Tensei Shitara Kyuuketsuki-san Datta Ken - Chapter 62

Chapter 62

Chapter 62

Chapter 62 How to Spend a Day Off 2


After reading the manga while idling on the bed


The rooms door open and En-san walks in.

That reminds me where did he go?

I didnt see En-san since the morning.

En-san looks around the room.

Fuu~he sighs.

Everyone is lax. Idling on the bed. Even though the weather is this nice. How about going out?

Ado is reading deshu

Me too nya~

Im also reading

What Eggheads are? In addition, that Ado becoming a bookworm Where did the real Ado go? Even though you were running so lively at the Sages house

En-san receives a shock.

En-san is outdoor type after all.

He was probably confined in the Temple of the Warriors for too long.

He probably goes so often out because of that.

En-san. Where did you go?

Nu, I was teaching the wyverns about the sky. They way of flying is weird after all. They are just young chicks

As expected of En-san.

Active even during the day off.

He may have a strong consciousness.

Ado, Chiko, get out from the bed for special training

No deshu

Mew too~

Both are absorbed in the manga.

They reply without taking their eyes off it.

They read while rolling on the bed.

Ado is face down style.

She lies on her stomach, her hands over the pillow with the manga right in front of her face.

Chiko is face up style.

With her back on the bed, shes stretching her arms towards the ceiling and reading the manga.

That must be quite the burden on her arms.

The two girls have no experience in reading manga in the bed.

It can be clearly seen just by looking.

Really how deplorable

Maa, maa, En-san. Today is a day off, after all

Thats right deshu

Right nya~

En-san is at number disadvantage.

Ku He says with a grim expression.

Cant be helped. I will go for one more flight. You are welcome to join me anytime


En-san leaves the room.

We keep on reading the manga.

A few hours later.


When I look at the direction of the opening door

Its En-san again.

Still reading

En-san looks around the room with a sorrowful look.

Depressed En-san.

How about it? Want to move your body? Hey, Ado, how about it? The weather outside is nice

Im reading deshu~

Ado is still reading.

She reads without moving.

She may be making a big step into the world of manga.

Then what about you, Chiko? You are from a Cat tribe, you know? Dont you want to wander around? I bet you do

Im also reading nya~

Ku lazy demi-humans dont you want to become stronger for Lords sake? Even though such fierce evolution happened just in front of you how negligent

O, ou.

En-san is strangely more enthusiastic than ever.

Am I the cause?

It seems he was inspired by my evolution.

Ado Ado feels that Ado will get stronger by reading this manga deshu. Somehow I think that. Pirates are strong deshu. Ado will get amazingly strong if Ado eats a strange fruit deshu

Mew too nya~ I might get stronger if I play basketball nya. The left hand is for support only nya~1


It seems the two of them have completely become a manga people.

This may not be a good influe

nce, but

Both are overflowing with a strange energy.

Ado, return to reality. Theres no way you can get stronger just by reading. That is not a magic grimoire, you know?

Maa, maa, En-san. Its important to raise motivation. Lets put it aside for today

Nu, it cant be helped if Lord says so. If thats the case, I will be taking a rest too

He sits on his bed.

And frequently peeks at me.

I understood the meaning of his eyes immediately.

I purchase a new manga with theOnline Shopping.

By the way, its aGo Manga.2

En-san. Would you like this? Its a manga of ingenuity

Nu. I see if Lord wants me to no matter what I will give it a try

En-san starts reading the manga he has received.


Several hours later.

Lord. Im convinced. I feel like I will get stronger by reading this manga

Ado thinks so too deshu

Mew too nya~

New manga believer obtained.

En-san wonderfully joined the group.

It seems he defected to the supports of manga.

With this divine move, I will surpass you3

Ado will~ Eat an amazing fruit. Logia type would be the best

My left hand is for support only nya~

I dont understand well, but

Everyones motivation became high.

Manga is interesting after all.

Our day off passed like this.