That Person. Later On… - Chapter 165

Chapter 165

Chapter 165

Chapter 165 Another story 13: Narelina and Meral

Narelinas POV

I finish my self imposed training and spars and return to the room to rest.

Fuu Having Haosui and Kagane as sparring partners is a nice stimulant. It becomes a good learning experience to fight against opponents that rank higher both in satus and in war tactics. When I was in the castle of my hometown I used to go to the practice grounds of the knights instead of just train by myself, in order to always be ahead of everyone around me. Im still no match for Wazu, and I dont think that therell ever be a time when I get to equal him but, I want to get close as much as possible. I dont want to go through somethig like that again. Thanks to Wazu getting enraged on my behalf and to his forceful kiss that made me happy, I was able to get over it to some extent but, I have no doubt that if I had been as strong then as I am now, I wouldnt have suffered that kind of humiliation. That is why Im trying to become even stronger

I drikng some water and dry off the sweat from the heat of the training, when Wazu enters the room.

Ah! There you are!

Mh? Whats up, do you need me for something?

I was in the middle of making everyones equipment when I realized that, while there might be no problem with the weapons, I need your measures for your protective gear. And although it might be a little embarrassing, Im going around asking for everyones measures.

I see. Indeed its beter for the protective gear to be the perfect size for the body. And so you came here in order to ask me for my measures.


I honestly tell him that I understood and Wazu took a breath of relief. He might have been wondering if I would get disgusted over this. There is no way that I would feel like that for goodness sake I wish he would start being aware that he is our husband. None of us would become angry for something like this

I got it. Then Ill have you measure me to your hearts content!!

You just have to tell me!!

Eh? My feelings for you (T/N: anata) will not waver over something like you taking my measures!! Far from feeling disgusted, I would feel glad!! Or thats what I was trying to express when I asked him to take my measures but, it seems that it didnt got through fumu, It might be better to tell him straight.

Sorry, my phrasing was wrong. I want my future husband Wazu to take my measures. Can you heed my wish?

Hah Okay, why it should be different now?

Different? I see, I wasnt the first one. He has asked the same to other people. Its a little regretable that I wasnt the first one but, the order might just be who he came across first, and that isnt something that matters between us. While I was pondering over that, Wazu took out a string with black marks on it and started to take my measures.

H-hes almost touching my chest wont he touch them if he goes on like that?

While having improper thoughts, I remember what I was doing before. I was wiping my sweat, wasnt I? which means that I havent taken a bath when I realize that, I timidly call out to him.

Wa-Wazu uhm

Mh~? What is it?

Wazu is taking my measures with such zeal.

I want to confirm something that is Do I smell? Up until now I was training so I havent got the chance to take a bath

Mh not really. You smell nic

e like the sun as always.

I-is that so thats fine then

Fuu for the time being Im safe but it still bothers me so later Ill wash carefully

Even though he told me that I smell good, it kept bothering me so I didnt move a bit

Some days later, Wazu gave me the equipment that he made especially for me. As weapons, he gave me a great sword made of Orichalcum and imbued with the power of fire with his God Magic, and he also gave me a long sword also made of Orichalcum to match any circumstance. He said he didnt find any Orichalcum to make my protective gear so instead he gave me a full plate armour made of Mithril. I cant be always be wearing it so he made contermeasurements. With his God Magic, he made it possible to autoequip it using my magic whenever I will it. It was really entertaining so I tried it many times. Otherwise it will usually be inside Merus magical storage.

I checked my new equipment, polished my new swords, put down the great sword, hang in my waist the long sword and face towards a new battle field.

In front of me are various ingredients and in my clean hands a kitchen knife fuu haa

Ill be in your care.

Yes, give it your best at learning.

At my side was Merus mother Meral-sama standing in her human form. Her skin is as white as snow like in her dragon form, her facial features are so beautiful that even I a woman am feeling charmed, and with long and slender arms and legs, she is the living definition of a beautiful woman. During our stay in this castle I have asked Meral-sama to teach me to cook and I have been doing a great effort to get better at it. Since the first day Meral-sama came to our room to play? and to have a frendly talk. Usually I would ask Tata to teach me but it seems that she has something to do herself and when I casually said that it would be a problem if the time for studing cooking decreases, Meral-sama offered herself to teach me to cook. I had once tried her food and realized that she has such a mastery that wouldnt lose to Tatas, that instead I wanted to plea instead to be teach.

Lets see, you already got the basics right so today lets focus on seasoning, shall we?


Saying that, Meral-sama took out various seasonings and lined them up. Could there be around a dozen?

There are this many

Thats right, there are also some that look the same but, whats important is to know how to use them, and even though my husband looks so crude, hes unexpectedly picky with the flavour of his meals. Thats why I also did my best in collecting this many. And thanks to it, my husband was really pleased.

You really love him, right?

Fufufu You also have to feed Wazu delicious meals too, Narelina-chan.

I-Ill do my best!

Meral-sama started to teach me after seeing my fighting spirit.

Narelina-chan, first you need to cut the meat and vegetables into bite-sized pieces.


Now, before cooking the ingredients you just cut, we need to prepare first the seassoning. At first you might probably dont know what to do so, lets add them while tasting it.


Narelina-chan, why did you put that in?

Yes! Because I heard that it would be good for health!

Narelina-chan that ones a little bit

But I heard that this one gives you vigour!


Ill add this one and this one Ah! This one too

Thats weird was this dish supposed to have this colour? It was supposed to be something with the feeling of a home made cooking but, it has a deep purple colour or kind of black I turn to look to Meral-sama and I see she is smiling but she is sweating cold. From her smile I can understand that this was a failure. I had put my everything but turned out to be a failure.

While I was worring about what I should do, Wazu-san enters the kitchen.

Eh? Narelina and, is that presence Meral? So thats how you look in your human form. Rather, why do you look so lost? Did something happen?

Ah!! No, this is

Nothing happened!! Nothing!!

While I was lost at words to say looking at my failure, Meral-sama tried to cover up for me but, Wazu came over here with a questioning face and looked at my failed work. Ahh t-this is eh!

Were you cooking? Then let me taste it for a bit.

After he said that, he brought it to his mouth before we were able to stop him.

u~m yep!! Its tasty!!


Oh! Thats right, Ragnil was calling for me! Then, see you later!!

Wazu quickly leaves the kitchen. Meral-sama and I see him off and then turn to look at each other.

Well, Wazu is kind of a special case so lets try once again


Being exhausted after learning to cook I return to the room and turn to sleep.

Just right before falling asleep I heard from somewhere a voice screaming I feel to excited and cant sleep!! but I went to sleep soon after