Renovation of the Act concerning _James Murray_. _Sess. ult._
Continuation of the Commission of the preceeding a.s.sembly appointed to sit at _Air_. _Ib._
Act concerning Mr. _Robert Peirson_ Minister in _Orkney_. _Ib._
Recom. of the Lord _Gasks_ Bill. _Ib._
Act concerning the Kirks of _Aberchirdour_ and _Ennerkethenne_, _Ib._
Ref of Mr. _Alex. Petries_ Letter to the Commission of a.s.sembly. _Ib._
Act concerning the reposition of Mr. _John Maxwel_ sometime Minister at _Glasgow_, with an Ordinance for his subscribing a particular Declaration of the unlawfulness of Episcopacy. _Ib._
Ref. of my Lord _Seatons_ Bill to the Commission of a.s.sembly. _Ib._
Letter from the Presbytery at the Army, with a Reference to the Commission concerning the restraint of transporting Women to the Army. _Ib._
Ref. to the Commission of a.s.sembly concerning the Letters from the Commissioners at _London_, &c. and concerning the Paraphrase of the Psalmes in Meeter. _Ibid._
Ref. of my Lord _Tester's_ Bill to the said Commission. _Ibid._
Act concerning Mr. _Alexander Trotter_, _Ib._
Ref. of _Margaret Thomsons_ Bill to the Commission of a.s.sembly. _Ib._
Remit. of the Presbytery of _Achterardour_ concerning the matter of Mr.
_William Cook_. _Ib._
Transplantation of Mr. _William Rait_ to _Brachen_, _Ib._
Ordinance for the Ministers of the Presbytery of _Peebles_ their acknowledgment of their disobedience to the Acts both of the General and Provincial a.s.semblies, in admitting Mr. _John Hay_, upon their knees before the Provincial of _Louthian_; And approbation of the Dissenters; with Mr. _John Hayes_ Declaration, and the a.s.semblies Ordinance for his subscribing a particular Declaration, concerning the unlawfulness of Episcopacy, _Ib._
Ref. concerning the Kirk of _Lesmahago_ to their Provincial. _Ib._
Ratification of the Contract betwixt _James Maxwel_ of _Imnorweeke_, and Mr. _John Macghie_, concerning the augmentation of the Ministers Provision at _Dirletoun_, and of the Acts of Presbytery and Synod thereanent. _Ib._
Ref. from the Presbytery of _Hadingtoun_, and the a.s.semblies Answers, _Ib._
Act for the Presbytery of _Ersiltoune_ furnishing of Ministers to the Master of _Cranstons_ Regiment, and for sending forth presently Mr.
_Thomas Donaldson_. _Ib._
Act for the Presb. of _Dalkeith_ sending a Minister to La. _Nidires_ Regiment. _Ib._
Ref. to the Commission of a.s.sembly of the desires and Overtures of _Caithnes_. _Ib._
The Remonstrance sent to the Kings Majesty from the Commissioners of the preceding a.s.sembly, concerning the Dyet and occasion of the meeting of this a.s.sembly.
Election of Mr. _Robert Douglas_ Moderator. _Ib._
Report of Mr. _Robert Baillie_, and Mr. _Geo. Gillespie_, of the progress of the Treaty for Uniformity, _Sess. 2._
Appointment of Committees for the Directory, and for Bills, Appeals, &c.
Ref. of the Pet.i.tions from _Ireland_ to the Committee of Bills, _Sess. 3_.
Letter to Mr. _James Martin_ for intimating the Deposition of Mr. _William Barclay_. _Ib._
Acts appointing Mr. _James Nasmith_ to attend the Lord _Montgomeries_ Regiment; Mr. _Arthur Granger_, Lieutenant General _Baillie_ his Regiment; and Mr. _Thomas Wilkie_ to the Earl of _Lothians_ Regiment. _Ib._
Ref. of the Lord General's Letter to the Presbytery of _Edinburgh_. _Ib._
Ref. of the Pet.i.tion of Mr. _James Hamilton's_ Wife to the Committee for the Directory. _Ib._
Recommendation to the Parliament for Ministers losses, _Sess. 4_.
Committee concerning Bursars, _Ib._
Committee to confer with the lord _Ogilvie_, _Sess. 5_.
Act ordaining the Presbytery of _Hamiltoun_ to proceed against Mr. _John Rae_ for refusing the Covenant. With an Ordinance for giving in to the Clerk the report of Mr. _John Hamiltouns_ subscribing the Covenant, and of the Excommunication of _D. Hamiltoun_.
Act discharging the relaxation of _Nash Gordoun_, with a reference concerning the same to the Commissioners of this a.s.sembly. _Ibid._
Committee for examining the witnesses against Mr. _John Robertson_, and Mr. _John Fife_. _Ib._
The Solemne League and Covenant of the three Kingdoms, (which is not here printed, because already printed by Ordinance of the Commission of a.s.sembly 1643. and universally subscribed) with an Approbation of the Ordinances, and the diligence of the Commissioners of a.s.sembly for receiving thereof, &c. _Ib._
Committee concerning Col. _Arcskines_ Regiment. _Sess. 6._
Committee appointed to speak with Col. _Munro_, concerning Letters sent from the Officers of the Army of _Ireland_; _Ib._
Committee for examining witnesses against Mr. _James Oliphant_. _Ib._
Invitation of all who had scruples concerning the Directory, to address themselves to that Committee, with a reference to the said Committee concerning uniformity of practice of the Directory in this Kirk. _Ib._
Committee to conferre with the young Laird of _Drum_. _Ib._
Appointment of _Mr. Hugh Henderson_ to Col. _Stuarts_ Regiment. _Sess. 7._
Committee for hearing Mr. _James Wood_, and the Commissioners from S.