Ten Years Late: The Bullied Husband - Chapter 121 - I Will Never Leave Your Side Anymore

Chapter 121 - I Will Never Leave Your Side Anymore

The program of their wedding was simple. After the speech of the priest, Li Bingbing and Xia Sinian exchanged their vows.

Although at that moment, Li Bingbing and Xia Sinian were staring at each other without saying a word. The priest waited patiently as he could see the love for each other from their eyes.

After a short while, Li Bingbing's smile grew before she finally opened her mouth. "I forgot the vow that I was supposed to say."

Xia Sinian: "..."

Since she was talking in her native language, the foreign priest didn't understand what she said, he thought that she was finally saying her vow.

A soft giggle was heard from her when she saw how Xia Sinian looked at that moment. He was looking at her in disbelief.

"I'm joking," said she before she took in a deep breath. She wanted to cry at that moment because she was finally there with him but she tried her best not to, after all, they were in the middle of the ceremony.

Why was she suddenly getting so emotional?

Xia Sinian reached out and held her hand, giving it a squeeze. He didn't say anything but the look in his eyes told her that he would be patiently waiting until she says her vows.

Li Bingbing was touched with what he did. He always knew what to do to calm her down. "Sisi... You know that I am in love with your soul, not your body. Your temperament is what lures me into you. Your deep soothing voice is what I crave for and your warmth is what I covet. When you smile at me it seems as if the whole world is mine. I know that you already know how much I love you but let me tell you this. When I say I love you, that means I will never give up on you..." She paused as her lips quivered and her tears formed in her eyes. She squeezed his hand hard, "It means that I would defend you with my life even if the odds were insurmountable. It means I will comfort you in the difficult and painful times. It means I will dance and rejoice with you when times are good. Though life may test us I am yours into eternity and I will never abandon you. Sisi, I love you, I love you so much."

Xia Sinian's heart shook when he heard her words. The warm sensation in his chest grew. He smiled a bit, "I didn't know that you're actually that stubborn."

He reached out and wiped the tears that rolled down her cheeks.

"Tell me your vows now so that we can finally kiss and be officially married!"

This made him laugh lightly. "Yes, yes. Now stop crying."

Li Bingbing pursed her lips, "I'm not crying."

Xia Sinian decided not to argue on that since it was his turn to say his vows. "Listen carefully, okay?"

Li Bingbing nodded obediently as she sniffed.

"I have always loved you too, you know. Even after knowing my faults, of which there are many, you were always there and for that, I thank you. You understood my anxieties and insecurities, my triggers and the ghosts that haunted me. Whenever you're around, you always made me feel so loved. As long as I am here, I promise you that every day, I will shower you with all my love. I may have left you once but I promise you that I will never leave your side anymore, Bingbing. I will always be here for you. Always. No matter what happens."

Even if his life would be taken, he would still stay by her side and watch over her from the other side. He added that in his mind.

Li Bingbing burst out in tears and she cried loudly like a child when she heard him say that he wasn't going to leave her side anymore since it meant so much to her.

She was pulled into a hug by Xia Sinian, "Hey, stop crying."

But Li Bingbing didn't stop. Her hormones made it worse for her.

Xia Sinian turned to the priest and said in English, "Please continue."

Never in his life did the priest saw a bride being this emotional but the priest followed what Xia Sinian said. He opened his mouth to announce, "Go now in peace and live in love, sharing the most precious gifts you have; the gifts of your life united and may your days be long on this earth. I now p.r.o.nounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride."

Since Li Bingbing wasn't wearing a veil, Xia Sinian held her chin and made her face him. Her face was wet with tears and her makeup was ruined because of it but nonetheless, Xia Sinian still found her so beautiful. She was always going to be beautiful in his eyes even if her eyes were already puffy and if her face was red. He still found her beautiful even if a snot was already rolling down her nose.

He chuckled softly as he took his handkerchief from his pocket. "Before I kiss you, blow on this."

"I'm not supposed to cry." She sobbed before she blew her nose on his handkerchief. "My makeup is ruined! I'm so ugly now!"

"You aren't."

"I am!" She cried loudly, "It's your fault! You made me cry-"

She was cut off when Xia Sinian captured her lips and because of his sudden kiss, her tears finally stopped.