Tensei Shitara Kyuuketsuki-san Datta Ken - Chapter 51

Chapter 51

Chapter 51

Chapter 51 New Followers

Lord, whats the plan? Should I kick them around?

Goshujin-shama~ Fight, are we going to fight~?

Ado and En-san are completely in a battle mode.

They seem to be eager to fight.

However, bu~t.

I want to settle this peacefully.

I would like to avoid fighting 20 wyverns if possible.

Because I have no idea if I can win.

I dont even slightly understand my own strength.

The opponents are still, lets see what is it about

Lord is too careful. I will watch over you so be at peace

Deshu, deshu~ Ado is here too~

What a reassuring companions.

Ado, En-san

I may have been blessed with good friends.

Then, Ado, lets move a little bit forward


Sutasuta Sutasuta

We are inside the flock of wyverns.

When I approach the biggest guy.

The level 16


It roars.

My cheeks shake because of the wind pressure.

What a great lung capacity

Ado, do you understand what it said?

Uun. It wants a match.

Its a wild wyvern after all.

Power may be everything here.

It may not be settled with a conversation.

If thats the case

I have no choice, but to adjust to these rules.

I understand. A battle between representatives?


A tremendous roar once again.

The opponent may be trying to intimidate me.

Un. It seems to be okay deshu

Then, the one fighting for us is

Someone who can ensure a victory

Lord, leave it to me!

Eh, Ado wants to fight too~

Both of them are fully motivated

En-san and Ado they are both monstrously strong.

But the opponent is a flying type.

This is En-sans turn

Ado cant fly after all.

Sorry, Ado. Lets leave this to En-san

Eeeh deshu gusun

Fu, Lord, you made the right choice. As expected of Lord

Sad Ado, proud En-san.

Ados dog ears are hanging down.

Its a dejected Ado.

Its alright, Ado. I will give you potechi later

In that case, its alright deshu. En, do your best deshu

Nu, Lord. Of course, you will give me potechi too, right?

Theres also En-sans share

I see with this I can fight without worries. My skills are itching!

Potechi, potechi, potechi deshu~

With Ados potechi call, En-san steps forward.

Although he is in small form he looks cool.

En-san talks to me with his back.

How cool.

Well then, Im your opponent. How at me, little chicks!

Powan Basa Basa

En-san transforms back to the dragon form and flies towards the sky.

Dragon should be flying in the sky after all.

It has a unique appeal.


Basa Basa


The level 16 wyvern flies into the air.

It flies to the same height as En-san.

At this moment.

The sky battle has begun.

Both I and Ado

The other wyverns

Are waiting for the fierce battle that will happen.

I keep watching the sky with expectations, but

Im going, little chick. Witness it! My power!


En-san circles in the air

He raised his speed

And rammed the wyvern with tremendous momentum.



Hyuun Dosu

The wyvern crashes into the ground while screaming.

The battle lasts approximately ten seconds.

Battle ends. Winner, En-san.

The meeting place fell silent with disappointment.

The wyverns are dumbfounded.

I and Ado are also surprised.

En-sans ramming attack exploded once again.


I havent seen En-san use another attack than the ramming attack.

Surely not, surely not

It cant be that he has only a ramming attack, right?

My expectations

Maa, he won so lets leave it at that.

Victory is important.

Hyuun Suta


En-san comes back and turns into the small dragon form.

En-san without a single scratch.

How about that? Have you realized my power?

En~ Amazing deshu

En-san, you have done well

This much is not worth the praise. Just a trivial matter

En-san humbly says with a self-satisfied look.

Hes so happy that his tail is vigorously moving around in joy.

Noshinoshi Noshinoshi

The fallen wyvern gets up.

It moves approaches us.


It turns towards us and lowers its head?

Then, every wyvern does the same.


More feeble voice than before.

This soft tone, this posture

Surely not

Indeed, this is

That, right?

Its that, right?

I have seen it before.

This scene.

The same action the Earth Dogs and Moon Foxes did.

Ado, the wyverns, perhaps

They want to become Goshujin-shamas followers

As expected

It was that thing after all

I had a vague feeling.

That monsters follow the strong.

Then, that rule.

Why dont I answer it?

Ai, I understand. Wyverns. I will accept you


The wyverns call joyfully.

Thus, I have obtained a flock of wyverns.