.

As for those who would seek help in smuggling, there are only a handful of guys who can't make it to the table, and smuggling is expensive, and no one would be willing to spend this amount of wronged money.

When the green flames were rising in the fireplace, Serra made a petition to Albert, motioning him to take a step first.

Albert stepped into the green flame, shouted "Nicolas Village", and finally glanced at the waiting room on the floor full of ashes, and was drawn into the fireplace by the green flame.

Traveling with the International Floo Network is uncomfortable. In fact, most of the teleportation magic travel makes people feel The high-speed rotation makes Albert dizzy, and the time is longer than expected, countless The mouth of his fireplace flashed in front of him, and when the rotation slowed down, he had stopped firmly in the stone fireplace.

Albert resisted the discomfort and grabbed the suitcase and walked forward.

Serra quickly appeared behind him and said to him with a smile, "Welcome to Nikolai Village."

Nikolai Village is a very old village with a taste of Hogsmeade.

There is a marble floor on the ground, and there is a square in front of them. On it is a statue of Le May and his wife when they were young. They are holding an object in their hands, which should be the legendary Philosopher's Stone. Spring water gushes from the Philosopher's Stone. .

Several young wizards looked at the two strange faces curiously, discussing their identities in whispers.

"Keep up!"

Sierra motioned Albert to follow him.

"I'm not used to this way of traveling," Albert murmured.

When the two came to a house, Serra raised his hand and knocked gently on the door. A domestic elf opened the door and looked at the two uninvited guests with a confused expression on his face.

Serra handed a grained silver card to the house elf from his coat pocket, with an address engraved on it.

"Two, please here!"

The house elf took the card and stepped back and invited the two into the house.

After the door behind them was closed, it lifted the silver card and whispered the spell softly. The decorative patterns on both sides of the wall and corridor spread to the void like alive, linking with the silver card in the hands of the house elves, directly on them The front of her is intertwined to form a delicate door.

The house elf opened the door and gestured to the two of them to invite in.


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