The Alchemist Of Harry Potter - Chapter 435

Chapter 435

"Are you not going to watch today's Quidditch game?"

In the responsive room, Katrina packed up the homework she just finished, looked up at Albert, who was still busy doing her own thing across the table, and reminded: "I remember today is the Gryffindor team and Hufflepuff. Odd team game."

"I know, no hurry. You go first, and we will see you soon." Albert buried his head and did his own thing.

At this moment, Katrina understood, and the other party was going to use the time converter.

It didn't take long for someone to open the door of the House of Requirement, and Isabel walked in briskly, looking like he should have just returned from outside the castle.

"Faster than expected, it seems that Gryffindor has won." Albert said without looking up.

"How did you know that the Gryffindor team won?" Katrina couldn't understand where Albert's confidence came from. The Hufflepuff team is not weak.

"The Gryffindor team did win."

Isobel sat next to Albert, took out the thermos cup from his backpack, poured himself a cup of freshly brewed milk tea, and poured a cup each for Albert and Katrina.

"Would you like a cake?" she asked.

"No, I haven't eaten lunch yet." Albert took a sip of the milk tea, but did not eat the cake provided by the other party. "You will test this for me later."

With that, he handed a quill pen to Isabel.

"Is this the automatic quill pen you mentioned to me last time?" Isobel took the quill pen that Albert handed him, and looked at it carefully. It felt like a normal quill pen.

However, she might be able to guess how to use this thing, the manufacturing principle Albert once told her.

"This thing is still semi-finished."

Albert cleaned up the parchment on the table and continued reading the book for a while. It was close to twelve o'clock that he closed the book in his hand and was about to go to the kitchen for lunch.

Albert ate some food and asked the house elves to prepare some cakes before leaving. Fred and George would definitely come to the kitchen to get some food to celebrate the victory after the game.

The two found a remote place and used the time converter together to go back one hour ago, the time when everyone was going to the Quidditch Stadium to watch the game.

Didn't Professor McGonagall say that time converters cannot be abused outside of learning? "

Katrina was stunned by Albert's skillful operation, shouldn't she not be discovered by others?

"You don't worry at all..." Before Katrina could finish her words, Albert blocked her back.

"As long as you operate it properly, you won't encounter those problems. At this point in time, we are still in the responsive room, so there will never be two people at the same time. I always tell you that we should make good use of the responsive room." Albert thinks that Katrina should be bold when using the time converter, instead of using it dauntingly. Katrina just doesn't use the time converter so much that she can free up more time for herself to engage in it. So tired.

Katrina was speechless, especially after seeing Isabel coming to greet them soon, she probably understood that Isabel's situation was similar to Albert.

"I really don't understand why Professor Snape is going to be the referee?" Katrina said bewildered as he looked at Snape who was extremely gloomy.

The audience were surprised to see Snape replacing Ms. Hooch as the interim referee. Gryffindor Academy's reaction was even a little overdone, and they didn't know who took the lead in throwing objects into the game in protest.

"Perhaps Snape wanted to prevent the Gryffindor team from winning."

Of course Albert knew why Snape was a referee, but he would not tell others. Anyway, Snape's misunderstanding is not a matter of a day or two. He doesn't mind Snape being misunderstood. .

In fact, many people, including other teachers, thought Snape wanted to prevent the Gryffindor team from winning.

Who made Snape unpopular at Hogwarts?

To be honest, Snape's approach was a bit ridiculous, he couldn't bother to think about it.

Who will make two mistakes in a row?

Dumbledore was there in person, and Albert didn't think Quirrell would be stupid enough to be in the same place and shoot Harry twice, moreover, under the headmaster's nose.

The game finally started in chaos. George "accidentally" hit the ball at the referee and Snape had to dodge in time, so angry that he directly awarded the Hufflepuff team a free throw.

A few minutes later, Snape unreasonably awarded a free throw to the Hufflepuff team, giving the Hufflepuff team an advantage in scoring.

Listening to Li Jordan's irony, the originally excited Hufflepuff students were a bit embarrassed, and Snape's obvious partiality was really hard to agree with.

If Snape continues like this, the Hufflepuff team is very likely to get the points to win the game in advance before the two sides catch the Snape wants Slytherin College to continue to win Quidditch Odd trophy? "Katrina felt that she had guessed Snape's purpose. As long as Gryffindor loses a game, the Slytherin team has a chance to turn defeat into victory.

"The breakthrough lies in Harry Potter." Isabel said.

Albert and Katrina were silent. They both knew that Gryffindor won in the end. There is no doubt that Harry Potter caught the Snitch.

The three of them tacitly pointed their binoculars at Harry Potter. The savior hovered around the arena like an eagle, seeming to be looking for the Snitch.

At this moment, Harry suddenly shot to the ground like a bullet, and the audience stood up, exclaiming and applauding.

"What does he want to do?" someone screamed.

Harry rushed directly to Snape, in a posture ready to knock Snape off the broom.

Just as Snape adjusted the flying broomstick to avoid Potter's impact, he saw a golden thing "swish" past his ear, Harry also stopped diving, and stopped a few inches away from Snape's side.

Originally, when Snape was about to award the Hufflepuffs a free throw, he saw that the opponent smiled maliciously at him. Then, Harry raised his arm triumphantly, and the Snitch was held tightly by him. in.

The game is over.

The stands suddenly boiled, which is undoubtedly a new record that is difficult to break.

The entire game lasted less than five minutes.

"We won! We won!"

While the Gryffindor students rushed into the arena and lifted Harry up to the sky, Snape, who was pale, also landed, looked at the crowded Harry Potter, and spit on the ground angrily. saliva.
