That Person. Later On… - Chapter 15

Chapter 15

Chapter 15 - Power of A-Rank

I am lying on the bed upon entering the room. Not too wide or narrow, its a decent room. I can feel that it has been properly cleaned.

The Inn-way huh..... its deep.....

No... No... No... No... No...!!

I almost got brainwashed. That Lula..... what a fearful girl..... Setting that aside I have to think about my future now.

The problem is my powers too strong.....

Up until now, I thought of myself as just an ordinary person. But the present me is an existence that can be called a monster..... Thats why I dont know what to do with myself..... in the first place, is this all real..... if you believe in Goddess-samas description, even I can destroying a stars if seriously use my power.

Its frightening just to think about it.....

Involuntarily, I was shivering while I wrapped my body on the bed..... no matter how strong I became, my soul is that of an ordinary person. It cant be helped if I was scared.....

I dont know how long I have been lost in thought.....

But a small fire lit in my heart, certainly its a frightening power..... However it wouldn't have been possible to rescue Sarona-san without it before.....

I can save someone using this power. If I always hesitated, when the time comes I might not be able to protect someone I want to protect..... if that's so, there is no reason to hesitate huh. Although I cant use it thoughtlessly..... but I have decided to use it.


[Wazu-saaaan! Dinner is ready~](Lula)


It surprised me, because of that I answer Lula calls with a strange voice. When the door opened, Lula who wearing an apron give me a wry smile. Its embarassing....

A considerable time has passed since I entered my room, when I come down following Lula the sun had already set. There were many people who seemed to be adventurers at the table in the dining room. Everyone respectively eating, drinking, laughing, or grumbling, they are all having fun. Lula guided me to a table at the corner of room and I sat down there. After saying she will immediately come back with food, Lula disappeared into the back counter. While waiting for my meal to come, I was looking at the atmosphere of the dining room.

How nicee~ everyone is having fun~ it was quite envious watching them---

[Someday you also can make your own party as well. Here it is, sorry to kept you waiting](Kayla)

Kayla-san placed a dish in front of me while saying so. She can read my mind its embarassing, I changed my attention to the food.

Grilled seasoned meat, salad, soup, and bread, nothing special with this food, even so it was quite a feast for me. That reminds me, its been quite a while huh..... usually I always ate grilled meat at the time I lived in mountain. But at the Elf village, there was only wild grass and tree nuts. After a long time lets savor the meat's taste.....*gulp*.....

I was eating the foods wholeheartedly. Sometime the parents and child smiling happily while looking at me.

[What the heck is this!! Its taste so bad, I cant eat something like this!!]

While feeling my stomach which was full after I finished my meal, some unforgiveable words had reached my ears.

[Thats why I told you before to stopped Homura from enter this place]

[I know it already, it just once in a while I want to try and eat food from this kind of place]

When I turned my eyes to the voice, I saw 3 men were laughing and cracking an unpleasant smile. That guy in the middle, It seems he was the first one who raised his voice. Red hair, morose eyes, he wore an armor which focused on ease of movement. On the left side, a man with green hair which was grown to hide one of his eye. A large cross spear had been put leaning against wall on his back. On the right side, a narcissist-ish guy is playing with his long blonde hair. He wore an expensive robe and gave some magician-like vibe.

Yosh, lets kill those guys!

I wonder what, suddenly I had an urge to use force..... I didnt feel any hestitation at all with them.

While I was thinking this, the situation got even worse.

[Dont speak ill of my fathers cooking-----](Lula)

Rula was protesting to these three while clutching her apron.

[Oh, whats this kid? You father?]

[Perhaps she is the daughter of this worn-out inn owner]

[Fumu, a daughter is it. Then tell your father to do his job properly! The food tastes bad, we can eat something like this]

With that, a blood thirst leaked out from everyone in the dinning room.

[Oh? The hell are you guys? You don't know who we are?]

[Hey how could they know? They are adventurers from such frontier town]

On these words, a red haired man put his foot on a table while leaning his body in the chair.

[We are Black Flame party of A-rank adventurer]

[It doesnt matter, apologize to father!!](Lula)

They continue glaring to intimidate, but Lula aslo without hestitation still demanding their apology. On the sight, I clapped my hands while muttering a smallOo...

[Tch, this brat.....]

The red-haired man reach out his hand at Lula, in an instant I moved between them to catch his hand while glaring back. In the meantime I use my other free hand to persuade Lula which is little teary to hide behind my back. This guy, just now he let out a blood thirst and tried to strangle Lula.

[..... Whats this bastard, you want to die]

The red-haired man tried to intimidate me by directing his blood thirst towards me. On my back, Lula has been holding my clothes tighly. Before I can say something, a rugged voice is resounding at this place.

[What is this commotion, you people!]

**TL Note : Changes Rula to Lula**

** If you have anysuggestion or finding fault in my translation feel free to tell me**

**Proof reader : Truffle**