The Academy’s Weapon Replicator - Chapter 138.2: Deception (5) Part 2

Chapter 138.2: Deception (5) Part 2

'...Alright. It's a bit hard to get used to.'

Returning to reality after facing a god felt like being hit by a sudden wave.

But nothing had changed. Let's proceed with the plan.

"Mr. Heldre. Then, let me make you an offer."

I spoke to Heldre, who looked at me with suspicion.

Even while begging, he must have deemed his chances of survival slim.

Of course, he wasn't wrong.

All I want is your life. So, making a deal with you is out of the question.

Then what do you suggest?

Heldre muttered unpleasantly.

I will give you a choice.

A choice?

When Heldre asked, I grabbed Cain by the nape of her neck and lifted her up. Heldres gaze turned to Cain.

You seem to cherish your granddaughter dearly.

Hey, wait a minute.

Heldre guessed what I was going to do.

And perhaps his guess was correct.

Im going to drop Cain from here.


I spoke calmly. I was trying my best to do so.

I will shoot the same thing I shot at you at Cain as shes falling. Cain probably wont be able to evade an attack that even you couldnt evade.

Heldres eyes opened wide. When I looked at Cain, her expression was more or less the same.

But you might be able to stop it. After all, you did block it once.

Of course, his arms were ruined.

I smiled. Ive been feeling like a real villain since earlier.

Im putting the lives of a granddaughter and her grandfather on the line in front of the grandfather. Well, anyone would think Im an evil villain.

Im giving you a chance.

At my words, Heldre clamped his mouth shut. His jaw jutted out.

It was an expression of rage, but I couldnt know what he was thinking.

I will be creating an opening between the time I drop Cain and the moment I shoot Excalibur. What you do with that opening, whether you run away or try to save your granddaughter, is your choice. By the way, I dont recommend attacking me. It would be futile with those hands, and dont forget about the person next to me.

At my words, Heldre turned his gaze to Osprey.

Osprey was already next to me. With his abilities, he could easily protect me from Heldre in his current state.

Heldre spoke after a brief silence,

Does Osprey also agree to this proposal? Will that bastard not interfere with me?

Yes, he will. Isnt that right, Chancellor?

I smiled, looking at Osprey.

Of course, nothing had been agreed upon beforehand. However, if it was Osprey, he would be able to see through my intentions.

Of course. I wont interfere, Osprey said.

I stretched my arm, which was still holding Cain by the neck, to the side. She was quite heavy, even though she was slender.

Then choose.

I said, and


I dropped Cain without hesitation. Cain let out a short sound that could barely be called a scream.

I pointed the tip of Excalibur, which I was holding in reverse, at Cain. I pulled Mjlnir back forcefully. It was the same attack stance as before.

I still havent named this attack, but it resembles a hammer striking a nail. I suppose Ill call it Nail.


Heldre, seeing that

ran away. Without even looking back. He was disappearing into the distance with propulsion flight.

This is good enough.

Naturally, I didnt have the energy to perform a second Nail. So instead, I said,

Chancellor! Please chase after Heldre!

Are you going back on our agreement?

Theres no need to attack him! Just chase him so he doesnt come back here!

Very well. I understand.

Osprey also flew off in the direction Heldre had disappeared, using propulsion flight.

Then I canceled Excalibur and Mjlnir. I dropped vertically towards Cain, who was falling.

Its terrible to say after dropping her, but

I was going to save Cain.

She still has some value as she isnt quite ready to die.