That Person. Later On… - Chapter 167

Chapter 167

Chapter 167

Chapter 167 Another story 15: Kagane and the Necromancer.

This is Assault 1 Ill try now to infiltrate the target place

Kaganes POV

That day around noon, I was meditating alone in my room to increase my magical power when I heard a knock and immediatly Onii-chan comes in.

Oh! This is perfect Kagane!! Im making your personal equipment and I need your body measurements so can you

Go ahead and take them to your hearts content!

Before Onii-chan could finish, I immediatly undressed myself and stayed only in my underwear. Come Onii-chan!! Your cute little sister in her underwear!! Be an animal!! Become a wild animal!!

Great! Stay still for one moment

And just like he said I stand still and Onii-chan comes to take my measurements with a red face eh?


Mh? Whats up?

Isnt this the moment when you get all red-faced and embarrassed and reluctantly start measuring me while inside your heart you get filled with lust and think yeei! this is a side benefit! or something like that?

I dont know what you are saying but I kind of get what you are trying to say, and besides would you normaly look your little sisters body with those eyes?

Im not your little sister!! Im your wife!!

Even if you say that Kagane is my little sister


Im still his little sister in Onii-chans mind? Is that so I get it. If thats how its going to be, then Ill make Onii-chan look at me as a woman by force

Yosh! Im done. Thanks, Ill be able to make your equipment now.

Onii-chan says his thanks and leaves the room, leaving me in my underwear fufufu tonight will be exciting, Onii-chan

That day at night, I sliped out from the room where we are staying and went towards Onii-chans bedroom and right now Im in front of his bedroom door.

This is Assault 1 Ill try now to infiltrate the target place (in a small voice)

Fuhehehe Ill try now a night visit Im wearing the sexy negligee that I bought especially for this day Itll be okay I wont go for the real thing Ill just stop at tasting But if itll end in just tasting will be up to Onii-chan Because I had no experience even in my past life so this will be genuinely my first time I would really like for Onii-chan to take the lead fufufu Come on Onii-chan, its time to become an animal

*clank clank clank* *bang bang*!! *bang bang bang*!!

I-It wont open What does this mean? Whats happening? Its clearly that its not locked so why doesnt it open? Is there some barrier placed? uhm Its clearly not magic but something different can be felt If I were to say what it is Right, it has the same feeling as when Onii-chan turns into a God mode

Then Ill cancell it with my cheat magical power!

Unlock [Cancell]

Nothing happened nugugu

Unlock [Cancell]

Unlock [Cancell]

Unlock [Cancell]

Haa haa It wont budge a bit Then Ill use all of my power!!

Unlock [Cancell]!!!!

In the end, even with all my magical power, I wasnt able to lift the barrier. Why?! Why~?! Gununu!! You are mean Onii-chan I cant believe you would go this far Did going to where you sleep so many times fired back? Haa Im out of magical power Ill give up for today.

When I got back to the room, I got caught that I had sneaked out so Sarona and Naminissa tied me up tight

Some days later I recieved my personal equipment from Onii-chan. I got a rod made of Orichalcum with a jewel at the tip so that my cheat magic would increase even more. Orichalcum!! Its Orichalcum!! Im fired up!!

As my MND is so high that is no exageration to say that no magic would hurt me, Onii-chan gave me a robe as my protective gear which he made with God Magic and dragon scales that increases my VIT. According to Onii-chan, its defencive power is so high, wou would need something as sharp as a holy sword to penetrate it. On top of that it can guard magic power to a great extent.

He also showed me everyone elses gear but Isnt it too overpowered? We got gear that could be used in some final battle Onii-chan, you are too overprotective. But that also show how much he treasures us

Damn!! Ill make you look at me as a woman for sure~!! And then well spend a sweet dazzling night together!!

Some days later I was in the back side of the castle and was shooting magic to the air to confirm the amount of magic needed in order to master the equipment that Onii-chan gave me.

Explooooosion!! (T/N: Megumin?)

Kaaaahh!!! Booooooooooooooooom!!!!

Because of my magic, the sky gets filled with light in a moment and then a big explosion happens. I got startled because my magic was more powerful that what I expected. That means that if I dont tone down my power, I could get dangerous Im glad I said that I was going to test my magic before If they heard the explosion withouth knowing anything they would get worried as to whats going on. From now on Ill be sure to check my surroundings before shooting so that I dont get anyone involved

Hohoo What a great power you can shoot your magic with, little girl!

I suddenly hear a hoarse voice and hurriedly take a stance with my rod against the way the voice came from. And there a person wrapped in a black robe was standing. But what caught my attention wasnt that but his face it was a skull. I can feel a great magical power coming from him so I put my guard up immediatly. From the robe a bony hand with glittering jewel rings come out and points to me. I get even more alert, although I think Ill be okay with my equipment

You dont have to be so guarderd

The bone finger passes beside me and points towards the sky.

My Magic Essence is that of Blue.

The Skull activates his magic in the sky and the sky burst with water and starts to rain. Ah, a rainbow While I was fascinated by the rainbow, the Skull takes out his arms from the black robe and spreads them wide and raises a loud voice.

My name is Neil! The absolute and eternal, the inmortal magician Necromancer!! How is it? My magic is absolutely the greatest, isnt it?! Little girl, your magic was certainly powerful but, an explosion is not beautiful!! On the other hand, my magic can make water sprout like a flower and at the end it gives birth to a rainbow. What an artistic event! Theres no reason to even compare them!!

I got so annoyed by the Necromancers manner of speech that I forgot my vigilance and point my rod towards the sky.


I chant my magic and the sky gets covered by clouds, and lightning in the form of dragons start pouring towards the earth. Seeing that, the Necromancer lets out a clattering laugh and starts clapping exaggeratedly.

Ooh! Wonderful!! The lightning took the shape of dragons and poured down to the earth as if presaging the end!! It has unsettled my heart after so long!!

Fufu!! Why of course! Of course it is!!

But you are still green. A mere few lightnings can only get you so far! To invoke a true artistic magic, you need a much finer manipulation of magical power! Like this

My Magic Essence is that of Green.

As if to show me how, the Necromancer invokes some magic and from the earth uncountable verdant trees grew in an instant. All you could see around was green and you could feel the greatness and strength of those trees.

Even though I am stronger in quantity and imput of magical power, I lost in magic manipulation. Geting worked up, I started to invoke more and more magic but would get beaten every time by the beauty of the Necromancers magic so frustrating!!

Our magical battle continued for a while long but then got terminated abruptly.

Youre being annoying!!

As a result of getting over ourselves and continuously release such thunderous magic, Onii-chan, the Wives and all of the Dragon King family appeared with angry faces and the Necromancer and I were made into seiza and got scolded.

Well, I think I got better at manipulating my magic and now I can use more tuned down magic so everything is okay..

Its not okay. Come on, Ill do it with you so apologize properly you too.

Yes Im sorry I got carried away was so noisy!!