The Alchemist Of Harry Potter - Chapter 1327

Chapter 1327

"It should be almost there!" Mum

Albert lowered his wand, looked down at the dark wizard who had just been brought down by him, and took out the Marauder's Map in his pocket to make sure that there were no caught fish around, then walked out of the building along the stairs to the 100 meters away. shelter.

Albert rarely visits shelters.

If possible, he doesn't want to come here to look for trouble, and he doesn't want to deal with the group of guys who just want to live, because it's meaningless to do that. Thanks guys.

However, in order to destroy the last Horcrux, Albert had to come over anyway, to meet the two goblins who had worked for Gringotts hiding here.

After Bellatrix was thrown into the madhouse, he wasn't sure if Voldemort would transfer the Hufflepuff Cup from the Gringotts vault.

While that's unlikely, he needs to be on the safe side.

Especially after the main line of Lestrange dies, will the inheritance of the Lestrange family be inherited by other branches of the Lestrange family? mum

There are indeed other branches of the Lestrange family, but the other branches do not have the surname Lestrange.

As for whether he has the right of inheritance, Albert is not sure, but in order to prevent Hufflepuff's gold cup from disappearing from under his nose, he feels that he should take some protective measures to avoid accidents at the last critical moment.

It's not that Albert doesn't trust Harry Potter, who has the aura of the protagonist, but that Voldemort's death is related to the peace of the British wizarding world, his interests, and even subsequent arrangements.

Once all the Horcruxes are not completely destroyed, resulting in the inability to completely kill Voldemort, the next step will become very troublesome.

After all, he is not alone now.

An enemy hiding in the dark is too scary, and it will make Albert feel restless. Therefore, he would never allow any deviation in the plan to kill Voldemort.

All Horcruxes must be destroyed, and Voldemort must die. mum

To destroy the Horcrux, one must break into the vault of the Lestrange family to find Hufflepuff's gold cup, and the location of the vault of the Lestrange family is best known only by goblins working in Gringotts.

He really needs the goblin's help, at least to see each other.

Of course, Albert would not be so stupid as to walk into the shelter openly, that would be too conspicuous, and it would be easy for any spies that might exist in the shelter to report the news to the Death Eaters.

Albert didn't know if there were any eyeliners planted by Death Eaters in this shelter, but since he always planted eyeliners around Voldemort, he believed that the Death Eaters would definitely try to do the same.

In this sanctuary full of dragons and snakes, it is not difficult to get a spy: for example, use the Imperius Charm to control a poor Muggle wizard.

Just approaching the shelter, a dilapidated tall building appeared in front of me out of thin air.

As soon as Albert stepped into the hall, a strange stench came towards him, causing him to cover his mouth and nose with his hands. mum

The environment in the shelter is really terrible.

To be honest, this is not too surprising.

The door was blocked by the black wizard outside, causing the group of refugees to eat, drink and sleep in this broken place. It would be **** if the environment was good.

Albert just sighed a little, and stopped paying attention, anyway, it's not his turn to take care of this matter.

In fact, even if he wanted to, there was nothing he could do, otherwise the Order of the Phoenix would have united them, just like those expelled students in another shelter.

Hannah and her partners managed the shelter in good order, and except for a few diehards, most of the students had joined Dumbledore's Army.

As for here? mum

Although the Order of the Phoenix did unite a small group of wizards, they only said they supported Harry, but in their hearts they only wanted to find a safe place to hide until the war ended.

I don't know who told them the "rumor" that the Second Wizarding War would not last long, and that Harry Potter would definitely win, but this kind of thing is also somewhat willing for Muggle wizards who escape reality. Believe it, because they have no choice.

Passing through the noisy floors, automatically blocking those complaints and cursing, Albert walked up the stairs to the eleventh floor of the building.

While walking through the corridor, several wizards were playing wizard chess to pass the time, and the wizard cast a curious look at him.

Albert didn't care, and walked across the corridor to the room at the end, where the two goblins lived temporarily.

As soon as he approached the room at the end of the corridor, Albert felt an unidentifiable buzzing sound in his ears. Obviously, someone was using earplugs to prevent someone from eavesdropping on them.

It's not difficult to guess who will use earplugs to listen to the mantra here. mum

Albert raised his hand and tapped lightly on his ear to make the annoying hum disappear, then he drew out his wand and cast a spell around the corridor to prevent anyone from approaching here to eavesdrop on their conversation later.

Some things are best kept from too many people.

Albert walked to the room where the door was missing, raised his hand and tapped on the wall a few times to show... politeness.

However, the people in the room seemed to be aware of his arrival, and turned their heads to stare here.

"Good afternoon, Harry."

Albert looked at the one person and two goblins in the room, his eyes fell on Harry who was disguised as Lupine, and he said in a peaceful tone, "Your outfit is really... special."

"Who are you?" Mom

Harry stared at the stranger in front of him, his mouth gaping open in shock.

"Who do you think I am?"

Harry seemed to think of something, and asked tentatively, "Albert?"

Since Harry could come here disguised as Lupine, others could too.

"It seems that we have the same purpose in coming here."

Albert nodded to Harry, and moved his eyes to the elf who was watching him vigilantly and communicating with his companions in hoarse and harsh elf language. He smiled and nodded to them to show that he was not malicious.

"How did you recognize me?" Harry couldn't help asking. mum

"Close your ears and listen to the spell. Lupine's disguise reveals your identity. It's actually not difficult to guess, isn't it?" Albert explained casually, "It's like you can easily see through my identity."

"That's because you are probably the only person who can call out my name at a glance." Harry muttered.

"Well, have you convinced them?"

Albert waved his wand, conjured a low stool out of thin air, and sat down opposite the two goblins.

"We don't take sides, this is a wizard's war." The older goblin said to Albert.

"Yes, this is a wizard's war." Albert said noncommittally, "But, haven't you already been involved in this war and can't get out easily? Otherwise, you don't have to hide here to accept my shelter."

"Your asylum?" Mmm

The old goblin with a rough voice looked at Albert with surprised and puzzled eyes, as if he couldn't understand what he was talking about for a while.

"It's pretty safe here, isn't it?"

Albert raised his hand to press down, signaled Harry not to speak, and continued: "I think you don't mind providing me with some trivial help. I think mutual benefit is conducive to maintaining the relationship between the two parties."

"What do you want us to help you with?" the young goblin asked first.

"I want to know the situation of the Lestrange vault." Albert directly stated his purpose of coming.

"You all want to rob the Lestrange vault?"

The two goblins looked at each other, wondering what was in Lestrange's vault that attracted them. mum


"It's impossible for you to take from our underground vaults any wealth that never belonged to you," Gornuk said angrily.

"We're not going to rob the vault, but take an item from it that doesn't belong to Lestrange." Harry tried to explain to the two goblins.

"That's robbery."

The goblins thought Harry Potter's remarks were ridiculous.

"Today's Gringotts is no longer controlled by goblins alone, is it?" Albert reminded kindly, "If you are not willing to join the mysterious man and hand over the control of Gringotts, the situation will never be good. How much better than the Muggle wizards here, it's not hard to see that from where you are, is it?"

"He's right Gonuk, I absolutely don't recognize the wizard as my master." Another goblin looked at Albert and said, "Although I really want to help you, I haven't been to that Les The Trange Vault. Luckily, though, Gonuk was there." Mmm

"Is there..."

"Shut up Potter, it won't do them any good to know too much." Albert gave Harry a sharp look and warned, "You should know what the consequences will be."

Griphook and Gornuk looked at each other and fell into a brief silence.

"You all wanted to get that sword back, didn't you?" Albert said suddenly

"The sword of Gryffindor belongs to the elves." Griphook did not deny it.

"So, I believe that you will not refuse to provide some insignificant help." Albert looked into Griphook's eyes and said softly, "Harry's reward is enough to satisfy you, isn't it."

"It seems you know us well." Gonuk also realized that they had no better choice if they wanted to get the sword back. mum

"Dawley Strange's vault is in the depths of Gringotts, one of the highest security vaults," Gornuk said after a moment of hesitation, "I don't know what you want to take from it, but you want to invade Gringotts doesn't have a high success rate, let alone taking anything out of the vault."

"You'll help us, won't you?" said Harry.

"There is a semi-domesticated Ukrainian iron belly guard deep in the ground of Gringotts. Any unauthorized personnel approaching the nearby vaults will be attacked by it." Gonuk didn't answer that, and continued to introduce Let's take a look at the situation in the Daoist Range Vault.

"The items in Dawry Strange's treasury have been cast with a fire spell and a copy spell. Any property touched by thieves will be burned, and a bunch of worthless items will be copied to prevent them from stealing items from the treasury. , and even completely buried them and crushed them to death.

"How to open it?" Albert asked suddenly.

"It's impossible for me to tell you all the information." Gonuk shook his head and said, "We will continue to help you after you hand over the Gryffindor sword to us."

"It's not enough just to reveal the information." Harry said to the two goblins, "I hope I can get your help then." Mmm

"We'll help you, it's a fair deal."

"When will it start?" Griphook asked suddenly.

"The time has not been determined, but I believe this day will not be too far away." Harry looked at Albert, as if he wanted to get some hints from him.

"last question."

Albert didn't pay attention to Harry's gaze and continued to ask, "If the main line of the Dorestrange family dies, who will inherit their wealth."

"This usually requires the recognition of the Ministry of Magic to be allowed to inherit wealth, but this kind of thing is very rare." Griphook replied.

"Are all the Lestranges dead?" Harry asked. mum

"Bellatrix, the last mistress of the Lestrange family, has been missing for a while." Albert looked away and stood up from the chair, waved his wand, and after making the low stool disappear, he pretended to prepare left.

This is the right time.

Just a few minutes ago, Albert successfully obtained the required information from Griphook's mind.

The key to opening Lestrange's vault lies in an old goblin named Bogrod, and Albert has confirmed where Bogrod lives.

In a few days, he will personally visit Bogorod and get his help.