That Person. Later On… - Chapter 101

Chapter 101

There are only Haosui and I inside this room now. Haosui had asked Meru, Grave-san, Serena-san, and Freud leave the room to give us some time.

Since Haosui is still not in her perfect condition, I have her stay on the bed just as it. I took the chair next to bed and sit on it.

To be frank, my heart beating so fast being alone with Haosui right now, but I manage to keep my calm somehow.

I sat on the chair and look towards Haosui, but then she lowered her head to avoid eye contact with me.

[.........Thank you for saving me!!] (Haosui)

[..........I also heard that you got white dragon-sama's tears to save me..... Thank you very much!!] (Haosui)

Did she hear that from Serena-san? Because I only told Grave-san about this matter. Oh, well. I don't mind it. I stroking Haosui's head to convey that she don't have to worry about it. Her hair is so smooth and comfortable.

I gently stroking her head, but she suddenly make *hyuu~* sound while her face turn deep red. Maybe it just my imagination, but I saw the steam rising from her head.

Eh? Did I do something wrong?

While thinking that I had screwed up, I pull my hand from her head because it's impossible to talk like this.

Haosui slowly rasied her face, she touching the part I stroked with ecstatic expression. While watching her action, our eyes meet once more. --[Uu~u~u~]-- she hide under the blanket again.

After a while, Haosui finally comes out from her blanket and teach me a bit about her past.

I stroking her head again with smile to make her feel at ease without saying anything. For the time being, I won't bring out about the peddler matter. I keep stroking Haosui's head until she calmed down.

Haosui look at me to make sure that I was still by her side.

I'm still here. Then..... may I ask a question now?

[And then..... umm..... the thing about you will be the wife of the winner.....] (Wazu)

[Unn, I will..... I will be Danna-sama's wife~] (Haosui)

Haosui got closer to me while answering it in quick succession.

[No, it's not like that..... Is Haosui okay with that? To suddenly become my wife? Is that a condition that was arbitary put by your challenger, right? You don't have to follow it, you know? Certainly, I won. But I won't force Haosui to be my wife. This is your life so do what you want to do..... in addtion, Haosui is not old enough to get married..... umm, what am I saying!?] (Wazu)

[.........In other words, do you hate me?] (Haosui)

I messed up. Haosui has a sad face with tears flowing from her eyes.

[Th-That's wrong!! That's not what I meant!! I giving the priority to your feeling!!] (Wazu)

[..........Do you dislike me?] (Haosui)

[No, well..... I don't dislike you, but.....] (Wazu)

[But.....?] (Haosui)

[We yet to understand each other well.....] (Wazu)

[..........Then, it's not problem. It's still about half year until we can get married. In the meantime, I will make Danna-sama couldn't live without me anymore. Or, do you already have another wife?] (Haosui)

[No, I'm an unpopular guy. I don't even have a girlfriend] (Wazu)

I got sad by myself because of that words.

[..........Yup, I dont see a problem. Even if you already have a wife or two, I will convince them to also let me become Danna-samas wife] (Haosui)

[Ha-Harem!?] (Wazu)

Haosui is so possitive.

[Is this really okay with Haosui? Umm.... to be my wife?] (Wazu)

[No problem..... Because Im falling

in love with Danna-sama!!] (Haosui)

Huh? Is that so? Umm.....since when? Did I do something? I have no idea.

Well, there are still six months time to think about everything. Let's start with get to know Haosui better....

Hmm? Eh? Why am I kinda looking forward to it as well?

Certainly, I think it's not a bad deal at all. I also want to properly accept her feeling..... but, what kind of step I should take.....?

Besides, after I heard Haosui's firm feeling, I also feel something within myself. I don't understand what is this, but I think the answer will come over the time..... surely.....

Having said that, I sink in the sea of thought by myself. Then, Haosui take out his guild card and gave it to me.

[.........I also want to thank Danna-sama for the other thing. A new possibilty has manifested after I lost from Danna-sama] (Haosui)

I received her guild card and check it.


[Battle king] Lv.Max (Compound)

[Dragon-ization] (Unique)

[Super Recovery] Lv.Max (Compound)

[Total Tolerance] Lv.8

[Hero] Lv.6

Hmm? Do you know each other?