Ref. concerning the Kirk of _Gordoun_ to the Commis. of a.s.sem. Ib.
Warrant for examination of Mr. _Ja. Daes_ as a witness in the matter concerning the Kirk of _Gordoun_. Ib.
Recom. _Fothringhame_ Bigamist to the justice. Ib.
Commis. for visitation of the Universitie of St. _Andrews_. Sess. 9.
Commis. for visitation of the Universitie of _Glasgow_. Ib.
Commis. for visitation of the University of _Aberdeene_. Ib.
Committee for conference with Mr. _James Kennedie_ excommunicate. Ib.
Recom. Mr. _John Maccorne_. Ib.
Ref. concerning Ministers to _Ireland_ to the Commis. a.s.sem. Ib.
Ref. concerning the Pet.i.tions of _London-derry_, _Newtoun_ and _Killeleauch_, to the Commis. a.s.sem. Ib.
Recom. of Mr. _John Cunneson_ and Mr. _Thomas Ireland_. Ib.
Warrant for citing witnesses in the particulars of the Paper given in by _Halyburton_. Ib.
Continuation of Sir _John Mackenzie_. Ib.
Recom. _Eliz. Borthwick_. Ib.
Committee concerning _Jam. Murrays_ business. Sess. 10.
Renounciation Sir _John Mackenzie_ of _Seaforts_ Band. Ib.
Recom. to Presbyteries that they admit not Expectants to be actual Ministers to Regiments. Ib.
Ref. to Commis. concerning Mr. _Francis Comerie_. Ib.
Committee for conference with the Committee of Estates upon the answer to the Commissioners at _London_. Ib.
Rec. concerning Mr. _Al. Petrie_. Ib.
Ref. Mr. _James Lang_ to the Commission for publick Affairs. Ib.
Ref. concerning _Rouse's paraphrase_ of the Psalms to the Commis. Ib.
Recom. to Mr. _David Calderwood_ to consider the order of the visitation of Kirks and tryal of Presbyteries, and to report to the next a.s.sem. Ib.
Act for Mr. _Thomas Wyllies_ removing to _Mauchlen_ conform to the Act of transportation. Ib.
Recom. to Presb. _Linlithgow_ concerning the planting of _Linlithgow_ and _Falkirk_, Ib.
Recom. for intimation of _Seaforts_ excommunication. Sess. 11.
Letter from the Commissioners at _London_ _9 Junii_.
The a.s.semb. Answer to the Commissioners at _London_. Ib.
Act concerning the Lord _Scottistarbets_ delivery of the authentick Confession of Faith, subscribed by King _James_ and his Houshold, with an order for Thanks to him therefore. Ib.
Town of _Edinburghs_ Bill for three Ministers laid aside. Ib.
Ref. concerning _Aberchirdor_, and _Innerkething_ to the Commis. for visitation of the University of _Aberdene_. Ib.
Recom. _Margary Fraiser_, relick of Mr. D. _Houston_ to the Committee of losses. Ib.
Recom. Mr. _Alexander Forrester_. Ib.
Recom. _Margaret Campbel_ to the Committee of Estates. Ib.
Recom. of _Agnes Halyburton_ to the Presb. of _Merss_ and _Tiviotdale_.
Acts concerning _Ja. Murray_. Ib.
Ref. to the Commis. a.s.s. to consider the Interests of the Kirk in planting Universities and the chief Masters thereof. Ib.
Recom. concerning the publick pa.s.sages of thir times, to be collected in several Presbyteries, and sent to the Com. a.s.sem. Ib.
Recom. _Jean Alexander_ to the Presb. of _Edinburgh_, and the Presbyteries in _Angus_ and _Merns_. Ib.
Recom. Sir _William d.i.c.k_ to the Committee of Estates, Ib.
Order for Mr. _Alexander Levingston_ to the General Artilleries Regiment.
Recom. Mr. _Thomas Crawfoord_ to revise Mr. _Robert Boyds_ Works. Ib.
Recom. to Presb. to put in execution on the former Acts concerning Bursars, and to make account of their diligence to the next a.s.sembly. Ib.
Admonition Presb. _Hamiltoun_ for proceeding against _Alexander Taes_, Ib.
Relaxation of Mr. _John Hay_ from the sentence of suspension. Ib.
Committee to represent the Bill concerning the insolencies in the Borders, to the Councill and Committee. Sess. 12.
Recom. Ministers of Argyle to the Committees. Ib.
Commiss. concerning the particulars betwixt _John Wilkie_ of _Fouldoum_ and Mr. _Thomas Ramsay_ Minister there. Ib.
Advice concerning the division of _Basinden_. Ib.