The Age of Dryden - Part 19

Part 19

1684. _Pilgrim's Progress_, second part.

Berkeley born.

1685. Otway died.

1687. Newton's _Principia_.

_The Hind and the Panther._ Waller died.

1688. Pope born.

Bunyan died.

Cudworth died.

1689. Locke's _Letter on Toleration_.

Dryden deprived of the Laureateship.

Richardson born.

1690. Locke's _Essay on the Human Understanding_.

Dryden's _Don Sebastian_.

Wood's _Athenae Oxonienses_.

1691. Ray's _Wisdom of G.o.d manifested in Creation_.

Nathaniel Lee died.

1692. Bishop Butler born.

1693. Locke's _Treatise on Education_.

Congreve's _Old Bachelor_.

Congreve's _Double Dealer_.

1694. Tillotson died.

1695. Locke's _Reasonableness of Christianity_.

Congreve's _Love for Love_.

1697. Dryden's translation of the _Aeneid_.

Congreve's _Mourning Bride_.

Dampier's _Voyages_.

Vanbrugh begins to write for the stage.

1698. Collier's _Short View of the Immorality of the Stage_.

Warburton born.

Bentley's _Dissertation on Phalaris_.

1699. Farquhar begins to write for the stage.

Stillingfleet died.

Sir William Temple died.

1700. Dryden's _Fables_.

Dryden died.

Thomson born.