{Temporary Hiatus} Douluo Dalu I: Reborn As Tang San's Twin Brother - 6 Don't You Want To Become My Apprentice, Tang Qing?

6 Don't You Want To Become My Apprentice, Tang Qing?

Tang Qing placed the old watering can down to the side. As he slowly raises his right hand upwards, and pluck one of the Golden Apple slices, off from the plate in Xing Lingfei's hands.

He took a bite of one of the Golden Apple slices. The sweetness of the apple's juices invaded his tongue. It's watery content touches his taste buds. As it fills Tang Qing with sweet delight, smiling. He savoured every single bite he took.

With every bite he took, the Golden Apple slices crumble, falling into bits, becoming smaller each time.

It didn't take long, for Tang Qing and Xing Lingfei to finish, the large plate of golden apples. As they exchanged pleasantries with each other.

A young scholar in his mid to late twenties, dressed in a Taoist white robe, in his study room. He look very pleased, as an obvious smile seem to have strewn on his face. Whilst, gazing at the two small figures in the backyard, from withinside his study room.

"Lingfei'er..." The young scholar spoke softly, his gaze filled with love and affection for Xing Lingfei, almost like she was his own daughter.

This young scholar is none other than Xing Qinghou. The biological father of Xing Lingfei. Holy Spirit Village only village doctor. At the same time, an early stage Spirit Grandmaster rank, with a low grade tool spirit essence. Two Leave Hippot.i.te Gra.s.s.

The young scholar Xing Qinghou looked away from the window. His gaze seems a bit distant and longing, daze and sombre, immersed in his own thought.

'How life must have been pretty difficult for you, Lingfei'er. Despite growing up without a mother. You can live so happily; being the only child, when I'm always busy with work. You're always alone by yourself... It wasn't until you've met him.'

His eyes seem to grow a bit watery, as a bead slowly form, but failed to completely take shape. Before the young scholar Xing Qinghou wipes the tears away, with his own sleeves.

Xing Qinghou heaved a sigh, clearing out his thoughts, as all that matters now is the safety and happiness of his daughter Xing Lingfei. Nothing else matters to him.

Xing Lingfei is his daughter, and the one and only blood relative he has left in this world.

However, as time pa.s.ses, Xing Qinghou has grown to see Tang Qing as his own son, and protege. Despite being extremely young, Tang Qing clearly display advanced Intellect, excelling in academic subjects and mathematics, that far exceeds the norm of this world.

It was probably due to the fact that Tang Qing still retain some memories of his previous life, that which help developed his mental processing capability, and thought decisions, comparable to an adult. Enabling himself to become more independent, and less reliance on others.

During his time spent with Xing Qinghou, Tang Qing has been slowly familiarising himself with the knowledge of medicine, herbs, and pills.

Immersed in Xing Qinghou's research and findings, as Tang Qing studies on the many usage of herbs applied to medicine, and how it could be beneficial to the human body.

In Xing Qinghou's eyes, he sees Tang Qing as a hardworking dilligent kid, willing to do anything for money.

Even to the point of doing simple ch.o.r.es for other people to get an allowance. Other kids in the neighbourhood would often pay others to do their ch.o.r.es they simply don't like, or find it too much of a bother to do so themselves.

Though the prices are low, the job that were given isn't really that difficult. Even a child can complete it in under a hour.

Simple task of weeding out the garden. Delivering packages to the clients. Street stalls and vendors. Feeding cattles, etc.

Adding on to the fact that Holy Spirit Village has hundredth of household, and is pretty much a town rather than a large village. There is no shortage of jobs to be done.

Even a child is able to earn a subtle amount of income comparable to a working cla.s.s worker in a day.

Without further thought, Xing Qinghou got up from his workstation, and exits his study room. As he slowly made his way to the backyard.

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With a wave of his palm, the spiritual energy within his surroundings, fluctuates. As spirit power belonging to an early stage Spirit Grandmaster realm erupts from Xing Qinghou's body, like a strong gust of wind, the door is blowned open.

Xing Qinghou slowly walked out fron the house, helding onto the aura of a wise man. Hands clasped behind his back.

As the gust caused by Xing Qinghou's spiritual pressure. It made his hair fluttered gently against the breeze, with a solemn calm look on his face. It made his presence seem all the more awe inspiring.

The sudden gust of wind immediately caught Tang Qing's attention. As he swept a glance away from Xing Lingfei's direction and onto the source of the disturbance.

His eyes immediately light up, gleaming with joy, as he saw the figure Xing Qinghou approaches them from a far.

Tang Qing immediately get up from his resting place, sitting right beside Xing Lingfei.

"Tang Qing, greets teach!"

He cupped his hands together, and bow in front of Xing Qinghou, like that of a master and disciple relations.h.i.+p.

A light smile appeared on Xing Qinghou's face, as he swept a glance between Tang Qing and Xing Lingfei, seeing Xing Lingfei pouty puff cheeks.


He couldn't help but smiled wryly, seeing as how he just ruined the happy easy going atmosphere, between Tang Qing and his daughter. Xing Qinghou coughed lightly to clear his throat.

Cough! Cough! (SFX)

Xing Qinghou lightly coughs, clearing his throat. He took one glance at Xing Lingfei in order to silence her constant whining, and seeking attention.


Xing Lingfei puff out her cheeks, turning slightly red. She looks away, giving Xing Lingfei and Tang Qing the cold shoulder.

'Oh boy.' Tang Qing thought, as he sighs helplessly, looking at the father daughter relations.h.i.+p.

"Tang Qing!" Xing Qinghou called out to Tang Qing, immediately catching his attention.

He proceeded to pull out two s.h.i.+ny silver coins from his sleeves, and gives them to Tang Qing.

With his precise control over his spiritual power, the 2 silver spirit coins are sent flying, cutting across the air like knives. And gently land within the palms of Tang Qing's hand.

The two silver spirit coins landed on top of each other, metal hitting metal, causing a metallic rang.

"Here is your salary for this week. It's approximately around 2 spirit silver coin. That is for helping me take care of the garden whilst I'm away and busy. It also includes the salary in which you deliver medicines to the patient's home."

"Thank you, teach!" Tang Qing said, expressing a joyous occa.s.sion, as a giddy smile appeared on his face.

Just as Tang Qing was about to turn his body around, and take his leave. Xing Qinghou suddenly intervened, calling out Tang Qing's name. He halted his movement in mid swing.

"Wait a minute, Tang Qing!"

Tang Qing turned his body around, eagerly looking at Xing Qinghou's direction. And listening attentively to what his teacher is about to say.

"Don't you want to become my apprentice, Tang Qing? You could stay here alongside with me and Lingfei'er. I could teach you the required knowledge, skill, and techniques to concoct medicine. So that you could succeed me as Holy Spirit Village's Spirit Doctor."

Tang Qing looked at Xing Qinghou earnestly, and smiled bitterly. He sighs deeply, deep down in his heart. He is moved by the words said by Xing Qinghou. Who ensure him of a place and a future path he could follow, but...

"Teacher, I don't want to be a doctor. I want to become a spirit master, to be able to cultivate my martial spirit, and reach great heights by myself."

Xing Qinghou watched hopelessly, as Tang Qing spoke about his dream with burning pa.s.sion. His eyes glittering with admiration, as he revered the existence of spirit masters.

"I see... I could not sway you from choosing the path of becoming a spirit master, like my parents did so with me. I just hope you are aware of the dangers in the long road of becoming a great spirit master." Xing Qinghou sighs hopelessly, as he speak to Tang Qing.

"That said, if my sweet darling daughter Lingfei'er were to awaken with her martial spirit, and tested to possess spirit power. Would you take care of her?" Xing Qinghou gave a meaningful glare, speaking in a soft voice, calmly conveying the message. Expecting an answer.

Tang Qing nodded his head in affirmation. He said his goodbyes with Xing Lingfei, and took his stuff; a bamboo branch, a sack containing fresh golden apples, and two silver spirit coins. He left the facility without uttering another word.