That Person. Later On… - Chapter 143

Chapter 143

Chapter 143

Wazu was falling down in front of me. I rushed to him but I couldnt make in time, the oor has closed.

Since Meru is popping out along with a Please take care of Meru voice from Wazu in the brink of hole closed, I catch her gently as if embracing her. Meru is anxiously looking at the oor that once was a hole where Wazu had fallen.

[Hahaha~ such a splendid falling, how funny~!]


[Fufufu..... well, they were able to come this far for a bunch of foolish people. Lets nish the rest!]

We are burning in anger after hearing the statements of those three. But of course, we are never considering that Wazu is over with such a trap. However, insulting our future husband is not something we could forgive, we setup the weapon in hands respectively.

[Oh? Still motivated? But, you know, I guess you wouldnt stand a chance against the future king of the world and the two of us]

The woman says so and then channeling magical power to a cane in her hand, several magic circles are formed on the oor.

[..........summoning magic?] (Kagane)

[Answer the calling according to the covenant!]

Not long after the woman spoke and Kagane murmured so, a number of golems made of stone appeared from magic circles. From their appearance and numbers, perhaps those large amount of ore has been used to make this.

Did he make a lot of people going through all that in order to make such things.....? Its not the deeds of a person who claimed himself to be a king..... The anger is piling up inside me. My hand is getting stronger holding the sword naturaly.....

[Well, here they come! Please entertain us to the utmost!]

The golems are coming to us along with those words. I thought that their movements would be dull because their bodies are made of stone, but they came to hit me with quick movement as if the weight of stone doesnt exist inside those bodies.

We scattered on the place and started to ght individually. But before that, I left Meru-chan with Tata. I dodge the golems st and swing my sword, on the verge of slashing, that woman calls out again.

[Ah, I forgot to say this. I gave those children a sturdy body similar to Orichalcum with special magic. Be careful because magic is also less effective against them]

Those words reached my ears but it was too late. The moment my sword hit the Golems body, it crumbled down to pieces. Darn!

Looking at the surrounding, Saronas small sword is also broken while the magic that Kagane casts doesnt seem to be getting a good result as well.

Even Haosui, the strongest among us thats ghting barehanded, she was only able to leave a st mark on golems body. We all are stunned because of the unexpected golems strength.

[Hehehe, hows that? How? How is the true strength of our soldiers? We will use this golem army to conquer the world~!!]

[You talked too much!]

[Isn't it ne? They are going to die anyway. Oh! Speaking of which, since there are several hundred golems at the place where the guy from before fell, he will surely in a desperate situation down there. Or rather, I bet hes already dead because falling from such height. I wonder if his body has been attened by the golems right now?]

The woman interrupts the words of the masked man whos explaining the situation that is put on us now.

Everyone denies the womans words in unison.

[ [ [ [ [ [ Its impossible for him to die because of such a thing!! ] ] ] ] ] ]

Thats all we could say with condence. However, it doesnt mean that our current situation has improved. Our weapons are br


Although we could punch and kick them just as Haosui does, it has a little meaning for the golems. Kaganes magic is our last hope. After Naminissa and Tata nished putting the magic barrier, I ask Kagane if she could spare me some time.

[Kagane, could you manage something with your magic?] (Narellina)

[Un..... there is some magic which should be able to deal with them, but it has a bad usability and excessive power..... This kind of place is worst, this magic would be affected the castle and the surroundings if I use it here, unrelated people might fall victim because of that..... sorry..... I was focusing myself in searching of Onii-chan so I neglected the training.....] (Kagane)

[There is no need to apologize. Kagane is not wrong. We couldnt just sacrice the people whose unrelated.....] (Narellina)

[Right!] (Kagane)

Haosui came to this place while I and Kagane were pondering the right answer.

[..........impossible with our current equipment. Its better if we endure it until Dannasama comes back] (Haosui)

Thats certainly a better option. If its Wazu, he surely will be able to do something

about the golems..... however, it doesnt feel right..... as his future wives, I wonder if we should just wait to be saved by him.....

[..........that feeling is important. But to connect the future while having the feeling, is more important] (Haosui)

I wonder if that regret was showing on my face. Haosui said so after looking at my face.

If I look carefully, Haosui too..... no, everyone has the same frustrated expression because we could do nothing but waiting to be saved by Wazu.

Does everyone feel the same.....? Then, lets connect the feelings of the present to the future just as Haosuis words. Lets all be stronger together. We looked at each others face, nodded once, and switched from attacking the golems to defending ourselves.

Naminissa and Tata are moving around their magic barrier to disturb the golems movements.

I wonder if the woman has noticed our change of intention, she has a strange expression on her face.

[Those are the faces of people who just found some kind of hope..... Does the guy who fell down earlier has something to do with this? I will check him.....]

Because those words piqued my interest, I was late for noticing the man who approached me.

[You are Narellina as I thought! I wanted to make you to be mine since I saw you at the royal family conference]

The moment when I turned around to the back where that voice was heard.....

I got caught..... and then that self-proclaimed king of the world forced his lips on mine.

My reaction is delayed because of the momentary surprised. The moment I understand whats happening to me, I bite off that mans lips.

When he separates himself from me because of the pain, Naminissa casts the barrier magic and slams it against his body.

Naminissa holds me tenderly while the woman rushes to that self-proclaimed king of the world.

[Are you okay, Ane-sama?] (Naminissa)

Naminissa asks me with a heartbreaking look.

[..........dont worry, I consider that as if Ive just been bitten by a dog] (Narellina)

[Forcing Ane-sama on her rst kiss!! I absolutely wont forgive that guy!!]


Naminissa is directing his rage towards that self-proclaimed king of the world. Though I said those words, but my body was honest..... tears started owing naturally.

I wanted to give all my rst time to Wazu..... and yet..... and yet.....

[Hahaha, what are you crying about? Was it really your rst kiss? Then, you must be feel honored to be able offering your rst kiss to the king of the world!]

The woman raised her laughter and said so to me. I feel a strong anger towards the woman whos mocking me, but it turns into despair in an instant because of her next words.

[Oh right, Ive conrmed the guy who fell down with my magic, he really was alive surprisingly! But then he saw it, the moment when you and the king of the world K.I.S.S.E.D!]

I didnt want to believe those words.....

Ive asked of what happened between Wazu and the woman called Aria. The earlier event has brought back those memories.

Ive also heard from Naminissa about the incident when Wazu was almost to meet Aria again.

Given that, perhaps.....

Wazu will disappear from us because of this.....

No, I dont want it.....

I hate it.....

We nally were able to meet him again after went through a long journey.....

I thought that I could be one of his wives in the future.....

Such a dream was gradually fall apart inside me.....

[Uwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa~~~~~~] (Narellina)

I had burst into tears while raising a loud voice without me realizing it.

I dont want it! I dont want it.....!

I dont want everything to end like this.....!


I want a chance to explain it.....!

I want you to believe in our feelings.....!

Please dont disappear from us.....!

I want you to accept such me as your wife.....!

I want to stay by your side.....!

I want to be together with you forever.....!

I want to be with you.....!

I love you.....!

I love Wazu very much.....!

So please dont forsake me.....!

Please stay by our side forever.....!

Please dont disappear...............!!


I suddenly hear an explosion sound from near the entrance of the room. I shift my crying face towards that direction. Thats the place where the pitfall was.

Standing there is Wazu with snow-white hair and furious face.....

**Proofreader : Niel Dade** **Sponsored by : F.J.T Gomez**