That Person. Later On… - Chapter 126

Chapter 126

We lined up between the big door and the end of audience hall. Upon entering, a magnificent applause rings together with a loud fanfare. There are around 100 beastmen inside the audience hall, which sends their line of sights to us while clapping their hands. We proceed forward with Marao and the beastmen in armor who called us in before, as the guides.

But, why is everyone walking behind me? It makes me look like the leader of this group. What should I do? Everyone may have forgotten, but I'm an F-rank adventurer, you know? I'm the lowest-tier adventurer, right? Why is an S-rank adventurer like Grave-san walking behind someone like me? Come over here!! Why is everyone acting as if it was something natural?

Umm, can I join? I tried lowering my pace so I can join them but they were also lowering their pace to match mine.

Freud and Grave-san are watching me while holding their laughter. They are really having "good" personalities, arent they?

Because Marao who was walking in front of us stopped, we also stopped at the place. Marao takes steps aside, beyond the opened field of vision, there, is a staircase leading to the throne where the king Gio and Deizu are waiting with their respective beautiful wife next to them. The four are coming down here.....

King Gio stopped several steps in front of me and kneels down. Following him, all beastmen inside the hall get on their knees one after another.

Huh? No, wait? Eh? I tried to speak something but words were coming from the other party before I could.

[For stopping the violence act of my people, for not take away anyone's life, including the life of my brother Deizu, I truly appreciate it from the bottom of my heart] (Gio)

[I couldn't hold back my anger and had done something that almost caused the extinction of my tribe. Thank you very much for everything] (Deizu)

King Gio and Deizu are sending thankful words, but its not time for this.

[S-Stop!! For now, please stand up because I have received your thanks!!] (Wazu)

The beastmen in this place stood up when I said so..... Huh? I got the feeling that they were following my command, but I wonder if it was just my imagination.....

[I got the feeling that the beastmen here moved by my voice..... It's just my imagination, right?] (Wazu)

I tried to confirm it with everyone behind me but the answer came from king Gio in front of me instead.

[The beastmen tribes like us have a strong tendency to respect the mighty person. Wazu-dono had shown overwhelming strength in the previous battle, also compassion for not killing anyone there. All the beastmen in this country are admiring Wazu-dono now] (Gio)

Hmm..... I didn't kill him because I wanted to know his reason he was so angry..... but it doesn't mean I want to kill him..... Well, never mind. If he thinks so, then there is no problem.

[Well, the bad one is the people from the southern country.....] (Wazu)

The time I said so, their expression changed as if just chewed a bitter bug. King Gio, Deizu, and the other beastmen in this place seem trying to suppress their anger. For now, it seems true that Deizu had returned to his original condition.

[With this, I have confirmed everyone's safety with my eyes. I'm thinking of leaving this kingdom soon towards my next destination] (Wazu)

[Is that so..... that makes me feel lonely....] (Gio)

[Well, since my destination is in the south, I was thinking of rescuing the kidnapped beastmen while at it..... but it just if I can do something about it.....] (Wazu)&n


To my words, not only king Gio himself, but his wife and Deizu's wife, are also shedding tears.

[If that's possible, it would really be a great help..... To tell the truth, I have issued protests to the southern country but never received answer until now..... Because of that, the hardliner faction decided to move independently and almost caused a war. I heard the country is already full of conflict and have no choice but to rely on other countries to keep the status quo.....] (Gio)

[I see..... then, would you please wait a while longer? First we will go and see the situation and if it's possible, we will rescue them] (Wazu)

[If its words from Wazu-dono, I think those who grew impatient can also wait for a little longer but..... are you really sure?] (Deizu)

[Yeah, everyone seems motivated as well] (Wazu)

I turn my face to everyone behind and they are nod for affirmation in return.

[I have no doubt for Wazu-dono..... but, why are you going so far for us?] (Gio)

[Hmm? There is no special reason..... I just wanted to save them, that's all] (Wazu)

That's really all I thought. I look at king Gio with serious expression in order to convey it. After a brief intersection of each other's line of sight, king Gio lets out his breath.

[I see, you are honestly just wanted to save our brethren..... such a respectable persona..... as expected from Goddess-sama's servant.....] (Gio)

Hmm? I heard somewhat disturbing words just now.....

[Umm..... what did you just say?] (Wazu)

[Eh? I said you are.....] (Gio)

[No, after that!] (Wazu)

[..... as expected of Goddess-sama's servant?] (Gio)

What is this Goddess-sama's servant supposed to mean!? I don't remember became such a thing!! Being told something like that, I can imagine Goddess-sama looking at me nervously!

Because Deizu need to make some preparation, we stay another night in the castle and will head to the southern country tomorrow.

**Proofreader :Niel Dade**

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