Ha Hha Feng Bujue's mouth twitched several times. He compared the magnet in his pocket to the hole and found it was just the right size.
He tried to stick the magnet in, and when it was about a third in, he felt a strong magnetic pull in the hole and pulled the whole thing in. The next second, the box was opened
Turns out, this small box does not need the password at all, the front lock is only a smokescreen, and the real open way is to trigger an inside mechanism. 80% of this safe box is made of ordinary metal, but inside that hole, some of it is made of special, high-density magnetic ore with a wedge embedded. And the only prop that can unlock this mechanism is that stick magnet.
Constantly changing the rules of the puzzle This is so Although Feng Bujue was a little angry, he quickly calmed down. The big box is opened with a password, does not mean that inside the small box should also open with a password. He can only blame himself for falling into the trap of thinking set.
Feng Bujue took out the [Cell Key to underground 1F], and then left the Prison No. 6 and walked up the stairs to the upper level.
After opening the door of the black iron fence, the key disappeared, and the system prompt sounded at this moment: [The current task is completed, the main task has been updated]
[Exploring the underground 2F, opening the door to the upper level], the mission was stroked and the next instruction appeared: [Go to the overground 1F]
Huh? It seemed strange when Feng Bujue saw this task. Theoretically, the task should be written with the words Exploring the underground 1F and find the way to the ground, but there was only a simple sentence as Go to the ground 1F in front of him, as if
Can I go straight up to overground 1F?" thought Feng Bujue.
Armed with his rusty long iron bar (which had changed back into Dilapidated quality), he walked cautiously down the underground 1F corridor. This floor had almost the mirror design to the underground 2F with six cells, three on each side. But the iron door of this cell was different from the one below, there were neither meals wicket, small iron windows and painted figures on the door. The six iron doors were almost pieces of iron, except for the keyhole and the handle. Thus, he can see nothing inside the door.
Feng Bujue tried the six doors one by one to see if they could be opened, but all of them were locked. He said to himself, It is not likely that the whole floor of this underground 1F is just a decoration, that is to say I'll be back in a minute.
As he thought, he came to the other end of the corridor and stood on a flight of stairs. He calculated the length of the corridor with his stride length, and he was sure that right under the stairs, was prison No. 0. But his calculations do not seem to make much meaning other than showing that the corridor lengths of underground 1F and 2F are the same.
The front steps were made of wood and looked very old. There were still many strange odors left on the steps. The odors could have come from food and excrement spilled during transportation, or from blood and body fluids left behind when people were dragged up and down. When they mixed together, it can become a disgusting smell.
Feng Bujue reached the stage and turned back after a wooden door. He held the handle and turned it carefully. The door opened smoothly.
Behind the door was a floor. Standing on the steps and looking out the door, he could see a sort of storeroom with walls of brick and wood, surrounded by bulging sacks. Another wall was filled with rows of wooden barrels.
The light in that room was even worse than underground, and the only light source came from a kerosene lamp on a barrel. Of course, Feng Bujue won't enter the dark environment, so he extended the iron bar in the door, tapping it up and down to make sure there was no such physical trap in front of him. Then, he stepped through the door.
[The current task is completed, the main task has been updated] the system prompts appeared again, and Feng Bujue found the new task: [Exploring overground 1F, find red, yellow, blue, black, white, grey keys and open 6 doors of underground 1F]
Feng Bujue scanned the mission and kept going. The first thing he did was to get the kerosene lamp. In the case that he cannot use his flashlight, proceeding the plot with lighting equipment was urgent apparently.
He just walked for more than three meters BANG! The door behind him closed suddenly.
Feng Bujue turned back, but he can only see the closed door and his own shadow on the wall. He then listened and guarded for a dozen seconds There was nothing but suffocating quietness.
At this moment, he took out the Vajra Bell and opened the "Death warning special function.
For the next five minutes, anything hostile objects and potentially life threat would elicit a reaction from the Vajra bell.
However, he waited about 20 seconds after the special function was turned on. However, nothing was ringing.
Ooh What's the situation" Feng Bujue thought, "There's no wind in this place, nor the door was closed by some mechanical strings How did it close without a force?
A normal, "fearable" person will certainly be affected by this condition. But Feng Bujue For him, even an evil face jumped out behind the door, there will be no effect on his fear value. He always considers only the threat of survival value and ignores the existence of fear value.
As long as the Vajra Bell does not ring, he has no hesitation.
He came to the door with a quick step and tried to open it. However, he heard the system's warning: This door has been sealed by some special force, only people with six colour keys can open it.
Oh It's the system setting. Feng Bujue sighed with relief, and at once he understood the meaning of the hint. The door was closed to prevent players from returning to the ground after only finding one or two keys, thus disrupting the process of the game.
Well I shall get out there and see what's going on while the death warning lasts. Feng Bujue think of this and turned to get the kerosene lamp. He put the iron bar on the ground and quickly went to another door in the room.
It was a dark corridor outside, and the light from the kerosene lamp spread only to a limited distance. By the way, the kerosene lamp's note says: [Don't question how long it lasts, it goes out when it should.]
Unlike the two floors underground, the ground floor is basically built of brick wood with more rooms; The corridor has a corner and there is furniture in the room; It looks just like a normal house.
Is it the setting of 'the mad scientist builds a dungeon under his house'? Feng Bujue thought, Perhaps only the 6 rooms for underground 2 are cells, and underground 1 is some kind of laboratory?
He took the kerosene lamp and turned sideways. To take advantage of the death warning status, he did not explore in detail, but quickly went through the hallway and opened each room's door, leaned in for two steps, and then retreated to the next room.
In this process, the most impressive memory of Feng Bujue was this layer of smell. Somehow, the air here seemed even worse than those underground cells, left Feng Bujue with the impression that The house was built right in the middle of the slaughterhouse and the chemical factory, and the windows are always opened.
In this way, it took Feng Bujue more than three minutes to try all the rooms on the first floor. Vajra Bell did not ring, which doesn't mean absolute safety, but at least there's no danger in just walking around the house until a new flag is triggered.
When all the room of this layer had been explored, there were two places that Feng Bujue can't pass through.
The first was the staircase leading to the second floor, which was blocked by a pile of meat. Yes, a pile of meat. It looked like a large meatball made of the flesh of many dead bodies, no matter what force had held them together, they formed a wall of meat and sealed off the steps.
Because the Vajra Bell never rang, Feng Bujue walked to the vicinity of the lump of meat and prodded unbridled with his fingers. At that time, the system voice mentioned: [A fortress controlled by a magic spell, which looks like a heap of dead flesh.]
And the second place he can't get through was the main gate of the house. He went straight down the corridor and soon found the ordinary wooden door. When he got closed to the door handle, the system will prompt: [Can't open.]
These two words are perhaps the most common clue to any horror-escaping game when the player is facing a door, even Feng Bujue does not have interest on roasting that.
Ah It's been one and an hour since I got into the script. When the time for death warnings was run out, Feng Bujue got back into the storage room, which's connected to the underground part of the building. "But seems I didn't even pass half of the whole plot" he said, beginning the search.
He spent five minutes scouring the storeroom but found nothing useful. In every corner of the room, there was nothing but dust and cobwebs. All the barrels were empty and there's only sand in those jute bags.
From Feng Bujue's preliminary observation, there're no keys in the storeroom. If there were, they shall hide in a place that could not be found under normal conditions but after triggering something.
Thus, Feng Bujue took the kerosene lamp back to the first corridor and walked to the next room.
Next door was a schoolroom with a carpet on the floor. This's not an ordinary carpet. To be more specific Even the loom that made it will curse that it is not its own creation. When Feng Bujue stepped on it, it felt like it had been vegetated. In this foul, dark air, it degenerated into lush and moist lichen or the spreading moss
There were two niches on the left side of the wall after the door, and all the decorations were gone. If flowers and plants had been placed there, they would have died in the dirty air. If the holy images had been placed in them, the saints might have been dragged out by demons in the dark until they reached some dark abyss below the room
Feng Bujue walked to the edge of the window and pulled back the curtain. He could only see the thick darkness through the glass, not even to lift the kerosene lamp to the window. Trying to open the window was apparently futile, and smashing windows with pipe wrench caused his hand numb.
Feng Bujue pressed his face to the edge of the window and sniffed, but the air did not leak in at all. What he smelled was just a damp smell belonging to the great house, a sort of musty odour that came from the mixture of tarpaulin and deadwood.
It seems unlikely to escape the house from here. Feng Bujue muttered and came to the desk in the middle of the room.
The desk was very untidy, and a heap of sundries were disordered. Feng Bujue picked up the objects one by one to view the properties, but all of them were just garbage.
Only one of the drawers in the desk was still open. All the other drawers had been pulled out of the desk and dropped to the ground. The ink had dried out and been spotted on some nearby paper, and an explosion of ink had been splashed on the carpet.
Feng Bujue opened the only open drawer and found a magnifying glass inside. He laughed. Oh~ If there's a tobacco pipe or something, it would be great."
When most people at this age see someone posing like this, they will probably assume that the person is old-fashioned or Chunibyou. Only Feng Bujue firmly believes that a pipe in mouth with a magnifying glass is very handsome, this might be the romance for only himself.
Handed the magnifying glass, Feng Bujue was even more excited. With a kerosene lamp in one hand and a magnifying glass in the other, he turned to the wall of the room where stood a bookcase. The bookcase was filled with books up and down, and this kind of temptation is always Feng Bujue's favourite prop.
There is no time limit for this play. If no one stops it, it is possible for Feng Bujue to stay in the room and pull out the books one by one to finish reading. The only thing that can stop him will be the time limit of the game cabin connection. When the actual neural connection time exceeds the maximum time limit of the day, Feng Bujue will be forced to go offline.
Fortunately, the system did a great job of setting it up. On this shelf, 99% of the books have no translations. Not only there is no translation, but even the words are hidden from the player. The words in each book, including the cover and the side of the title, are just blur.
This made Feng Bujue very uncomfortable because he is also interested in deciphering. After reading The dancing man 1) in Sherlock Holmes in elementary school, he indulged in the alphabet decoding game for at least half a year. The script right now looked like resemblance compare to English, and he had the confidence to decipher the language of the world, now he had lost all his hope.
Of course, there are also 1% of the books, which are systematically translation, meaning that this book is intended for him to read
Advanced alchemy... Feng Bujue looking at the dark blue cover and read the title out, "Why should I see this He didn't even finish his words, a piece of paper suddenly dropped from the pages.
He stooped down to pick it up, took it to the light and examined it. Then he saw that it was not a piece of paper, but a faded photograph.
The paper of the photo had been yellowed, plus this was originally a black and white photo, so the borders and photo have the same colour. In the photo there are two boys, who look about ten years old, facing to the camera side by side. The shorter kid on the left is holding the head of the kid on the right, and both of them show a silly smile. Even it's only through the photographs, Feng Bujue can also feel their innocence and happiness.
Feng Bujue stared at the picture for a few seconds, but something happened.
The next second, he's back to the same state he was when he viewed the opening CG, and an image popped up and played. This image was similar to the photo. It's faded, but at least not completely black and white.
A meadow, a pasture, a sparse fence, horses and poultry were walking on grass, and a sheepdog was running. Behind the scenes of harmony, as the camera moved sideways, a barn entered the scene, and not far from the barn sat a little house.
Without any doubt, Feng Bujue identified this house is the one he's staying right now. Although it only took him more than three minutes to walk through the room on the first floor, the amount of information he collected in the seemingly random minutes was absolutely huge.
He estimated the size of the house, calculated the number of windows and doors, constructed the flat structure of the whole first floor in his mind, and deduced whether each room on the first floor overlapped with each room in the underground corridor.
All in all, the floor plan of the house was already in his head, so he made a quick judgment when he saw the outline of the building in the image.
Laughter, children's laughter.
The picture did not go into the house as Feng Bujue's expected but continued to move sideways to a side lawn. There was a swing, and a little boy with golden hair was sitting on it. There was a woman, which should be his mother, pushing him on the swing. The boy gave a cheerful, hearty laugh, and the mother's face was brightened with a happy smile.
Not far from the swing, sat another little boy under the tree, a brown-haired boy. He was holding a book and looking at it with great interest. It was a book in dark blue Apparently, it's the same book Advanced Alchemy that Feng Bujue just found.
Wouldn't you like to come and play for a while, Arthur? Said the mother, turning to the boy sitting.
Feng Bujue did not hear the child's answer, because the image suddenly stopped. He returned to the state of playing and was again in the study room.
Well Does it state Unexpectedly, Feng Bujue's first reaction after he saw the CG was stretch his hand to grasp his own hair.