The Acts Of The General Assemblies of the Church of Scotland - Part 65

Part 65

Recom. of the pet.i.tion concerning _Glencorse_ to the Lord Tresaurer, and the Lords of Exchequer, Ib.

Ref. Sir _Lauchlen Macklen_ to the Presbytery of _Edinburgh_, Ib.

Recom. to the Committee of Estates, of the pet.i.tion of Master _Adam Barcley_, Ib.

Recom. of the Pet.i.tion of Mr. _Patick Lindsay_ to the Committee of Estates, and to the charity of the Presbyteries within the Province of _Aberdene._ Ib.

Recom. to the Presbytery of _Stranrauer_ and the Lord Advocate, concerning the Kirk of _Glenluce_. Ib.

Addition of the Lord Marquess of _Argile_ to the Commitee for the dangers, Ib.

Appointment of the Committee concerning Doctor _Strang_, to make report and to receive any objections that any had against his dictates, _Ib._

Warrand for Mr. _Samuel Rutherfords_ return, Sess. Ib.

A Letter to General Lieutenant _David Leslie_. _Ib._

Invitation of all to propone their doubts or objections against any head or Article in the Confession of Faith, to the Committee, _Ib._

Recom. to the Commission, for visitation of the University of _St.

Andrews_, for Mr. _Samuel Rutherford_ to be of the new Colledge there, _Ib._

Approbation of the report concerning planting of _Eglishame_, Sess. 20.

Recom. Mr. _Robert Lindsayes_ wife, and Mr. _Jam. Kirk_ to Provinces _Ib._

Appointment of some Brethren to visit the Idolatrous Monuments brought from the late Marquess of _Huntlies_ house, _Ib._

Act refusing the pet.i.tion for Mr. _John Annans_ transportation to _Edinburgh_, Ib.

Act concerning the Dyet of Mr. _James Hamiltoun_ and Mr. _John Smiths_ coming to _Edinburgh_, Ib.

Recom. to the Town of _Edinburgh_ to plant all their Kirks with two Ministers with diligence, _Ib._

Quere proponed by the Commissioners of the Presbytery of _Chirnside_, with the a.s.semblies advice thereanent, _Ib._

Recom. of pet.i.tions for charity, _Ib._

Appoint. of Mr. _John Forbes_ for Collonel _Scots_ Regiment, and Mr. _Ro.

Cowdoun_ to _Pitscotties_. Sess. 21.

Nominatien of a list for a Kirk of _Gordon_. Ib.

Ref. concerning Mr. _David Leith_ Ib.

Recom. concerning the conttribution for the distressed people in _Argyle_, Ib.

Approbation of the report of the Committee for the vaking Stipends in _Dunkeld_, Sess. 22.

Recom. Mr. _Robert Brounlies_ wife to the Commit. of Estates. _Ib._

Commission for planting the Kirk of _Linlithgow_. Ib.

Declaration that some votes of the Commission of the preceding a.s.sembly upon the 21 of _August_ 1646. and an Act of the 22. of the same month, are not to be examined by the a.s.sembly, _Ib._

Committee for the trial of some speeches spoken by some of the Presbytery of _Dunkeld_ concerning the Commission, _Ib._

Ref. concerning Mr. _Will. Hay_. Ib.

Act concerning the committing of the plantation of the Kirk of _Glasgow_, Ib.

Ref. to the Commission for publick Affairs of the Earl of _Callenders_ pet.i.tion, concerning the adjoyning _Falkirk, Slammane_, and _Morreningside_ to the Presbytery of _Sterling_, with power to hear parties visit, and report, Sess. 23.

Conference appointed with the Earl of _Abercorne_, Ib.

Ref. to the Commission for publick affairs, for planting in _Airea_ Collegue to Mr. _William Adair_, Ib

Report concerning Doctor _Strangs_ dictats, _Ib._

Act appointing the Clerk to redeliver Doctor _Strangs_ dictats unto him, _Ib._

Ref. concerning Mr. _John Mackenzie_, Sess. 24.

Approbation of the Collectors accounts, _Ib._

Ref. to the Ministers of _Edinburgh_, to take course with the Monuments of Idolatry brought from the _North_, Ib.

Recom. of the pet.i.tion for a Minister to _Chanrie_ of _Rosse_ to the Commis. for planting or Kirks, _Ib._

Recom. Mr. _Alexander Petrie_, Ib.

Recom. Mr. _Eleazar Gilbert_, Ib.

Recom. Mr. _William Douglas_ to the Committee of Estates, _Ib._

Recom. Mr. _George Sharpe_ to the Committee of Estates for reparation of his losses, _Ib._

Ref. complyers in _Murray_ to the Provincial, _Ib._

Recom. to the Commission for planting of Kirks, concerning provisions to Ministers in the Presbytery of _Kirkendbright_, Sess. 25.

Act appointing conference with Earl _Abercorne_, until the last of _March_, Ib.

Recom. to the Synod of _Murray_ of the pet.i.tion of _Badinoch_, concerning Mr. _John Dollar_, Ib.

Recom. concerning the Minister of _Corrie_ and _Hutton_, Ib.

Recom. to the Commission for planting of Kirks, concerning the adjoyning some lands to the Parish of _Monswall_. Ib.