That Person. Later On… - Chapter 182

Chapter 182

Chapter 182

Chapter 182 The partner the princess desires.

After hearing the situation, Princess Eris ask us to take her out of the Imperial Capital. We all exchange looks and give troubled faces. We ask each other with our eyes What do we do and after seeing our attitude, Princess Eris asks us while feeling unease.

It is problematic for you to be asked this so suddenly, right? I apologize.

Seeing her lower her head politely, the girls and the Goddess of Light seem to connect with her as women because they look at me with pleading eyes as if asking Cant you do something? Hey, Goddess of Ligt Why are you also looking at me? I turn to look at the Goddess of Light as if saying You are kind of a god yourself so you do something and the Goddess of Light breaks eye contact with me and just when I thought she was going to start whistling without a sound, she hits her palm with.

Im sorry Wazu-san The limit for my manifestation is coming close I feel bad for leaving with this timing but we Goddesses have to start saving power in the face of the revival of the Evil God so Wazu, messenger of the Goddesses let us meet again

I leave this problem and the rest in your hands!

The Goddess of Light disappears and returns to my gild card in a haste after saying that.

She said some vague reason, arbitrarily made me their messenger, and after pushing everything onto me she went back!! Guh She might be the Goddess of Light but I have no idea of what she wants to do Haa

Reacting to the words of the Goddess of Light, the eyes of Princess Eris start to glitter while looking at me. Are you misunderstanding something? Im sorry, please dont look me with those eyes, it bothers me I dont consider myself the messenger of the Goddesses for even a little bit

I pull myself together and ask Princess Eris.

Haa And so why does Princess Eris wishes to leave the Imperial Capital? If I dont know the reason, I cannot help you. Would you tell me why do you want to leave?

The girls nod to my words and Princess Eris does it too as if to say that she understands.

If I remain in the Imperial Capital Ill be forced to marry Hero-sama


I do know that Hero-sama is already married with many other people But polygamy is recognized in here and I understand that the Royal Family wants to have a deep relationship with the countrys hero so as a sign of friendship they are bestowing him with a bride I understand but I dont like it.


It is not that I hate Hero-sama. But the moment Hero-sama heard about the talks of our marriage, he became over-familiar and it is irritating, when he talks to me it gets disgusting, and when he looks at me it is so obscene that makes me want to vomit

Wouldnt it be okay to just say that you dont want to?

But Father is enthusiastic about it and moreover so I am not free to refuse. Besides I cannot carelessly refuse for the well being of the country But there is a person I have my heart set on. I want to marry that person. I understand Fathers intentions of marrying me to Hero-sama are in the best interest of the country but, even if I have to shake off those things, I want to marry that person!! (T/N: Not the hero)

Fumu, fumu.

And so, I take that the person Princess Eris wants to marry is outside the Imperial Capital?

Yes. He is in the port town that is near the Imperial

Capital. I would like to ask you to take me all the way there but It does not matter if is just outside the Imperial Capital Can it be done?

I see. Thats why she wants to get out of the Imperial Capital She got hold of a good chance with the present circumstances I can feel from Princess Eris words, expression and atmosphere the seriousness of her resolution in wanting to marry that person even if he has to cast away her country Well, as a commoner I want to help her But that means that the country might become hostile towards that person Mh? Now that I think about it, where have I heard a conversation about a port town near the Imperial Capital? Well, doesnt matter But this is not something that I can decied by myself.

I once more turn to the girls to discuss it.

We more or less heard the situation but, what do you think?

I think I want to help her.

I agree to helping her. A marriage without the consent of the person herself is undesirable.

As part of a former royal family I believe that we should take her to the castle but as a woman I think she must go to where the person she wants to marry is.

My opinion is the same as Naminissas. The country is certainly important but if it comes at the expense of someones individuality then I think that its wrong.

We should take here there.

To submit your own body in the name of the country might sound noble but, it could lead to the birth of unnecesary strains. I also think we should take her to where her beloved is.

I feel the same as everyone. Marriage is something that both parties must desire. I will not accept something so unilateral. We should take her to where her beloved is.

It seems that everyone wishes to fulfill Princess Eris wish. Well I also want to do it if I can but, if we were to take her like this, at worst we could make an enemy out of the country Wait, what if we bring that person from the port town No, he could be refused entrance at the gates

Now that I think about it, we know nothing about that person It wouldnt be late to make a decision after we hear what kind of person is the one Princess Eris yearns for. If that person were to be suspicious, then we would better take her to the castle

I realize something this late so I question Princess Eris.

Incidentally, what kind of person is he?

Princess Eris closes her eyes and reminiscing she speaks words full of love.

That person just recently came to live to the port town and came to say his greetings, he seems to be the son of Fathers old friend and from the moment I met him I fell in love. His manners and appearance, his voice and way of talking, and his elegant features He completely stole my heart.

Princess Eris cheeks are dyed in red and her expression seems enraptured.

I engraved deeply that persons name in my heart Ahh Navirio-sama



Yes, Navirio-sama.

Wait a minute isnt he

The one from the Mabondo Family?

Is he your acquaintance?

Princess Eris bend herself foreward with such impetus that I fell on my back from the recoil.

Do I know him Yeah I started to feel like grabbing my head