That Person. Later On… - Chapter 158

Chapter 158

Chapter 158

Chapter 158 Is the Dragon King dignity a scrap of paper?

I enter the Audience Hall quietly. Ragnisl is til doing dogeza and hasnt noticed us but, Merus mother Meral, who is laying gracefully in the floor and Merus grandmonther Megil who is seated in the throne turn to us. They look at us but say nothing, so taking their silence as a permision for us, Meru flies from my head towards her mother. I follow her with my eyes and slowly come close to Ragnil.


In response to my light greeting, Ragnil jumps up and carefully looks up.

What, is just you no wait, what are you?

Who gave you permission to raise your head?

Ragnil shuts his mouth once again with the powerful voice of Megil and starts to pour cold sweat as he lowers his head to the ground. We wont be able to talk like this and I wont be able to introduce the girls too so I want to get over this already so I turn to Megil once again and take a breath.

It has been a while, Wazu.

It has, seeing that you are in good healt brings me joy. And for how long is this going to continue?

Until this idiot says Ill repent so please forgive me already and begs for redemption, otherwise I will test how long can he keep that posture until Im satisfied.

Is that so then we will make our way back lest we disturb you.

And after I say that, I can see Ragnils eyes clouding with tears turning to me. Dont look at me like that. This is your familys problem, isnt it? Or rather, arent you the Dragon King? although I cant feel any majesty from you but, is that okay with you? Arent you at the pinnacle of the superior beings that dwell above the clouds of this mountain? Haa

well, actually

As I coulnt bear any longer see Ragnil in that situation, I tell them that beyound the Audience Hall door are my wives and a self proclaimed butler, whom I dont want to recognize.

Hahaha!! You have seven wives! Youve done well contrary to your appearance!!

Well one of them is in fact my little sister.

Wazu is really popular. Meru cant keep dilly-dallying any more.

The mother Meral looks at me and smiles while she pats lovingly her daughters head.

Kyui!! Kyui, kyuii!!

Ara! You sleep together every night and more over hugged together?

Meru-san, lets stop with that talk.

Fumu then shall we have Wazu take responsibility? Therell be no problem as long as we teach Meru human transformation magic.

Megil, please you stop as well. Ragnil has been looking at me with killing intempt while shedding tears of blood. Eh? Should we leave him alone? A fathers opinion doesnt count? Hes clearly against it though

We-well, lets leave that for another occasion and for the time being lets let the girl in shall we? And about our reason for visiting this time

After I show the girls into the Audience Hall, we hear a majestic voice resound from the being sitting in the throne.

Fumu, Are you the wives of my dear friend Wazu? You have done well coming here.

That is Ragnil. We got to put on hold the dogeza thing and he got to seat in the throne. Well his legs were shaking while he approached the throne so there was actually no feelings of solemnity from him. Around him were Megil and Meral embraicing Meru.

Hello, nice to meet you, Im

Merus mother, Meral.

I am Merus grandmother, Megil.

With those words, the girls made a bow and introduced themselves.

I am the wife Sarona, who wants him to already put his hands on me.

I am the wife Tata, who terribly wants to be held.

I am the wife Naminissa, who wants to wake up with him every day.

I am the wife Narelina, who wants to trains in night matters too.

I am the wife Haosui, who wants to already be sought upon.

I am the wife Kagane, who wants to be wreck senseless.

I am the wife Maorin, who wants to be held like an animal.

Eh? Are they indirectly making complaints at me? Or rather, is this a place to be saying that? I kind of feel a feverish sight being cast upon me. Also, when did Kagane and Maorin became my wives? I still havent accepted it. Can it be that they are trying to make my surroundings accept them as my wives?

Fumu I am Wazu-samas butler and travel companion. My name is Freud.

Freuuuuuuud!! Whats with you?! Why are you so polite this time?! This is a situation in which you should crack one of your jokes so, why are you introducing yourself so normal?! I mean thats how it should be but, thats wrong!! Why are you introducing yourself as my butler without hesitation? Besides whats with that hows that! face?! I wont aknowledge you!! I wont aknowledge you as my butler!!

Umu, Wazus wives and butler, I shall remember your names and faces. Wazu has already tell me so, while you stay here, think of this place as your own house!

Ragnil says that with the demeanour of a strict Dragon King but from his eyes that are looking at me I can clearly tell that he is thinking You have all this wives but still want my utterly cute Meru as your wife?! You bastard! Ill see you outside!!'

Kyui, kyui, kyui!!

Ara ara, Meru is requesting to be accepted as one of Wazus wives.

And after hearing the words of his wife and kid, a face of desperation starts coming out. Your mask, your mask! Your Dragon King mask is crumbling!

While I was thinking that, when asked what they thought of Merus words, the girls said Eh? I thought that was the case from the beginning. What? You already thought that of Meru? Well, thats okay. At this point of the game I dont plan on letting go of Meru and if some bastard tries to hurt her, I will turn him into minced meat.

Afterwards we lightly talk about our journey up to here, eat all together and get guided by Meru and Meral to our room to rest.

Although I have the impression that Ill be having a physical conversation with Ragnil later haa