Ten Thousand Dreams Interpreted - Part 19

Part 19


To dream of your bladder, denotes you will have heavy trouble in your business if you are not careful of your health and the way you spend your energies.

To see children blowing up bladders, foretells your expectations will fail to give you much comfort.


Blankets in your dream means treachery if soiled. If new and white, success where failure is feared, and a fatal sickness will be avoided through unseen agencies.


Blasphemy, denotes an enemy creeping into your life, who under a.s.sumed friendship will do you great harm.

To dream you are cursing yourself, means evil fortune. To dream you are cursed by others, signifies relief through affection and prosperity.

The interpretation of this dream here given is not satisfactory.

[22] See Profanity.


To hear young animals bleating in your dreams, foretells that you will have new duties and cares, though not necessarily unpleasant ones.


To dream of bleeding, denotes death by horrible accidents and malicious reports about you. Fortune will turn against you.


To dream of being blind, denotes a sudden change from affluence to almost abject poverty.

To see others blind, denotes that some worthy person will call on you for aid.


For a woman to dream that she is blindfolded, means that disturbing elements are rising around to distress and trouble her. Disappointment will be felt by others through her.

Blind Man's Buff.

To dream that you are playing at blind man's buff, denotes that you are about to engage in some weak enterprise which will likely humiliate you, besides losing money for you.


Blood-stained garments, indicate enemies who seek to tear down a successful career that is opening up before you.

The dreamer should beware of strange friendships.

To see blood flowing from a wound, physical ailments and worry.

Bad business caused from disastrous dealings with foreign combines.

To see blood on your hands, immediate bad luck, if not careful of your person and your own affairs.

Blood Stone.

To dream of seeing a blood stone, denotes that you will be unfortunate in your engagements. For a young woman to receive one as a gift, denotes she will suffer estrangement from one friend, but will, by this, gain one more worthy of her.


To dream of seeing trees and shrubs in blossom, denotes a time of pleasing prosperity is nearing you.


Denotes injury to yourself. If you receive a blow, brain trouble will threaten you.

If you defend yourself, a rise in business will follow.

Blotting Paper.

To dream of using blotting paper, signifies you will be deceived into the betrayal of secrets which will seriously involve a friend.

To see worn blotting paper, denotes continued disagreements in the home or among friends.


For a young woman to dream of blushing, denotes she will be worried and humiliated by false accusations. If she sees others blush, she will be given to flippant railery which will make her unpleasing to her friends.

Boarding House.

To dream of a boarding house, foretells that you will suffer entanglement and disorder in your enterprises, and you are likely to change your residence.


To dream of this is just about the same as to dream of the devil; it indicates stormy times and much bad fortune. Disenchantment with humanity will follow. To kill one is good.


To hear boasting in your dreams, you will sincerely regret an impulsive act, which will cause trouble to your friends. To boast to a compet.i.tor, foretells that you will be unjust, and will use dishonest means to overcome compet.i.tion.


Boat signals forecast bright prospects, if upon clear water. If the water is unsettled and turbulent, cares and unhappy changes threaten the dreamer. If with a gay party you board a boat without an accident, many favors will be showered upon you. Unlucky the dreamer who falls overboard while sailing upon stormy waters.


To dream of bobbins, denotes that important work will devolve on you, and your interests will be adversely affected if you are negligent in dispatching the same work.


Bogs, denotes burdens under whose weight you feel that endeavors to rise are useless. Illness and other worries may oppress you.