That Person. Later On… - Chapter 176

Chapter 176

Chapter 176

Chapter 176 A stressful work.

At one point during lunch, I drank some water and turned to look to everyone.

Lets see, Im wondering where would Aria be?

I have no idea where Aria would be. Would she be in her parents house? Or would she be in the church dedicated to the Goddess? Or else would she be in the castle with the Hero Party? We all put our thoughts in but came to nothing conclusive. It seems we would have to look for her gradually.

We were about to reach for a conclusion when Naminissa proposed something.

How about going to the Adventurers Guild? That time they said that if we knew something about the black robed man we should tell the guild, and conversely we could be able to know her whereabouts from the Adventurers Guild.

Fumu That could be a possibility And we dont have a destination so from where we start searching is all the same

Then lets doo that. Lets go to the Adventurers Guild to inquiry.

And after saying that I realized something.


Mh? What is it Onii-chan?

Where is the Adventurers Guild?

Right, Ill take us there. Before that, let me pay the bill so wait a bit.

After saying that she goes to the inside of the shop and calls for an employee. Well I was going to pay the bill but her movements are fast

When I was living in the Imperial Capital I never thought of becoming an adventurer so I never looked for where the guild would be Haa

When Kagane returend from paying the bill I knew that I would be rejected if I tried to pay her back so I forcefully gave her the money and had her show us to the Adventurers Guild.

The Iscoa Imperial Capitals Adventurers Guild was how to say it huge.

It had five floors and widthwise it could fit thre normal houses, the front door was gorgeously constucted and the walls looked new.

Kagane, was this kind of building in the capital before? I dont remember seeing it before

Of course you dont. After you left it was remodeled. As a sign of good will towards the guild of the Hero that defeated the demon lord, the Royal Family gave money to make it this gorgeous Seriously, if you have that kind of money it would be better invested otherwise Well, it is true that due to the influence of the Hero, a lot of adventurers have concentrated here.

He has even influence in this kind of things I see that defeating the demon lord is something amazing Although I have defeated various guys of similar importance Well, who cares.

Nothing would came out of staying dumbfounded in here so we entered the guild.

The interior of the guild was also gorgeous. The chandelier that illuminated the interior was of exquisite craftsmanship, the request board was huge, a fully equiped dinner the size of a whole house, and in there were people that looked like adventurers drinking since noon. When I thought those adventurers were giving us weird looks, I realized that they were giving me murderous looks. Even if I wondered why, just by looking behind I could understand why. Its because the appearance of the girls is top level. Because I dont enjoy those looks I thought of finishing our business quickly so I headed to the equally gorgeous reception counter.

The reception looked so gorgeous that I wanted to ask from what luxury hotel did they get it from but I contained myself and lined in the queue for the reception counter. The few people in fr

ont of me are all bringing in their hands a request sheet to take those request so I think it wont take long.

The people in front of me swiftly disapear and it becomes my turn to stand in front of the reception desk. The lady receptionist was, as to be expected from a guild, a gentle-mannered beautiful woman.

Excuse me, I want to inquire something.

Yes, what could it be?

Her attitude felt like a mirror that doesnt destroy a smile. I showed my guild card and continued talking.

I want to know the whereabouts of the Holy Woman Aria.

The moment I said that, the receptionist let out a blunt sigh and gave me a bothersome look.

Good gief, again there are always this people haa

She sighed again.

Listen well, this is the Adventurers Guild, not the missing person office. Furthermore you are looking for the Holy Woman, lots of people like you come here for the same, is annoying. Besides, do you think that I would tell some unknown person like you where she is? Or are you a famous person? If you came here is because you are an adventurer, right? What is your rank? A-rank? B-rank?

Yes Im an F-rank adventurer.

I show my guild card to prove myself and the receptionist becomes astonished from the F letter written on it.

F-rank? F-rank?! An amateur underling has the nerve to ask that? Dont you know shame? Normally we wouldnt tell the whereabouts of any person, but now an F-rank is looking for the Holy Woman?! What? Are you saying that you are that famous? Your own strength is insuficient so are you looking for the help of the Holy Woman? How much can one ignore from the ways of society? Do you think you look cute with a plush toy of a dragon on your head? You are just a mediocre person!!

Theres nothing but this kind of person lately! If you are an adventurer, then go on an adventure!

She threw back my guild card and when I catched it I felt my heart break a little.

Im sure that she has been asked this time after time and she piled up stress to the point of explode and I was just unfortunate enough to be the one she exploded at lets think thats it I hope thats it I feel like crying

I leave the line and helplessly return to where the girls are. Around the girls there are a lot of male adventurers lying down for some reason.

What happened?

It seems that when I got away from the girls, some adventurers tried to call out to them, at the begining the politely refused and then they tried to make the girls obey by force and when someone grabbed Mao by the arm, she yelled The only one that can touch me is Otto-dono!! with passion and the other girls got railed up to so in a flash, they knocked them down. Well.. If I was there at the moment I would have done the same thing so I cant criticize them.

When they asked me if I got to learn where Aria was, I just told them that it was not possible. If I tell them what really happend the girls would get angry After I said that, Haosui took a step forwards.

Then Ill go.

And before I was able to stop her she went towards the receptionist. We followed her with our eyes and saw Haosui exchanging some words with the receptionist, she took out her guild card and showed it to her. When she saw it she stood up quickly and answered all of Haosuis questions. Now that I think about it, Haosui is a Hero and an S-rank adventurer. Of course here attitude towards her would be different from me Haa

Soon afterwards Haosui came back and told us that Aria probably was in a mansion that was in the edge of the Noble District.

Haa Shall we go?

Feeling my disparity as an adventurer, I dropped my shoulders and left the guild.