That Person. Later On… - Chapter 194

Chapter 194

Chapter 194

Chapter 194 Whats going on now?

And? We seem to be the only ones in the house. Where did Navirio and everyone else go?

I stayed for a while being embraced by the girls but, we calm down for a moment and return to take our seats and I ask about the think that its been bothering me for a while. In the house are only the girls and me. Navirio, Princess Eris, Givirio-otousan and Mirelina-okaasan are nowhere to be seen.

Onii-sama and everyone else went to the Imperial Capital Iscoa.

Mh? Why is that?

According to the girls story, many talks took place in the few days I was shut in the bedroom.

The first thing that happened was that Princess Eris met Navirio, they talked for a while and then she proposed with great fervour in front of Givirio-otousan and Mirelina-okaasan. Navirio accepted her proposal at that very moment, and just at that moment my talk with Aria had ended so they witnessed it so she told the Hero Party This is the future I desire. I will tell this to father as it is!! with a stern face and so Navirio and company decided to go with her. The Hero Party returned to the Imperial Capital Iscoa as escorts.

And, although for Naminissa and Narelina it was a family matter and they were asked to come along, me being in that state, Navirio asked that as soon as I got better, the girls would explain to me the situation and hoped that we also went to the Imperial Capital.

I began pondering about it while I was drinking the black tea and eating the breakfast that Tata had prepared for me.

I have a feeling that this become something bothersome.

Isnt this Navirio and Princess Eris problem?

No its not. This is already the problem of the Mabondo family. And in the near future it will also be my problem. So is that why he asked me to come?

It seems that Naminissa and Narelina are worried about their family and they are restless. Hmm It seems that they want to know what happened

Should we go?

When I propose it, for a moment their faces shined but next it changed to a hesitant expression.

What is it?

No, well I really do want to go but I mean

If we go you might bump into the Hero Party Or more precisely into Aria

Ahh that.

You dont have to worry too much about it

Itll be fine. I have you all by my side, have I not? So that doesnt matter anymore If you are by my side, theres nothing I fear!! Besides I dont think that it has something to do with me anymore. Although, how to say it If it tries to get involved with me Ill destroy it with all I have.

They seem to feel relieved by my words because the girls give pleasant smiles. Seeing those faces I feel content so I stand up with the intention of going.

But before that I took a shower, changed my clothes, got Meru to ride my head, made our preparations and then we left the house. And while I was glancing at how the town was doing, the girls also came out after preparing their stuff so I told them Lets go and left the Port Town. We say good bye to the gate guards and left trotting. The gate guards told us Please take care of Navirio-sama and everyone else while lowering their heads. As usual, they were the former Mabondo Knights that knew me No, they are now the Motampe Knights. I answer them with a nod.

The princesses seemed worried about their family so we increased our speed a little while heading towards the Imperial Capital Iscoa.

In the middle of our trip, I mutter about something that&rsqu

o;s being bothering me.

Now that I think about it, I havent tell my parents that I came back.

Kagane reacts with a jolt at those words.

I give Kagane an inquiring look. I remember that when we first entered the Imperial Capital she gave a suspicious reaction too.

What did you do?

Kagane averts her eyes at my words and starts to sweat cold.

But it seems that she thought she wouldnt be able to escape my inquisitive eyes so she muttered some words.

Just a little education

Okay. She just let out some disturbing words.

Just what kind of education did you gave them?


Probably When they see Onii-chan, they might start apologizing with great impetus but, please accept them with a kind heart.

Really, what did you do?

I dont remember having parents like that.

If they really changed like that, I will have to make Kagane turn them back to how they were while I scold her Its not like I hate my parents.

They did payed more attention to Kagane but, thats to be expected, right? I think anyone would want to pay more attention to their child if she happened to be a genius.

And I wouldnt hate my parents just because of that.

Even if the amount of love they gave me was different, its not like they didnt gave me anything at all. I was also proud of my exeptional sister Kagane.

Uugh Youre not angry?

No Im not. Its just that I will scold you later for going overboard.

Hau Do you hate me now?

Now thats stupid. I could never hate you, Kagane.


I understand that you became happy but, I think what you are saying is wrong.

We continued while doing our exchange, and thanks to our speed we arrived at the Imperial Capital Iscoa in a few hours.